Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.
False both are relative to claim otherwise is wilfully ignorance.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)

The only way that becomes subjective is if you dont use any animal all.
That would make it hypocrisy.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)

The only way that becomes subjective is if you dont use any animal all.
That would make it hypocrisy.

Well, if you read the various threads about the topic, you can see that this is how it is.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.
False both are relative to claim otherwise is wilfully ignorance.

Perhaps if you used proper english your point might have more weight?
Because it sure can't stand on content.
It is if you're a liberal.
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.
Again, you're full of shit.

noun: integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
"I never doubted his integrity"

Honesty is black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. No subjectivity to it.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.
False both are relative to claim otherwise is wilfully ignorance.

Perhaps if you used proper english your point might have more weight?
Because it sure can't stand on content.
Oh no not the proper English ploy again.
Could you be any less original?
Like I said on another thread,,,I believe anyone that hunts a rare animal should be shot.
I believe that anyone who thinks a man that shoots legal game should be shot, should be shot.

But congratulations! You have composed a post with no mention of science or infrastructure.
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.
Again, you're full of shit.

noun: integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
"I never doubted his integrity"

Honesty is black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. No subjectivity to it.
False all human concepts are subject and relative .
Not at
A woman hunter HARPOONED the whale.
No thanks, but maybe next time I stop by Micky D's I'll take you up on that.

Your point ? It still had to be driven to the beach .
Driven towed, whatever. The whale didn't beach itself. Your post implied that the whale beached itself for reasons other than the hunt. You saw a picture and assumed, because NA's are a "protected class" that they were butchering a whale they found dead on a beach somewhere.
As I said, you lack integrity.
Not at all false. You assumed what you wanted and now refuse to admit it. You lack integrity.
Nope it's you who has done all the assuming.
You are not worth my time. I refuse to engage psychopathic liars. You fucked up. Admit it.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.
Again, you're full of shit.

noun: integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
"I never doubted his integrity"

Honesty is black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. No subjectivity to it.
False all human concepts are subject and relative .
In a Liberal's world, perhaps, but 2 + 2 is 4 every time. It is never 3, not even when 3 would get more people to vote for Liberals.
Like I said on another thread,,,I believe anyone that hunts a rare animal should be shot.
I believe that anyone who thinks a man that shoots legal game should be shot, should be shot.

But congratulations! You have composed a post with no mention of science or infrastructure.
Nice dodged neither were nessarry for the point he was making.
None of these defending hunters posts are based on logic and reason .
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.
Again, you're full of shit.

noun: integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
"I never doubted his integrity"

Honesty is black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. No subjectivity to it.
False all human concepts are subject and relative .
In a Liberal's world, perhaps, but 2 + 2 is 4 every time. It is never 3, not even when 3 would get more people to vote for Liberals.
Non sequitur.
Cecil was NOT legal game, Ernie.
List the laws the dentist violated. Produce the indictment. Yes, Grace, it's tragic that a lion named Cecil was killed, but dozens of un-named lions are shot in Zimbabwe every year by foreign hunters who trust safari promoters and guides to give them the opportunity.
If baiting the lion out of the preserve was illegal, (though I've read that it was not) it was the guide that broke the law. If shooting a collared lion was illegal, again, I've read it was not) The guide had a responsibility to see that Cecil had a collar and to tell his client not to shoot.
I know that you see me as a hunter to be cruel. I assure you, I am not. I am more like the classic Native American that celebrates his quarry and sheds a tear on its death.
I really see no good reason for an American dentist to shoot a lion, but the act is legal despite how we feel.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.
Again, you're full of shit.

noun: integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
"I never doubted his integrity"

Honesty is black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. No subjectivity to it.
False all human concepts are subject and relative .
In a Liberal's world, perhaps, but 2 + 2 is 4 every time. It is never 3, not even when 3 would get more people to vote for Liberals.
Non sequitur.
Hilarious! Analogies are not non sequiturs.
Cecil was NOT legal game, Ernie.
List the laws the dentist violated. Produce the indictment. Yes, Grace, it's tragic that a lion named Cecil was killed, but dozens of un-named lions are shot in Zimbabwe every year by foreign hunters who trust safari promoters and guides to give them the opportunity.
If baiting the lion out of the preserve was illegal, (though I've read that it was not) it was the guide that broke the law. If shooting a collared lion was illegal, again, I've read it was not) The guide had a responsibility to see that Cecil had a collar and to tell his client not to shoot.
I know that you see me as a hunter to be cruel. I assure you, I am not. I am more like the classic Native American that celebrates his quarry and sheds a tear on its death.
I really see no good reason for an American dentist to shoot a lion, but the act is legal despite how we feel.

That's a good point because the guides are the ones who hook you up. They are the ones who know their way around and around the local animals. The dentist guy may or may not have known anything about this particular lion other than he was told it was okay to take a shot.

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