Trump: Dems will 'lie' and say Hurricane Florence response was bad


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Have you heard or seen ANYONE say that the Florence response has been "bad"? Me neither. What a whiny, immature little Orange Baby. On the eve of his visit to the Carolinas instead of focusing on the death, destruction and suffering - the insecure man-child has to AGAIN demonstrate self-absorption and defensiveness about his FUBAR in Puerto Rico. Sad :(

President Trump on Tuesday preemptively attacked Democrats for any potential criticism of his administration's response to Hurricane Florence along the mid-Atlantic coast.

"Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence – and they are 100% correct," Trump wrote on Twitter.

"But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job," he continued, referring to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!"​

Trump: Dems will 'lie' and say Hurricane Florence response was bad
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Have you heard or seen ANYONE say that the Florence response has been "bad"? Me neither. What a whiny, immature little Orange Baby. On the eve of his visit to the Carolinas instead of focusing on the death, destruction and suffering - the insecure man-child has to AGAIN show us his self-absorption and defensiveness about his FUBAR in Puerto Rico. Sad :(

President Trump on Tuesday preemptively attacked Democrats for any potential criticism of his administration's response to Hurricane Florence along the mid-Atlantic coast.

"Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence – and they are 100% correct," Trump wrote on Twitter.

"But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job," he continued, referring to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!"​

Trump: Dems will 'lie' and say Hurricane Florence response was bad
Jesus, get a fucking life.
Lol.....I'm laughing. The President sure does have a thing about making the heads of the left explode. You watch this forum.....almost daily he makes some lefty come completely off the rails! I really do think the President enjoys antagonizing the shit out of the progressive nutters.
Lol.....I'm laughing. The President sure does have a thing about making the heads of the left explode. You watch this forum.....almost daily he makes some lefty come completely off the rails! I really do think the President enjoys antagonizing the shit out of the progressive nutters.
I agree with you. I think it's hilarious. EPA hating Republicans in North Carolina buried under millions of tons of pig sh!t and toxic ash. I laughed so hard I cried. That'll show the Democrats.
By the way.....the President in the news live right now in North Carolina passing out food and water!! Might as well be taking bows......


What - No paper towels? :rolleyes:

By the way.....the President in the news live right now in North Carolina passing out food and water!! Might as well be taking bows......

Did you hear the woman say she was praying for him.

There is no doubt that democrats will manipulate what they can to categorize the response as bad.

Truly, we should all send E Snot Pruitt a thank you note for his hatred of the agency he led and the environment.
Be sure to include a shoutout for his possibly unprecedented waste of taxpayer dollars. :rolleyes-41:

Lol.....nobody cares about the EPA.

Lol.....only idiots don't care about the EPA.
Have you heard or seen ANYONE say that the Florence response has been "bad"? Me neither. What a whiny, immature little Orange Baby. On the eve of his visit to the Carolinas instead of focusing on the death, destruction and suffering - the insecure man-child has to AGAIN demonstrate self-absorption and defensiveness about his FUBAR in Puerto Rico. Sad :(

President Trump on Tuesday preemptively attacked Democrats for any potential criticism of his administration's response to Hurricane Florence along the mid-Atlantic coast.

"Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence – and they are 100% correct," Trump wrote on Twitter.

"But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job," he continued, referring to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!"​

Trump: Dems will 'lie' and say Hurricane Florence response was bad
You fucking Anti Americans scumbag DemonRATS would have if you assholes didn't look so bad with a lying bimbo at the Kavanaugh hearings!....But I fully expect in a week or so, that one of you mind dead subversives did, using it as a fund raiser cause!
Lol.....I'm laughing. The President sure does have a thing about making the heads of the left explode. You watch this forum.....almost daily he makes some lefty come completely off the rails! I really do think the President enjoys antagonizing the shit out of the progressive nutters.
I agree with you. I think it's hilarious. EPA hating Republicans in North Carolina buried under millions of tons of pig sh!t and toxic ash. I laughed so hard I cried. That'll show the Democrats.
You’re an idiot
Have you heard or seen ANYONE say that the Florence response has been "bad"? Me neither. What a whiny, immature little Orange Baby. On the eve of his visit to the Carolinas instead of focusing on the death, destruction and suffering - the insecure man-child has to AGAIN demonstrate self-absorption and defensiveness about his FUBAR in Puerto Rico. Sad :(

President Trump on Tuesday preemptively attacked Democrats for any potential criticism of his administration's response to Hurricane Florence along the mid-Atlantic coast.

"Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence – and they are 100% correct," Trump wrote on Twitter.

"But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job," he continued, referring to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!"​

Trump: Dems will 'lie' and say Hurricane Florence response was bad

The best defense is a great offense..

A liberal is so predictable to another liberal by the way.

Have you heard or seen ANYONE say that the Florence response has been "bad"? Me neither. What a whiny, immature little Orange Baby. On the eve of his visit to the Carolinas instead of focusing on the death, destruction and suffering - the insecure man-child has to AGAIN demonstrate self-absorption and defensiveness about his FUBAR in Puerto Rico. Sad :(

President Trump on Tuesday preemptively attacked Democrats for any potential criticism of his administration's response to Hurricane Florence along the mid-Atlantic coast.

"Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence – and they are 100% correct," Trump wrote on Twitter.

"But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job," he continued, referring to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!"​

Trump: Dems will 'lie' and say Hurricane Florence response was bad
/----/ Trump is calling you Libtards out and cutting you off at the pass.
Yes, you can blame President Trump for Hurricane Florence ...
Sep 11, 2018 · Disclaimer: No, President Trump did not create Hurricane Florence all by himself. With that out of the way, here's the case for blaming him anyway: • Hurricanes and other storms are ...
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Washington Post Blames Trump For Hurricane Florence
The Washington Post has truly jumped the shark by blaming President Trump for Hurricane Florence. In one of the most brazen displays of Trump Derangement Syndrome yet witnessed, the Post's editorial board published an article under the absurd headline Another hurricane is about to batter our coast.
Did you hear the woman say she was praying for him.

There is no doubt that democrats will manipulate what they can to categorize the response as bad.

Yeah, evangelical Trumplets had better pray for his immoral orange ass.
And bullshit - when you see a Democrat complain about this particular response, y'all let us know mmmk Tips?
Those affected are mostly white Trump voters - I'm certain no expense or effort will be spared.

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