Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
I doubt your full or most NA, I've been to the Navajo res 3 times now, and they all love hunting. It's part of their... And every human culture throughout history
Oh. so you have been to a rez and therefore know their culture, eh? Yes, they hunt. For FOOD. Not for trophies.
Haha no they took me coyote hunting, because coyotes are dicks, not for food
I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
I doubt your full or most NA, I've been to the Navajo res 3 times now, and they all love hunting. It's part of their... And every human culture throughout history
I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
I doubt your full or most NA, I've been to the Navajo res 3 times now, and they all love hunting. It's part of their... And every human culture throughout history

Fauxahontas would have shot himself in the foot with his bow and arrow

Oink. Oink. Isn't it time to go eat your slop?

Yawn....our 10 year old twins have better insults. They are also eons ahead of what you can ever hope to become. They know they are owed nothing and are preparing to take life on. Something you should have done instead of bawling about your circumstances your entire life

Maybe you should be spending more time with them...

Maybe you should stay out of things that don't concern you, loon. How's that? LOL Like I'd ever take advice from you? The Mexicans we hire to take care of the lawn are smarter than you....harder working also


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Are they breaking any laws? No.

Is PP breaking any laws harvesting the flesh, organs and pieces of babies? Yes.

Go pound sand, bubble head.

No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

Who gives a fuck what they do? No one.


Their daddy is - and he supports their blood sport.

Zimbabwe doesn't seem to mind, though. To them, its income to charge so much to kill off their animals. Wonder what they will do when none are left to hunt?
Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
I doubt your full or most NA, I've been to the Navajo res 3 times now, and they all love hunting. It's part of their... And every human culture throughout history
Oh. so you have been to a rez and therefore know their culture, eh? Yes, they hunt. For FOOD. Not for trophies.
Haha no they took me coyote hunting, because coyotes are dicks, not for food
Coyotes kill their chickens and livestock. They don't hunt them to hang their head on a wall. Although they may use their skins for ceremonies. Apples and oranges. This guy lured a beloved lion out of a PROTECTED area because he wanted to have a hard dick while bragging to his friends he bagged a lion. Then he tried to lie about his involvement that he "didn't know". This lion was not old, sick, or needed to be culled.
I hope the fucker suffers for a long LONG time and anyone that does what this asshole did for shits and grins are sickos too.
Zimbabwe doesn't seem to mind, though. To them, its income to charge so much to kill off their animals. Wonder what they will do when none are left to hunt?
Zimbabwe can't afford to build a bridge, where do you think all the money for wildlife conservation comes from?? And yes NA hunt for food, and for tradition which I commend them for that, I believe much the same. They also are one of people allowed in the world to hunt the also very endangered blue whale. How do y'all feel about that?
If what the Trump boys were doing was ILLEGAL, like PP harvesting body parts from babies, then this story MIGHT have some legs, but what they're doing is LEGAL, so all this story does is emphasize how DESPERATE the BAT SHIT CRAZY LEFT is to TAKE TRUMP DOWN, he scares the holy living FUCK otta these progtards, and ya know... I LOVE IT!


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Are they breaking any laws? No.

Is PP breaking any laws harvesting the flesh, organs and pieces of babies? Yes.

Go pound sand, bubble head.

No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
I doubt your full or most NA, I've been to the Navajo res 3 times now, and they all love hunting. It's part of their... And every human culture throughout history
Oh. so you have been to a rez and therefore know their culture, eh? Yes, they hunt. For FOOD. Not for trophies.
Haha no they took me coyote hunting, because coyotes are dicks, not for food


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Are they breaking any laws? No.

Is PP breaking any laws harvesting the flesh, organs and pieces of babies? Yes.

Go pound sand, bubble head.

No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here, and so does everyone else. You're not fooling ANYONE.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.
Zimbabwe doesn't seem to mind, though. To them, its income to charge so much to kill off their animals. Wonder what they will do when none are left to hunt?
Zimbabwe can't afford to build a bridge, where do you think all the money for wildlife conservation comes from?? And yes NA hunt for food, and for tradition which I commend them for that, I believe much the same. They also are one of people allowed in the world to hunt the also very endangered blue whale. How do y'all feel about that?
There are plenty of people helping in wildlife conservation WITHOUT killing off what little is left as a trophy for their wall.
NA's hunt for FOOD. What part of that do you not get? FOOD. You know..EAT. And they use the whole body of the animal. What Trumps sons do, and that dentist, AND Palin from her helicopter to shoot wolves, is to have a trophy hunt where the animal just hangs on a wall. NOT eaten. NOT used. Just bragging rights which are pretty empty since they have to hunt at night, with weapons in sneak attacks. Hell, why not just shoot the animal while in a cage? No difference. And no respect for the animal that died for THEIR amusement.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Are they breaking any laws? No.

Is PP breaking any laws harvesting the flesh, organs and pieces of babies? Yes.

Go pound sand, bubble head.

No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.

Please take your dead fetus shit to another thread.
You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
lassy is ok, you two have more in common then you know.
You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?
A functioning brain cell?

Oh my, oh dear, Pee-wee is on board. Please share your great wisdom with us mere mortals.
My time is too valuable to waste on your amoeba like intellect.
If what the Trump boys were doing was ILLEGAL, like PP harvesting body parts from babies, then this story MIGHT have some legs, but what they're doing is LEGAL, so all this story does is emphasize how DESPERATE the BAT SHIT CRAZY LEFT is to TAKE TRUMP DOWN, he scares the holy living FUCK otta these progtards, and ya know... I LOVE IT!
Wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Are they breaking any laws? No.

Is PP breaking any laws harvesting the flesh, organs and pieces of babies? Yes.

Go pound sand, bubble head.

No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here, and so does everyone else. You're not fooling ANYONE.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.
Lets not, since it has nothing to do with body parts of babies. Dayum. Talk about desperate to wag the dog.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Did they bag a tiger in Africa too?
Tigers aren't native to Africa.
Neither are rich white dentists.
White? It's about race now? Would this all have been OK if the dentist was black?

Funny shit there Daws
There is no difference .
You played the race card, not me.
Are they breaking any laws? No.

Is PP breaking any laws harvesting the flesh, organs and pieces of babies? Yes.

Go pound sand, bubble head.

No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.

Please take your dead fetus shit to another thread.
Aaaaaaawwwww... is changing the subject going to screw up your DESPERATE attempt to SMEAR TRUMP?

HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... you fucking jack asses are just mind numbing STUPID.
Are they breaking any laws? No.

Is PP breaking any laws harvesting the flesh, organs and pieces of babies? Yes.

Go pound sand, bubble head.

No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here, and so does everyone else. You're not fooling ANYONE.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.
Lets not, since it has nothing to do with body parts of babies. Dayum. Talk about desperate to wag the dog.
That was an amazingly IGNORANT thing to say, Gracie.
No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here, and so does everyone else. You're not fooling ANYONE.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.
Lets not, since it has nothing to do with body parts of babies. Dayum. Talk about desperate to wag the dog.
That was an amazingly IGNORANT thing to say, Gracie.
How so?

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