Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

nah this is not bergdahl, I hunt but just for deer and wild Turkey, I never fantasized about killing big game, that's just gross to try to kill a magnificent animal like a lion , a elephant a bear etc...etc...
Explain the difference between hunting deer an bear besides the fact that a bear can kill you. Does that make it "magnificent"?
Deer a plentiful and good eating, bear is a trophy game. Dumb ass you should know
Deer are plentiful because we killed all the apex preditors.
Not yet, but Planned Parenthood is working on it
Fetuses are not apex anything
Opinions are like assholes. The fact that out opinions differ, makes neither wrong. The fact that abortion snuffs out an unborn human does not put you on the moral high ground you think it does.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all for skin and sport - and to destroy our food source.
Sorry Lakota, that's the one thing that baffles me in history, why did asshole white guys just take pot shots at buffalo from trains while holding the bible?
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all.

You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

Yeah..her ancestors drove millions of bison over cliffs by setting the prairie on fire.
There were huge piles of bones at the most popular cliffs.
They called em buffalo jumps.
Yours did the same in Europe not too many years before .
then they invented the camberpot and tossed the contents out of any handy window, and you say the native Americans were savages.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Did they bag a tiger in Africa too?
Tigers aren't native to Africa.
Explain the difference between hunting deer an bear besides the fact that a bear can kill you. Does that make it "magnificent"?
Deer a plentiful and good eating, bear is a trophy game. Dumb ass you should know
Deer are plentiful because we killed all the apex preditors.
Not yet, but Planned Parenthood is working on it
Fetuses are not apex anything
Opinions are like assholes. The fact that out opinions differ, makes neither wrong. The fact that abortion snuffs out an unborn human does not put you on the moral high ground you think it does.
Morality is subjective .
Lakota identifies with animals more than humans, after all animals don't have differing opinions, and people are easier to hate. Especially when dehumanized, it's easier to make a stink about a lion that nobody ever heard of that you personify as majestic, even though that same lion killed and ate more cubs than the dentist ever shot. Yea that dentist was a jerk and had no honor with his kill. But when your making a bigger stink over animals dying over humans, you got a problem with your moral compass, and a problem with not seeing people as people
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all for skin and sport - and to destroy our food source.
Sorry Lakota, that's the one thing that baffles me in history, why did asshole white guys just take pot shots at buffalo from trains while holding the bible?

Just imagine how many on this board would do the same thing today if they could. Just imagine...
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all for skin and sport - and to destroy our food source.
Sorry Lakota, that's the one thing that baffles me in history, why did asshole white guys just take pot shots at buffalo from trains while holding the bible?

Just imagine how many on this board would do the same thing today if they could. Just imagine...
I know, for some reason I don't know why I am a rare white guy.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Did they bag a tiger in Africa too?
Tigers aren't native to Africa.
Neither are rich white dentists.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all.

You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Did they bag a tiger in Africa too?
Tigers aren't native to Africa.
Intelligent people know that, but NoTeaPartyPleez claims his father bagged a trophy tiger on safari to Kenya.
I've been after him for clarification for 2 days now. He refuses to address the matter.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all.

You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Did they bag a tiger in Africa too?
Tigers aren't native to Africa.
Neither are rich white dentists.
White? It's about race now? Would this all have been OK if the dentist was black?

Funny shit there Daws
We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all.

You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all.

You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?
A functioning brain cell?
We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all.

You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?
A functioning brain cell?

Oh my, oh dear, Pee-wee is on board. Please share your great wisdom with us mere mortals.

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