Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
lassy is ok, you two have more in common then you know.
Same size dick?
Zimbabwe doesn't seem to mind, though. To them, its income to charge so much to kill off their animals. Wonder what they will do when none are left to hunt?
Zimbabwe can't afford to build a bridge, where do you think all the money for wildlife conservation comes from?? And yes NA hunt for food, and for tradition which I commend them for that, I believe much the same. They also are one of people allowed in the world to hunt the also very endangered blue whale. How do y'all feel about that?
There are plenty of people helping in wildlife conservation WITHOUT killing off what little is left as a trophy for their wall.
NA's hunt for FOOD. What part of that do you not get? FOOD. You know..EAT. And they use the whole body of the animal. What Trumps sons do, and that dentist, AND Palin from her helicopter to shoot wolves, is to have a trophy hunt where the animal just hangs on a wall. NOT eaten. NOT used. Just bragging rights which are pretty empty since they have to hunt at night, with weapons in sneak attacks. Hell, why not just shoot the animal while in a cage? No difference. And no respect for the animal that died for THEIR amusement.
Because NA desperately need that blue whale meat?? I'm sure they use as much as they can, which isn't much because it's a blue freaking whale, good luck wrangling that meat fighting against sharks while trying to drag a whale in. Please, that's just as much hunting for sport than an elephant. Or as I like to say for tradition, which I'm all for, keep their tradition alive
Did they bag a tiger in Africa too?
Tigers aren't native to Africa.
Neither are rich white dentists.
White? It's about race now? Would this all have been OK if the dentist was black?

Funny shit there Daws
There is no difference .
You played the race card, not me.
False you wilfully misinterpreted it that way
to bolster your untenable position.
Zimbabwe doesn't seem to mind, though. To them, its income to charge so much to kill off their animals. Wonder what they will do when none are left to hunt?
Zimbabwe can't afford to build a bridge, where do you think all the money for wildlife conservation comes from?? And yes NA hunt for food, and for tradition which I commend them for that, I believe much the same. They also are one of people allowed in the world to hunt the also very endangered blue whale. How do y'all feel about that?
There are plenty of people helping in wildlife conservation WITHOUT killing off what little is left as a trophy for their wall.
NA's hunt for FOOD. What part of that do you not get? FOOD. You know..EAT. And they use the whole body of the animal. What Trumps sons do, and that dentist, AND Palin from her helicopter to shoot wolves, is to have a trophy hunt where the animal just hangs on a wall. NOT eaten. NOT used. Just bragging rights which are pretty empty since they have to hunt at night, with weapons in sneak attacks. Hell, why not just shoot the animal while in a cage? No difference. And no respect for the animal that died for THEIR amusement.
Because NA desperately need that blue whale meat?? I'm sure they use as much as they can, which isn't much because it's a blue freaking whale, good luck wrangling that meat fighting against sharks while trying to drag a whale in. Please, that's just as much hunting for sport than an elephant. Or as I like to say for tradition, which I'm all for, keep their tradition alive
No, they may not be breaking any laws. But do they mind the negative publicity?
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.

Please take your dead fetus shit to another thread.
Aaaaaaawwwww... is changing the subject going to screw up your DESPERATE attempt to SMEAR TRUMP?

HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... you fucking jack asses are just mind numbing STUPID.
Trump needs no help smearing himself before the next election he will have tripped over his dick and washed out.
Are they running for president? No.

So who gives a fuck what they do? No one.

Misses the point completely
Sorry, bubble head, I know EXACTLY what you scared shitless progs are trying to do here, and so does everyone else. You're not fooling ANYONE.

Let's talk about PP harvesting body parts from murdered babies.
Lets not, since it has nothing to do with body parts of babies. Dayum. Talk about desperate to wag the dog.
That was an amazingly IGNORANT thing to say, Gracie.
How so?
Because you are handling him his ass.
It's a crisis, a deflection....gawd knows they need one after the Iran deal and the trafficking of baby remains
nah this is not bergdahl, I hunt but just for deer and wild Turkey, I never fantasized about killing big game, that's just gross to try to kill a magnificent animal like a lion , a elephant a bear etc...etc...
Explain the difference between hunting deer an bear besides the fact that a bear can kill you. Does that make it "magnificent"?
Deer a plentiful and good eating, bear is a trophy game. Dumb ass you should know
Bear are plentiful if you know where to look.

Want to see a picture of my bear skin rug?
They're also very edible, as many do that harvest them. They just require some special cooking. I've eaten bear and it's good.
It's great. Similar to pork, and as pork, should be thoroughly cooked before eaten.
Bears are omnivores and opportunists. In populated areas, the will eat garbage and can carry trichinosis.
nah this is not bergdahl, I hunt but just for deer and wild Turkey, I never fantasized about killing big game, that's just gross to try to kill a magnificent animal like a lion , a elephant a bear etc...etc...
Explain the difference between hunting deer an bear besides the fact that a bear can kill you. Does that make it "magnificent"?
Deer a plentiful and good eating, bear is a trophy game. Dumb ass you should know
Bear are plentiful if you know where to look.

Want to see a picture of my bear skin rug?
They're also very edible, as many do that harvest them. They just require some special cooking. I've eaten bear and it's good.
It's great. Similar to pork, and as pork, should be thoroughly cooked before eaten.
Bears are omnivores and opportunists. In populated areas, the will eat garbage and can carry trichinosis.

My grandmother told me before that moose was the best meat. I've never had moose meat though.
Off topic..sorta...but I just read on the news that Zimbabwe finally got off their asses and are now asking for the dentist to be extradited back there for trial. About fucking time.
Tigers aren't native to Africa.
Neither are rich white dentists.
White? It's about race now? Would this all have been OK if the dentist was black?

Funny shit there Daws
There is no difference .
You played the race card, not me.
False you wilfully misinterpreted it that way
to bolster your untenable position.
True. You said "Neither are rich white dentists."
You played, either consciously or unconsciously, the race card as is the style of Liberals wanting to shift blame away from their failures and immorality.
nah this is not bergdahl, I hunt but just for deer and wild Turkey, I never fantasized about killing big game, that's just gross to try to kill a magnificent animal like a lion , a elephant a bear etc...etc...
Explain the difference between hunting deer an bear besides the fact that a bear can kill you. Does that make it "magnificent"?
Deer a plentiful and good eating, bear is a trophy game. Dumb ass you should know
Deer are plentiful because we killed all the apex preditors.
Not yet, but Planned Parenthood is working on it
Fetuses are not apex anything
Still better than Cecil the lion.
Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else

Funny. What would an ignorant lowlife piece of shit like you have that I would want?

HAHAHA Pokiehontas has a mad. Effin fraud

I just get nauseated at your skank stink coming through my computer.
lassy is ok, you two have more in common then you know.

I have no respect for anyone like her who routinely engages in hateful personal attacks instead of addressing thread topics.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

Yeah..her ancestors drove millions of bison over cliffs by setting the prairie on fire.
There were huge piles of bones at the most popular cliffs.
They called em buffalo jumps.
Yours did the same in Europe not too many years before .
then they invented the camberpot and tossed the contents out of any handy window, and you say the native Americans were savages.

Link me up....

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