Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
I wonder what will happen to this guy if he gets extradited to Zimbabwe?? What kind of punishment does he face? Anyone know?

They'll probably gut him with a knife or throw a burning tire around his neck!

The tire around the neck is what the blacks of Zimbabwe like to do to whites. In this case I agree with them when they do.
Sure you would..... Of course you would likely use the same punishment for people driving SUV's.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.
Again, you're full of shit.

noun: integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
"I never doubted his integrity"

Honesty is black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. No subjectivity to it.
False all human concepts are subject and relative .
In a Liberal's world, perhaps, but 2 + 2 is 4 every time. It is never 3, not even when 3 would get more people to vote for Liberals.
Non sequitur.
Hilarious! Analogies are not non sequiturs.
Wrong again what you posted had zero in common with the subject. It is a classic no sequitur.
I made the mistake of assuming you were relatively intelligent.
Cecil was NOT legal game, Ernie.
List the laws the dentist violated. Produce the indictment. Yes, Grace, it's tragic that a lion named Cecil was killed, but dozens of un-named lions are shot in Zimbabwe every year by foreign hunters who trust safari promoters and guides to give them the opportunity.
If baiting the lion out of the preserve was illegal, (though I've read that it was not) it was the guide that broke the law. If shooting a collared lion was illegal, again, I've read it was not) The guide had a responsibility to see that Cecil had a collar and to tell his client not to shoot.
I know that you see me as a hunter to be cruel. I assure you, I am not. I am more like the classic Native American that celebrates his quarry and sheds a tear on its death.
I really see no good reason for an American dentist to shoot a lion, but the act is legal despite how we feel.

No, I do not see you that way at all, Ernie. know my love of animals, and why this tears me up.

Anywho....look at this vid, then read the rest of it. Cecil was like...posing. "Ok, take yer damn pics. Here is my good side. Ok. Enough. Now here is my other side. Happy now?" and then he saunters away. Magnificent animal. And I fear for Jericho, and all the cubs of Cecils.
What the guy said (the guy that has been tracking him for so many years) is right on the mark.
This dentist knew exactly what was going on. He HAD to have. Getting there to claim his "kill", watching or doing it himself in beheading that stunningly beautiful animal, then skinning it himself or watching his trackers do it (and you KNOW he wanted to do it himself and probably did) and NOT seeing the collar? Come on.

Man who studied Cecil the lion for 9 years talks impact -
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
Ah that's he which begs the question of your reading comprehension .back to the topic
the link didn't say that the whale was killed by the harpoon.
Also those inuit don't have the manpower or the boats tow drag, haul an animal that size on to the beach.
The argument Ernie is trying to make is the could not or would not beach itself trying.. to escape the hunters.
From the link:

The killing of the big cat in early July has unleashed global outrage, sending Palmer into hiding back home in suburban Minneapolis, leading to the arrest of the local hunter he employed, and prompting Zimbabwe's environment minister to say the southern African country would seek Palmer's extradition to face charges.

Stapelkamp shares the anger, not just because of the demise of Cecil. Also because, he said, it's not the first time a lion has been killed illegally around Hwange National Park in northwestern Zimbabwe, a reserve known for its rich wildlife. About a dozen lions in the region were killed illegally in recent years, Stapelkamp said, and no one was caught.

"I think this was just the final straw," Stapelkamp told The Associated Press in a phone interview from the Hwange reserve. "Everyone locally just thought, no ways, we're not letting anyone get away with this anymore."

Cecil had an intriguing story, making him a celebrity in Hwange. He arrived as a kind of lion refugee, alone and wandering after being displaced from another territory. Cecil befriended another male lion, Jericho, and together they grew and watched over two prides, one with three lionesses and seven cubs and another with three lionesses.

Cecil's killing will have an impact on the area, explained Stapelkamp, a field researcher for an Oxford University study on lions.

Jericho may not be able to hold their territory alone and could be chased away by rival lions. Unprotected, the lionesses and cubs would then be under threat and also move away or be killed. Safari operators who invested millions of dollars in the area would lose one of their biggest attractions for tourists.

"They're burning fire breaks. They're grading roads. They're pumping water," Stapelkamp said. "They're spending a lot of money in the management of lions and then someone just draws it across the railway lines having not paid a penny in its management and shoots it and runs away with its skin. It's unacceptable."

Zimbabwe's National Parks and Wildlife Authority said Saturday said it has suspended the hunting of lions, leopards and elephants outside of Hwange National Parks, and that bow and arrow hunts have also been suspended unless they are approved by the authority's director.

The authority also said it is investigating the killing of another lion in April that may have been illegal.

Stapelkamp, unsure of the details of Cecil's killing, described the usual tactics of hunters to draw an animal onto private land and out of the park where it is protected. The two areas are separated by a railway line. Hunters shoot a zebra or giraffe and hang it on a tree; the main bait. They then drag the intestines of that animal, "something that really smells," Stapelkamp said, up and down the park boundary behind a vehicle. Sometimes they'll even play the sounds of a dying buffalo over a loudspeaker to attract a lion.

The lion "comes across that scent trail and it leads him straight to this bait," Stapelkamp said. "It rushes in for a free meal and they're waiting ... and they kill him like that."

Even on private land, this hunt was still illegal, Stapelkamp said, because no hunting quotas for lions were issued in the region this year. Legal hunts do happen, he said, but only after authorities consult with ecologists and decide that it won't adversely affect the area.

This didn't happen with Cecil, Stapelkamp said, and he doesn't believe Palmer's story that he trusted his professional guide to ensure a legal hunt.

"He's a well-educated man, he's got a lot of resources," Stapelkamp said. "You could do your homework. Due diligence. You would know that you're hunting in a controversial area. You've got a GPS you could have in your pocket and you have a look at the map, and you say, 'listen, friend, I think we're in the wrong area.' There's no excuse."

Palmer came "with the intention of getting the biggest lion that he could and getting out. And he got caught," Stapelkamp said.
Cecil was NOT legal game, Ernie.
List the laws the dentist violated. Produce the indictment. Yes, Grace, it's tragic that a lion named Cecil was killed, but dozens of un-named lions are shot in Zimbabwe every year by foreign hunters who trust safari promoters and guides to give them the opportunity.
If baiting the lion out of the preserve was illegal, (though I've read that it was not) it was the guide that broke the law. If shooting a collared lion was illegal, again, I've read it was not) The guide had a responsibility to see that Cecil had a collar and to tell his client not to shoot.
I know that you see me as a hunter to be cruel. I assure you, I am not. I am more like the classic Native American that celebrates his quarry and sheds a tear on its death.
I really see no good reason for an American dentist to shoot a lion, but the act is legal despite how we feel.

No, I do not see you that way at all, Ernie. know my love of animals, and why this tears me up.

Anywho....look at this vid, then read the rest of it. Cecil was like...posing. "Ok, take yer damn pics. Here is my good side. Ok. Enough. Now here is my other side. Happy now?" and then he saunters away. Magnificent animal. And I fear for Jericho, and all the cubs of Cecils.
What the guy said (the guy that has been tracking him for so many years) is right on the mark.
This dentist knew exactly what was going on. He HAD to have. Getting there to claim his "kill", watching or doing it himself in beheading that stunningly beautiful animal, then skinning it himself or watching his trackers do it (and you KNOW he wanted to do it himself and probably did) and NOT seeing the collar? Come on.

Man who studied Cecil the lion for 9 years talks impact -

Yeah, that's really sad. Terribly unethical, IMO.
That's some real bravery, ain't it? Wait for the lion to take the bait, then shoot it. Doing what this guy did is no different than people who think using Rhino horns will give them bigger peckers.
It's pretty desperate to attack a candidate based on what's going on with his adult sons. Don't you have any real dirt?
Do a side by side comparison of what Trump has been saying and what Hitler said when running for the German Workers Party. If you do a bit of research on Hitler, and pay closer attention to what Trump is saying--especially his 2011 remarks about invading the Middle East and taking over the oil fields (Bismarck/Germany-ish)... it is quite interesting.
Hitler s Rise to Power
The History Place - Rise of Hitler Germans Elect Nazis
A list of the Donald's accomplishments.
Complete List - Top 10 Donald Trump Failures - TIME
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.
False both are relative to claim otherwise is wilfully ignorance.

Perhaps if you used proper english your point might have more weight?
Because it sure can't stand on content.
Oh no not the proper English ploy again.
Could you be any less original?

Hey,you wanna use the lowest common denominator I can as well.
Cecil was NOT legal game, Ernie.
List the laws the dentist violated. Produce the indictment. Yes, Grace, it's tragic that a lion named Cecil was killed, but dozens of un-named lions are shot in Zimbabwe every year by foreign hunters who trust safari promoters and guides to give them the opportunity.
If baiting the lion out of the preserve was illegal, (though I've read that it was not) it was the guide that broke the law. If shooting a collared lion was illegal, again, I've read it was not) The guide had a responsibility to see that Cecil had a collar and to tell his client not to shoot.
I know that you see me as a hunter to be cruel. I assure you, I am not. I am more like the classic Native American that celebrates his quarry and sheds a tear on its death.
I really see no good reason for an American dentist to shoot a lion, but the act is legal despite how we feel.

No, I do not see you that way at all, Ernie. know my love of animals, and why this tears me up.

Anywho....look at this vid, then read the rest of it. Cecil was like...posing. "Ok, take yer damn pics. Here is my good side. Ok. Enough. Now here is my other side. Happy now?" and then he saunters away. Magnificent animal. And I fear for Jericho, and all the cubs of Cecils.
What the guy said (the guy that has been tracking him for so many years) is right on the mark.
This dentist knew exactly what was going on. He HAD to have. Getting there to claim his "kill", watching or doing it himself in beheading that stunningly beautiful animal, then skinning it himself or watching his trackers do it (and you KNOW he wanted to do it himself and probably did) and NOT seeing the collar? Come on.

Man who studied Cecil the lion for 9 years talks impact -
He most assuredly did see the collar, after he killed the animal. I doubt strongly that the man knew he was aiming at a lion with a name. He surely would not have placed himself in this controversy knowingly.

Everything else is just emotions. I do respect your reverence for animals. I share it. I hate wounding an animal. I have spent hours on my hands and knees tracking wounded game. I have broken laws to relieve a wounded, infected deer of it's misery and shed tears over it.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
Ah that's he which begs the question of your reading comprehension .back to the topic
the link didn't say that the whale was killed by the harpoon.
Also those inuit don't have the manpower or the boats tow drag, haul an animal that size on to the beach.
The argument Ernie is trying to make is the could not or would not beach itself trying.. to escape the hunters.
Your implication was that the hunters came upon a beached whale. Deny it all you want. You were wrong and refuse to acknowledge that.
Cecil was NOT legal game, Ernie.
List the laws the dentist violated. Produce the indictment. Yes, Grace, it's tragic that a lion named Cecil was killed, but dozens of un-named lions are shot in Zimbabwe every year by foreign hunters who trust safari promoters and guides to give them the opportunity.
If baiting the lion out of the preserve was illegal, (though I've read that it was not) it was the guide that broke the law. If shooting a collared lion was illegal, again, I've read it was not) The guide had a responsibility to see that Cecil had a collar and to tell his client not to shoot.
I know that you see me as a hunter to be cruel. I assure you, I am not. I am more like the classic Native American that celebrates his quarry and sheds a tear on its death.
I really see no good reason for an American dentist to shoot a lion, but the act is legal despite how we feel.

No, I do not see you that way at all, Ernie. know my love of animals, and why this tears me up.

Anywho....look at this vid, then read the rest of it. Cecil was like...posing. "Ok, take yer damn pics. Here is my good side. Ok. Enough. Now here is my other side. Happy now?" and then he saunters away. Magnificent animal. And I fear for Jericho, and all the cubs of Cecils.
What the guy said (the guy that has been tracking him for so many years) is right on the mark.
This dentist knew exactly what was going on. He HAD to have. Getting there to claim his "kill", watching or doing it himself in beheading that stunningly beautiful animal, then skinning it himself or watching his trackers do it (and you KNOW he wanted to do it himself and probably did) and NOT seeing the collar? Come on.

Man who studied Cecil the lion for 9 years talks impact -

Surely you understand that no one is happy about Cecil getting killed.
In fact I'm sure the guy who paid 55k to shoot a lion was thrilled...right up until he found out Cecil was from a game preserve.
I can tell you from experience that hunters dont willfully break the law in most cases,in fact I have operation game thief on speed dial as do most Texas sportsman.
I'm going to give you a basic white person viewpoint that may help you in future interactions...
The reason that white people dont get into trouble with the law as frequently as other demographics? Because we have something to lose that we've spent our whole lives building.
No one in their right mind would give up what that dentist had,and the fact that he built a practice that allowed him to pay 55k to hunt a lion tells me he knows how to avoid risks that might hurt his practice.
Only people who have nothing to lose do something that stupid.
That's some real bravery, ain't it? Wait for the lion to take the bait, then shoot it. Doing what this guy did is no different than people who think using Rhino horns will give them bigger peckers.

You have to blame the guides,not the hunter.
Unless of course it can be proven he knew about the whole set up..then they need to punish him to the fullest extent of the law.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
Ah that's he which begs the question of your reading comprehension .back to the topic
the link didn't say that the whale was killed by the harpoon.
Also those inuit don't have the manpower or the boats tow drag, haul an animal that size on to the beach.
The argument Ernie is trying to make is the could not or would not beach itself trying.. to escape the hunters.

Are you this stupid all the time?
You cant use a boat to drag an animal up on the beach...well you can but I doubt you can figure out how.
But really that has nothing to do with how they get the animal on the beach.
You see there's this thing called low tide and high tide......
That's some real bravery, ain't it? Wait for the lion to take the bait, then shoot it. Doing what this guy did is no different than people who think using Rhino horns will give them bigger peckers.

You have to blame the guides,not the hunter.
Unless of course it can be proven he knew about the whole set up..then they need to punish him to the fullest extent of the law.
This guy pays 50k to kill a lion....and does NOT be there to claim his kill to get the head and skin? Come ON!!
That's some real bravery, ain't it? Wait for the lion to take the bait, then shoot it. Doing what this guy did is no different than people who think using Rhino horns will give them bigger peckers.

You have to blame the guides,not the hunter.
Unless of course it can be proven he knew about the whole set up..then they need to punish him to the fullest extent of the law.
This guy pays 50k to kill a lion....and does NOT be there to claim his kill to get the head and skin? Come ON!!

Well if he found out after the fact can you blame him?
Personally I'd want to get out of the country pronto before I got hung by some third world kangaroo court.

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