Trump delivers knockout blow to Clinton/Obama

I think they see that every time a FEMA worker comes around.
Your husband coming when you're in surgery doesn't strain the hospital's resources. A POTUS appearance does.

Sure didn't stop him from hanging around during hurricane Sandy and giving Christie a big sloppy hug.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

When hit by devastating floods nothing helps more then this....which Trumpy helped deliver with his tiny little hands...

trump play doh.jpg

play doh.jpeg
You guys are such shills and rubes. Trump shows up with a big truck full of stuff without even finding out what the people of New Orleans need. What did he help? 50 people?

And is there anyone who believes they need Play-doh???????????? Anyone?????????

I suspect he found an old Trump warehouse somewhere full of shit and told someone to give them that.

What is wrong with you people.
Doesn't make him look any worse than Hillary who is at home "resting" amid the prolific health concerns rumors.

Rumors are what? I mean the Republicans have been using rumors for a long time.

It's AUGUST, it's summer time, it's holiday time, it's time to have a rest before the hectic September and October.

Oh, if Trump goes missing a little it's just he's like everyone else, having a holiday, if it's Hillary, she's dying of brain disease, or broken bones or something.

No if it is Trump it is "Trump's campaign is in chaos and he had to leave the road" or "Trump has to stop campaigning to address his 3500 lawsuits". It is political theater. I mean how many democrats have mentioned just on this site that he was unloading play doh, and why would they even notice that in the first place if they were not being hyper sensitive to the optics? Could it be that they are so clueless that they don't realize that when your house gets washed away, so do all the kids' stuff to? I mean if you want to be honest, God forbid, if Hillary weren't running for office, it would be costing somebody $300K just for her to show up somewhere and you would still not see the video of it because she retains the rights to the video and the transcripts as part of her contract riders.

And isn't that politics?

I mean if you go for a job interview, which is essentially what we're seeing here, would you expect to have to play silly games, or actually tell people why you're the best person for the job.

But the person interviewing, ie the general public, is just interested in entertainment.

So it's more like going for an interview and being told to act like a monkey in order to get the job.

Silly games. That is what interviews tend to be. I have been on interviews that took 6 stages when 2, at best, would have done.

And how many for President?

You guys are such shills and rubes. Trump shows up with a big truck full of stuff without even finding out what the people of New Orleans need. What did he help? 50 people?

And is there anyone who believes they need Play-doh???????????? Anyone?????????

I suspect he found an old Trump warehouse somewhere full of shit and told someone to give them that.

What is wrong with you people.

Yep I believe kids need play doh.
Rumors are what? I mean the Republicans have been using rumors for a long time.

It's AUGUST, it's summer time, it's holiday time, it's time to have a rest before the hectic September and October.

Oh, if Trump goes missing a little it's just he's like everyone else, having a holiday, if it's Hillary, she's dying of brain disease, or broken bones or something.

No if it is Trump it is "Trump's campaign is in chaos and he had to leave the road" or "Trump has to stop campaigning to address his 3500 lawsuits". It is political theater. I mean how many democrats have mentioned just on this site that he was unloading play doh, and why would they even notice that in the first place if they were not being hyper sensitive to the optics? Could it be that they are so clueless that they don't realize that when your house gets washed away, so do all the kids' stuff to? I mean if you want to be honest, God forbid, if Hillary weren't running for office, it would be costing somebody $300K just for her to show up somewhere and you would still not see the video of it because she retains the rights to the video and the transcripts as part of her contract riders.

And isn't that politics?

I mean if you go for a job interview, which is essentially what we're seeing here, would you expect to have to play silly games, or actually tell people why you're the best person for the job.

But the person interviewing, ie the general public, is just interested in entertainment.

So it's more like going for an interview and being told to act like a monkey in order to get the job.

Silly games. That is what interviews tend to be. I have been on interviews that took 6 stages when 2, at best, would have done.

And how many for President?


Rubbish, every day is an interview.
No if it is Trump it is "Trump's campaign is in chaos and he had to leave the road" or "Trump has to stop campaigning to address his 3500 lawsuits". It is political theater. I mean how many democrats have mentioned just on this site that he was unloading play doh, and why would they even notice that in the first place if they were not being hyper sensitive to the optics? Could it be that they are so clueless that they don't realize that when your house gets washed away, so do all the kids' stuff to? I mean if you want to be honest, God forbid, if Hillary weren't running for office, it would be costing somebody $300K just for her to show up somewhere and you would still not see the video of it because she retains the rights to the video and the transcripts as part of her contract riders.

And isn't that politics?

I mean if you go for a job interview, which is essentially what we're seeing here, would you expect to have to play silly games, or actually tell people why you're the best person for the job.

But the person interviewing, ie the general public, is just interested in entertainment.

So it's more like going for an interview and being told to act like a monkey in order to get the job.

Silly games. That is what interviews tend to be. I have been on interviews that took 6 stages when 2, at best, would have done.

And how many for President?


Rubbish, every day is an interview.

Unless you are Hillary, and then it is like once in awhile with people who will ask you the questions your campaign permits and a few questions from the select press once every 10 months
And isn't that politics?

I mean if you go for a job interview, which is essentially what we're seeing here, would you expect to have to play silly games, or actually tell people why you're the best person for the job.

But the person interviewing, ie the general public, is just interested in entertainment.

So it's more like going for an interview and being told to act like a monkey in order to get the job.

Silly games. That is what interviews tend to be. I have been on interviews that took 6 stages when 2, at best, would have done.

And how many for President?


Rubbish, every day is an interview.

Unless you are Hillary, and then it is like once in awhile with people who will ask you the questions your campaign permits and a few questions from the select press once every 10 months

Not really. Hillary is all over the press all the time.

Controlling the media is a very important aspect of leading a political campaign. You seem to be suggesting she does a good job.
Even at his own father's funeral --- Rump's comments were about ...... himself. Narcissism off the scale.

At least he went to his fathers funeral. Did DumBama do that with his white grandmother who basically raised him?

I have no idea. But if he did, did he use the occasion to talk about himself?

AS with everything Obama nothing is quite clear. Since there isn't any record of what was said it can only be assumed he followed his normal speeches and spoke quite a bit about himself. It appears he did not attend a funeral but a memorial service.

Barack Obama grandmother’s death, Madelyn Dunham died on October 21, 2008?, Death announced on November 3, 2008, Hawaii officials falsify?, Funeral home records sought, Barack Obama and Maya Ng lie?, Coroner’s office sources
He showed up. That puts him above obama and clinton. At least he made the effort. Thats more than those other two have done.

So if the governor of a state says "please don't come here because we would have to divert local resort as a result of your visit", you should ignore that request because _____.

Fill in the blank
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…
Trump blew it again. This illustrates quite well why I say Trump does not have what it takes to be president
Yeah....Trump really "blew it" showing up to help people in need. Maybe you should have read the article before commenting. People were really greatful for his assistance.

By the way - people can't wait weeks for Obama to "show up Tuesady" genius. They need help now.
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So if the governor of a state says "please don't come here because we would have to divert local resort as a result of your visit", you should ignore that request because ____.

Fill in the blank
because.....people need immediate assistance. They can't wait two weeks from Tuesday so that the governor and Obama can plan and execute a full photo op and political dog and pony show. :eusa_doh:
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…
Trump blew it again. This illustrates quite well why I say Trump does not have what it takes to be president
Yeah....Trump really "blew it" showing up to help people in need. Maybe you should have read the article before commenting. People were really greatful for his assistance.

By the way - people can't wait weeks for Obama to "show up Tuesady" genius. They need help now.

And what exactly is O'bama gonna do -- "now", Tuesday or whenever --- that he hasn't already done?


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