Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.
False both are relative to claim otherwise is wilfully ignorance.

Perhaps if you used proper english your point might have more weight?
Because it sure can't stand on content.
Oh no not the proper English ploy again.
Could you be any less original?

Hey,you wanna use the lowest common denominator I can as well.
Non sequitur.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
Ah that's he which begs the question of your reading comprehension .back to the topic
the link didn't say that the whale was killed by the harpoon.
Also those inuit don't have the manpower or the boats tow drag, haul an animal that size on to the beach.
The argument Ernie is trying to make is the could not or would not beach itself trying.. to escape the hunters.
Your implication was that the hunters came upon a beached whale. Deny it all you want. You were wrong and refuse to acknowledge that.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
Ah that's he which begs the question of your reading comprehension .back to the topic
the link didn't say that the whale was killed by the harpoon.
Also those inuit don't have the manpower or the boats tow drag, haul an animal that size on to the beach.
The argument Ernie is trying to make is the could not or would not beach itself trying.. to escape the hunters.

Are you this stupid all the time?
You cant use a boat to drag an animal up on the beach...well you can but I doubt you can figure out how.
But really that has nothing to do with how they get the animal on the beach.
You see there's this thing called low tide and high tide......
Keys there is no"basic white person's opinion "
Your opinions, such as they are, are based on culture and experience.
To attempt to speak as the arbetor of all white people is pretentious
That's some real bravery, ain't it? Wait for the lion to take the bait, then shoot it. Doing what this guy did is no different than people who think using Rhino horns will give them bigger peckers.

You have to blame the guides,not the hunter.
Unless of course it can be proven he knew about the whole set up..then they need to punish him to the fullest extent of the law.
This guy pays 50k to kill a lion....and does NOT be there to claim his kill to get the head and skin? Come ON!!
I would imagine that once he saw the collar, he and the guide freaked out. I see the guide saying hurry and cape it so we can get the F out of here. You don't pack a lion's head in your carry on, I would suppose that the head and cape were to be shipped and once the shit hit the fan, that was out of the question.
To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.
False both are relative to claim otherwise is wilfully ignorance.

Perhaps if you used proper english your point might have more weight?
Because it sure can't stand on content.
Oh no not the proper English ploy again.
Could you be any less original?

Hey,you wanna use the lowest common denominator I can as well.
Non sequitur.
No argument, huh?
To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
Ah that's he which begs the question of your reading comprehension .back to the topic
the link didn't say that the whale was killed by the harpoon.
Also those inuit don't have the manpower or the boats tow drag, haul an animal that size on to the beach.
The argument Ernie is trying to make is the could not or would not beach itself trying.. to escape the hunters.
Your implication was that the hunters came upon a beached whale. Deny it all you want. You were wrong and refuse to acknowledge that.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
I'm done with you. You're a lying sack of shit.
False both are relative to claim otherwise is wilfully ignorance.

Perhaps if you used proper english your point might have more weight?
Because it sure can't stand on content.
Oh no not the proper English ploy again.
Could you be any less original?

Hey,you wanna use the lowest common denominator I can as well.
Non sequitur.
No argument, huh?
Nothing to argue .
Well that's not the case with something like hunting. Some people have a big problem with it and other people do not. That would probably make it subjective, and I doubt if most hunters are sociopaths, even though some people might think that they are. :)
The integrity discussion is not about the morality of hunting, Chris. It's about Daw's claim that inuits in a posted photo were butchering a whale that beached itself.
After being presented with proof that the whale was harpooned, she fails to see the difference between a whale harpooned at sea and dragged or driven ashore and one that beached itself.
Ah that's he which begs the question of your reading comprehension .back to the topic
the link didn't say that the whale was killed by the harpoon.
Also those inuit don't have the manpower or the boats tow drag, haul an animal that size on to the beach.
The argument Ernie is trying to make is the could not or would not beach itself trying.. to escape the hunters.
Your implication was that the hunters came upon a beached whale. Deny it all you want. You were wrong and refuse to acknowledge that.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
I'm done with you. You're a lying sack of shit.
That's the 2nd time you've said that.
I'm gonna scroll by all threads that even HINT of PP or Cecil cuz I know they will be one and the same.
Oh look fakotas eskimo cousins

No fucking difference, I call this whale Federico and I made an emotional connection to him, and I'm righteous in being outraged by this whales death


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
When are you going to be outraged by the hobby of catching innocent butterflies and putting pins in them? Let's start naming the butterflies so you can create some sort of "emotional" Connection.

Big game hunting at least kills man eating animals. You wouldn't nearly be outraged if it was a Democrat. I would guess Obama's family in Kenya kill them too.
I wonder what will happen to this guy if he gets extradited to Zimbabwe?? What kind of punishment does he face? Anyone know?

They'll probably gut him with a knife or throw a burning tire around his neck!

The tire around the neck is what the blacks of Zimbabwe like to do to whites. In this case I agree with them when they do.
Oh Matthew I know you do, but more importantly kill off the population of Africa because they can't pay back the IMF, and after all we are about to be fucked by CO2
We hope children are a reflection of their upbringing, but that's not always the case--not that I condone killing exotic endangered species for the sheer hell of it, mind you.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
When are you going to be outraged by the hobby of catching innocent butterflies and putting pins in them? Let's start naming the butterflies so you can create some sort of "emotional" Connection.

Big game hunting at least kills man eating animals. You wouldn't nearly be outraged if it was a Democrat. I would guess Obama's family in Kenya kill them too.
Man eaters ?
You are more likely to be struck by lighting twice in the same day, in the same place than being killed and eaten by a large preditor.

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