Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

Killing is killing. Unless one is a hunter they don't understand
Bullshit. Unless you're using all of the kill it's murder .
my dad taught me to hunt .
hen you must be appalled at how the Plains Indians "hunted" Buffalo, the created a situation to drive hundreds over a cliff and then chose which ones to use for meat and clothing leaving MUCH MORE to rot in the sun
Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
lassy is ok, you two have more in common then you know.

I have no respect for anyone like her who routinely engages in hateful personal attacks instead of addressing thread topics.
I have no respect for anyone who says, "skank stink". I have no respect for fake injuns. I have no respect for socialists, liars, baby killers, thieves or lay abouts.
Zimbabwe doesn't seem to mind, though. To them, its income to charge so much to kill off their animals. Wonder what they will do when none are left to hunt?
Zimbabwe can't afford to build a bridge, where do you think all the money for wildlife conservation comes from?? And yes NA hunt for food, and for tradition which I commend them for that, I believe much the same. They also are one of people allowed in the world to hunt the also very endangered blue whale. How do y'all feel about that?
There are plenty of people helping in wildlife conservation WITHOUT killing off what little is left as a trophy for their wall.
NA's hunt for FOOD. What part of that do you not get? FOOD. You know..EAT. And they use the whole body of the animal. What Trumps sons do, and that dentist, AND Palin from her helicopter to shoot wolves, is to have a trophy hunt where the animal just hangs on a wall. NOT eaten. NOT used. Just bragging rights which are pretty empty since they have to hunt at night, with weapons in sneak attacks. Hell, why not just shoot the animal while in a cage? No difference. And no respect for the animal that died for THEIR amusement.
You are an idiot. Keep proving it.
Off topic..sorta...but I just read on the news that Zimbabwe finally got off their asses and are now asking for the dentist to be extradited back there for trial. About fucking time.
What are the charges?

Show me the charges.

Dentist Walter Palmer may also be guilty of more crimes than poaching.

A bilateral extradition treaty between the U.S. and Zimbabwe has been in effect since April 2000. The treaty applies to anyone charged with or convicted of "an extraditable offense," which is defined as "one punishable under the laws of both Contracting States by deprivation of liberty for a period of more than one year or by a more severe penalty."

The idea of being punishable in both countries is called "dual criminality" -- or, in plain language, means that what Palmer did in Zimbabwe would also have to be illegal in the United States, explains Jens David Ohlin, a Cornell law professor who is an expert in international and criminal law. Ohlin thinks that rule "seems pretty easily satisfiable" in this case.

Eric T. Freyfogle, a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign law professor who specializes in wildlife law, agrees. "The general type of conduct involved -- unlawful poaching of big game -- is certainly a crime in the U.S.," he said.

Freyfogle added that Palmer's alleged conduct could subject him to a number of other federal and state criminal provisions, among them animal cruelty laws and the Lacey Act, which "makes it a federal crime to 'purchase in interstate or foreign commerce' any wildlife taken in violation of any foreign law."

Slate points out that Palmer might also have violated U.S. anti-bribery laws.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a statement on Wednesday that the agency "is deeply concerned about the recent killing of Cecil the lion. We are currently gathering facts about the issue and will assist Zimbabwe officials in whatever manner requested."

For his part, Palmer -- who was fined $3,000 and given a year of probation after pleading guilty to illegally killing a black bear outside a permitted zone in 2006 -- said in a statement on Tuesday that he "had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite."

More: Dentist Who Killed Cecil The Lion Could Be Extradited To Zimbabwe
Lakota how do you feel about NA hunting blue whales while you're on your high horse?
Off topic..sorta...but I just read on the news that Zimbabwe finally got off their asses and are now asking for the dentist to be extradited back there for trial. About fucking time.
What are the charges?

Show me the charges.

Dentist Walter Palmer may also be guilty of more crimes than poaching.

A bilateral extradition treaty between the U.S. and Zimbabwe has been in effect since April 2000. The treaty applies to anyone charged with or convicted of "an extraditable offense," which is defined as "one punishable under the laws of both Contracting States by deprivation of liberty for a period of more than one year or by a more severe penalty."

The idea of being punishable in both countries is called "dual criminality" -- or, in plain language, means that what Palmer did in Zimbabwe would also have to be illegal in the United States, explains Jens David Ohlin, a Cornell law professor who is an expert in international and criminal law. Ohlin thinks that rule "seems pretty easily satisfiable" in this case.

Eric T. Freyfogle, a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign law professor who specializes in wildlife law, agrees. "The general type of conduct involved -- unlawful poaching of big game -- is certainly a crime in the U.S.," he said.

Freyfogle added that Palmer's alleged conduct could subject him to a number of other federal and state criminal provisions, among them animal cruelty laws and the Lacey Act, which "makes it a federal crime to 'purchase in interstate or foreign commerce' any wildlife taken in violation of any foreign law."

Slate points out that Palmer might also have violated U.S. anti-bribery laws.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a statement on Wednesday that the agency "is deeply concerned about the recent killing of Cecil the lion. We are currently gathering facts about the issue and will assist Zimbabwe officials in whatever manner requested."

For his part, Palmer -- who was fined $3,000 and given a year of probation after pleading guilty to illegally killing a black bear outside a permitted zone in 2006 -- said in a statement on Tuesday that he "had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite."

More: Dentist Who Killed Cecil The Lion Could Be Extradited To Zimbabwe
Might might might. List the actual charges in the indictment.
Off topic..sorta...but I just read on the news that Zimbabwe finally got off their asses and are now asking for the dentist to be extradited back there for trial. About fucking time.
What are the charges?

Show me the charges.

Dentist Walter Palmer may also be guilty of more crimes than poaching.

A bilateral extradition treaty between the U.S. and Zimbabwe has been in effect since April 2000. The treaty applies to anyone charged with or convicted of "an extraditable offense," which is defined as "one punishable under the laws of both Contracting States by deprivation of liberty for a period of more than one year or by a more severe penalty."

The idea of being punishable in both countries is called "dual criminality" -- or, in plain language, means that what Palmer did in Zimbabwe would also have to be illegal in the United States, explains Jens David Ohlin, a Cornell law professor who is an expert in international and criminal law. Ohlin thinks that rule "seems pretty easily satisfiable" in this case.

Eric T. Freyfogle, a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign law professor who specializes in wildlife law, agrees. "The general type of conduct involved -- unlawful poaching of big game -- is certainly a crime in the U.S.," he said.

Freyfogle added that Palmer's alleged conduct could subject him to a number of other federal and state criminal provisions, among them animal cruelty laws and the Lacey Act, which "makes it a federal crime to 'purchase in interstate or foreign commerce' any wildlife taken in violation of any foreign law."

Slate points out that Palmer might also have violated U.S. anti-bribery laws.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a statement on Wednesday that the agency "is deeply concerned about the recent killing of Cecil the lion. We are currently gathering facts about the issue and will assist Zimbabwe officials in whatever manner requested."

For his part, Palmer -- who was fined $3,000 and given a year of probation after pleading guilty to illegally killing a black bear outside a permitted zone in 2006 -- said in a statement on Tuesday that he "had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite."

More: Dentist Who Killed Cecil The Lion Could Be Extradited To Zimbabwe
Might might might. List the actual charges in the indictment.

Maybe if you took Allen West's cock out of your mouth you could do some research for yourself.
Neither are rich white dentists.
White? It's about race now? Would this all have been OK if the dentist was black?

Funny shit there Daws
There is no difference .
You played the race card, not me.
False you wilfully misinterpreted it that way
to bolster your untenable position.
True. You said "Neither are rich white dentists."
You played, either consciously or unconsciously, the race card as is the style of Liberals wanting to shift blame away from their failures and immorality.
Only in your wettest dreams.
Lakota how do you feel about NA hunting blue whales while you're on your high horse?

What's the problem? Are they using whaling ships - or are they doing it the old-fashion way?
The dentist used a bow and arrow? Besides I didn't think that that was your standard, at least be consistent. Blue whale for sport, leopard/elephant for sport.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

Yeah..her ancestors drove millions of bison over cliffs by setting the prairie on fire.
There were huge piles of bones at the most popular cliffs.
They called em buffalo jumps.
Yours did the same in Europe not too many years before .
then they invented the camberpot and tossed the contents out of any handy window, and you say the native Americans were savages.

Link me up....
Do your own home work.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

Killing is killing. Unless one is a hunter they don't understand
Bullshit. Unless you're using all of the kill it's murder .
my dad taught me to hunt .
hen you must be appalled at how the Plains Indians "hunted" Buffalo, the created a situation to drive hundreds over a cliff and then chose which ones to use for meat and clothing leaving MUCH MORE to rot in the sun
False all of the buffalo was used you've seen too many John Wayne movies.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

Killing is killing. Unless one is a hunter they don't understand
im sorry killing anything to put its head up on the wall is kinda morbid....

We'll have to agree to disagree. I've been on coyote hunts, the sole purpose was to kill, eradicate a varmint
a friend of mine has a house in Norco Ca...people there have ranch style houses with livestock,they shoot and kill Coyotes all the time....but they dont do it just to put a head on the wall....there is a difference....
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

No they didnt,they drove hundreds of bison over cliffs and took the best and let the rest rot.
did they do it just to put their heads up in their TP's or did they eat and use most of the rest of the beasties? know dam well the indians hunted for food and skins...what does a "big game" hunter hunt for? you want me to dumb that down for you?.....
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

Yeah..her ancestors drove millions of bison over cliffs by setting the prairie on fire.
There were huge piles of bones at the most popular cliffs.
They called em buffalo jumps.
Yours did the same in Europe not too many years before .
then they invented the camberpot and tossed the contents out of any handy window, and you say the native Americans were savages.

Link me up....
Do your own home work.

Says the guy who pulls shit out of his bunghole.....
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

No they didnt,they drove hundreds of bison over cliffs and took the best and let the rest rot.
did they do it just to put their heads up in their TP's or did they eat and use most of the rest of the beasties? know dam well the indians hunted for food and skins...what does a "big game" hunter hunt for? you want me to dumb that down for you?.....
Uh huh and the blue whales native Americans get to hunt are totally not for sport and tradition?
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

Killing is killing. Unless one is a hunter they don't understand
im sorry killing anything to put its head up on the wall is kinda morbid....
I have a bear skin rug. I ate its donor Is that morbid? To you, perhaps, but to me it is a more useful trophy that the one I have for bowling.
Should I have just tossed the skin like it was garbage? I think it preferable to honor the bear and the experience by giving it a place in my home.
you said you ate the bear.....did this guy plan on eating this lion?....did he eat that rhino?....there is a difference Ernie....killing some animal just so you can have its head on your wall is just a tad guys are starting to defend hunters who give give hunters a bad name just because the basterd is a Brother in laws older brother is a big game hunter,he has a wing in his house with at least 15 animals he shot and killed in Africa,he belongs to the same "club" this guy does,my Bro in law was over his house and asked him what he thought about this,he said i hate to say it because he is one of us....but this guy fucked up....he wanted that lion,he was stupid and gave BGH's world wide a black eye....he said these guys know where and what they are hunting....this man was no rookie hunter....i know personal anecdotes,tough everyone has them.....
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

Killing is killing. Unless one is a hunter they don't understand
im sorry killing anything to put its head up on the wall is kinda morbid....
I have a bear skin rug. I ate its donor Is that morbid? To you, perhaps, but to me it is a more useful trophy that the one I have for bowling.
Should I have just tossed the skin like it was garbage? I think it preferable to honor the bear and the experience by giving it a place in my home.
you said you ate the bear.....did this guy plan on eating this lion?....did he eat that rhino?....there is a difference Ernie....killing some animal just so you can have its head on your wall is just a tad guys are starting to defend hunters who give give hunters a bad name just because the basterd is a Brother in laws older brother is a big game hunter,he has a wing in his house with at least 15 animals he shot and killed in Africa,he belongs to the same "club" this guy does,my Bro in law was over his house and asked him what he thought about this,he said i hate to say it because he is one of us....but this guy fucked up....he wanted that lion,he was stupid and gave BGH's world wide a black eye....he said these guys know where and what they are hunting....this man was no rookie hunter....i know personal anecdotes,tough everyone has them.....
I'm not defending this guy, he had to cheat. I have no problem with trophies, why should we? The lion/bear/deer is dead. The issue is this guy is a white dentist from America, never mind the poachers who do this all the time. It's sad that when media tugs the chain, people will do their duty and express outrage over animals, and shrug their shoulders at a major genocide, sex slave trade, and an orphaned baby blown up to demonstrate bomb making by Isis. Sounds to me like people are being taught what to think, not how to think

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