Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

Poor Fancy. She loves spending other people's money for private military flights.
Taxpayers shelled out over 2 million dollars in 2 years so she could fly to California every weekend.

Judicial Watch Uncovers New Documents Detailing Pelosi's Use of Air Force Aircraft - Judicial Watch

Aren't these people the "Green Party"?
I mean, they cry about global warming then lay out more Carbon emissions to bring it on than 1,000,000 other Americans combined.

What's with that?
Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.

Trump also is wanting to up the security package, along with the wall.

And that is exactly what the annual 1.3 billion that is automatically allocated to the Border Security is there for. It's been pretty well known that the things other than the wall have been not funded well enough and it's going to take more funding. Upping it to either 1.6 or 3 billion would cover that if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, for the last 2 years, with Trump micro managing, it's hard to follow where he spent the 2.6 billion it already received. There has been a lot of mistakes made. Trump needs to get the funds and stay the hell out of it and let Homeland Security handle it without his meddling.

Border Patrol is asking for the wall or at least a fence, why not give them what they need to do their job better? Not seeing why you wouldn’t want to give workers the tools to better do their jobs.

Oh, I agree but Trump doesn't. For the last 2 years, in Texas alone, Border Patrols have been relocated away from Texas and not single inch of Border Wall or Fence has been added. Yet there has been 2.6 billion allocated for that purpose at 1.3 billion per the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018. There has been a lot of mismanagement and squandering going on. The fault lies with Trump who won't quite micromanaging.

Why is it that partisans only care about mismanagement when the other party is in office?

Not sure why one would post the same numbers post after post.

I happen to be an old GOPer from yesteryear. And a fiscal conservative. Maybe the same post is applicable to the nonsense you keep posting sticking up for a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Notice, I don't stick up for Nancy throwing her tantrum.
Nazi Pelosi was planning on undermining The President by exercising her imaginary co-equal presidential powers.
Poor Fancy. She loves spending other people's money for private military flights.
Taxpayers shelled out over 2 million dollars in 2 years so she could fly to California every weekend.

Judicial Watch Uncovers New Documents Detailing Pelosi's Use of Air Force Aircraft - Judicial Watch

Aren't these people the "Green Party"?
I mean, they cry about global warming then lay out more Carbon emissions to bring it on than 1,000,000 other Americans combined.

What's with that?
These leftist traitors spew what the lazy, uninformed, duped, and stupid want to hear. And the press eats it up!
I happen to be an old GOPer from yesteryear. And a fiscal conservative. Maybe the same post is applicable to the nonsense you keep posting sticking up for a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Notice, I don't stick up for Nancy throwing her tantrum.

Look, I'd MUCH rather have a temper tantrum throwing Orange buffoon who actually works to HELP America than a slick, cool Community organizer who works to destroy it any day and twice on Sunday.

That said, I'm witholding final judgement on Trump for whether or not the wall actually gets built. He's NOT the Republican most think he is I would agree.
Nah he's just throwing his little temper tantrum. He'll tire himself out.

Not before Ginsberg poops out and he gets to fill another vacancy ;)


Or not.

You're OBVIOUSLY not paying attention.....LMAO

Top cancer doctors expect Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg back on the bench by February

I'm not sure what this has to do with this topic. Obviously you just REALLY want her to die. That's cool. Good luck with that.

"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

Nah. She deserved it. What he did was fair and logical. Sorry to interrupt your snowflake fantasy.

I would say that neither one should be sitting in power. It's like a couple of 5 year olds. This is what things have been reduced to.
That's not the case at all. The President wants the smart fence because it will end illegal immigration across our southern border, and the Democrats only oppose it because the President wants it. On the one hand we have the President acting responsibly to protect our borders and on the other hand we Pelosi behaving like a nasty spoiled child, so the President is now treating her like the nasty spoiled child she is.

Trump was offered many different deals to break the impass. He's rejected each one and keeps moving the goalposts until he finally came up with his 5.X million no compromise one. Plus, even though Homeland received 2.6 billion for the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018, not one inch of new wall or security fence has been added as per the 2006 law. And then he wants us to fund a lump sum of 5.X billion? Not dollars, not millions but Billions. At what point do the Fiscal Conservatives say that they have had enough.
Trump also is wanting to up the security package, along with the wall.

And that is exactly what the annual 1.3 billion that is automatically allocated to the Border Security is there for. It's been pretty well known that the things other than the wall have been not funded well enough and it's going to take more funding. Upping it to either 1.6 or 3 billion would cover that if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, for the last 2 years, with Trump micro managing, it's hard to follow where he spent the 2.6 billion it already received. There has been a lot of mistakes made. Trump needs to get the funds and stay the hell out of it and let Homeland Security handle it without his meddling.

Border Patrol is asking for the wall or at least a fence, why not give them what they need to do their job better? Not seeing why you wouldn’t want to give workers the tools to better do their jobs.

Oh, I agree but Trump doesn't. For the last 2 years, in Texas alone, Border Patrols have been relocated away from Texas and not single inch of Border Wall or Fence has been added. Yet there has been 2.6 billion allocated for that purpose at 1.3 billion per the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018. There has been a lot of mismanagement and squandering going on. The fault lies with Trump who won't quite micromanaging.

Why is it that partisans only care about mismanagement when the other party is in office?

Not sure why one would post the same numbers post after post.

I happen to be an old GOPer from yesteryear. And a fiscal conservative. Maybe the same post is applicable to the nonsense you keep posting sticking up for a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Notice, I don't stick up for Nancy throwing her tantrum.

I’m a fiscal conservative, I am for cutting spending, but I want the Border Patrol to have what they want, not what Trump wants or what Pelosi wants.

Now take a hike idiot.
But he's not be disinvited.
But would you care to wager a cyber beer he'll be addressing Congress in the House on the 29th?

It's clearly up to him at this point. He can change things anytime he wants.

So can Pelosi. She can end this bullshit anytime she wants to, just work out a deal where the Dems get something they want and Trump gets his wall/fence/whatever. That's what these asshats are there for, and that is definitely what most Americans what from their elected leaders.

Right now, the SOTU is already scheduled for the 29th of January. If she wants to tell the President he can't do the speech on that date, so be it. He can give the speech from the floor of the US Senate, or he can do it from the Oval Office or wherever else he wants to. IMHO, Pelosi is making herself and her party look petty and obstructionist, and I think they'll pay for it in 2020. Certainly, they ain't going to get much of their agenda done for the next 2 years, if this is the way things are going to be; it ain't looking good for the Dems in 2020 if all they have to talk about to get themselves re-elected is that they stopped Trump from doing anything. That'll probably work in the blue states and districts, but not so much anywhere else.
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

Nah. She deserved it. What he did was fair and logical. Sorry to interrupt your snowflake fantasy.

I would say that neither one should be sitting in power. It's like a couple of 5 year olds. This is what things have been reduced to.
That's not the case at all. The President wants the smart fence because it will end illegal immigration across our southern border, and the Democrats only oppose it because the President wants it. On the one hand we have the President acting responsibly to protect our borders and on the other hand we Pelosi behaving like a nasty spoiled child, so the President is now treating her like the nasty spoiled child she is.

Trump was offered many different deals to break the impass. He's rejected each one and keeps moving the goalposts until he finally came up with his 5.X million no compromise one. Plus, even though Homeland received 2.6 billion for the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018, not one inch of new wall or security fence has been added as per the 2006 law. And then he wants us to fund a lump sum of 5.X billion? Not dollars, not millions but Billions. At what point do the Fiscal Conservatives say that they have had enough.

Post it over and over, no one is buying your BS.
Why would she want to go overseas with the government shutdown? ... I couldn’t imagine she would even think about going

Why would democrats party on the beaches of Puerto Rico with lobbyist during the shut down? The answer is because they are democrats and the MSM will cover for them, not hold them accountable!
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.

Trump also is wanting to up the security package, along with the wall.

And that is exactly what the annual 1.3 billion that is automatically allocated to the Border Security is there for. It's been pretty well known that the things other than the wall have been not funded well enough and it's going to take more funding. Upping it to either 1.6 or 3 billion would cover that if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, for the last 2 years, with Trump micro managing, it's hard to follow where he spent the 2.6 billion it already received. There has been a lot of mistakes made. Trump needs to get the funds and stay the hell out of it and let Homeland Security handle it without his meddling.

Border Patrol is asking for the wall or at least a fence, why not give them what they need to do their job better? Not seeing why you wouldn’t want to give workers the tools to better do their jobs.

Oh, I agree but Trump doesn't. For the last 2 years, in Texas alone, Border Patrols have been relocated away from Texas and not single inch of Border Wall or Fence has been added. Yet there has been 2.6 billion allocated for that purpose at 1.3 billion per the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018. There has been a lot of mismanagement and squandering going on. The fault lies with Trump who won't quite micromanaging.
I have evidence that indeed, quite a bit of fence has been built along the Texas Border. Here are a number of the visuals, and some of them are border fence bids to be left in place with add-ons now under contract. I've been reading about this for several months now. Just load this into your search, and you can see for yourself the miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles... well, you get the picture, doll. :)

23 Sep 2018
Border Patrol officials in the El Paso Sector announced that construction of a new section of border wall began on Saturday. The new four-mile section of road will replace existing fencing near downtown El Paso.
“This new wall will be far more durable and far more effective in deterring would-be illegal entrants,” El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Aaron A. Hull said in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas. Chief Hull said crews will build a “bollard-style” design that will make the barrier more durable and harder to breach. Border Patrol Chief Admits Just 50 Miles of Extra 2018 Fencing | Breitbart


Thirty-three miles of new fence and 35 miles of replacement fencing in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, where the existing fencing has many wide gaps.

Twenty-five miles of new levee wall in Hidalgo County, Texas.

Eight miles of new fence in Starr County, Texas.

Twenty new miles of fencing in Santa Teresa, N.M. This fencing replaces anti-vehicles fences, construction starts in April.

Fourteen miles of border fencing in San Diego, Calif., which was built with landing mats, will be replaced by bollard wall.

Fourteen miles of secondary fencing in San Diego will also be replaced by modern fencing.

Thirty-five gates will be added throughout a 55-mile stretch of existing border wall in the Rio Grande Valley, helping the border patrol easily enter the zone between the fence and Mexico.

The border patrol is already using some of the 2017 funds to upgrade the fence in Calexico, Calif, near the Arizona border.
Last edited:
Nah he's just throwing his little temper tantrum. He'll tire himself out.

Not before Ginsberg poops out and he gets to fill another vacancy ;)


Or not.

You're OBVIOUSLY not paying attention.....LMAO

Top cancer doctors expect Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg back on the bench by February

I'm not sure what this has to do with this topic. Obviously you just REALLY want her to die. That's cool. Good luck with that.

The dims will wheel her into the courthouse if they have to. She WILL stay on the bench until Trump is gone.
These leftist traitors spew what the lazy, uninformed, duped, and stupid want to hear. And the press eats it up!

Speaking of stupid.....
There was a recent editorial that pointed out that the likes of Oscasio-Cortez is the voice of the Millennial generation.
The vast majority of them believe 100% in everything she says. And consider her highly intelligent (omg)

Yet the vast majority of those same ass hats can quote critical stuff, like Beyonce, JZ and Arianna Grande, but have no clue as to what the Bill of Rights is or what year the United States gained it's independence...or ANY history for that matter.
The dims will wheel her into the courthouse if they have to. She WILL stay on the bench until Trump is gone.

There's also God's will. Let's hope God blesses America one more time.
Her health is failing rapidly. I would bet on her not making it two more years.
She's been a horribly destructive force in America.
But you're right....they'll do everything humanly possible to keep her pulse going until the time is up for Trump to nominate another.
Trump wins as usual. But his brain is a lot better than hers, so what can you do.

They can do exactly what they are doing. 2020 is next year. While Trump may have a huge ego and not think anything will be bad, there is quite a few senators that just watched the landslide in the House in 2018. McConnel will probably be out of a job regardless.
All of that progressive socialist cheating and many RINOS leaving made it look worst then it is. Anyway I can't wait for the Soviet style 5 year plans you guys are going to enact. With the help of activist judges. I wonder how collectivism will take shape?
These leftist traitors spew what the lazy, uninformed, duped, and stupid want to hear. And the press eats it up!

Speaking of stupid.....
There was a recent editorial that pointed out that the likes of Oscasio-Cortez is the voice of the Millennial generation.
The vast majority of them believe 100% in everything she says. And consider her highly intelligent (omg)

Yet the vast majority of those same ass hats can quote critical stuff, like Beyonce, JZ and Arianna Grande, but have no clue as to what the Bill of Rights is or what year the United States gained it's independence...or ANY history for that matter.

Don't know what the Bill of Rights is? I thought that you were talking about Millennials, not Trump, who claimed all the way up until his election that he did not need probable cause to arrest and deport undocumented aliens.....
I happen to be an old GOPer from yesteryear. And a fiscal conservative. Maybe the same post is applicable to the nonsense you keep posting sticking up for a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Notice, I don't stick up for Nancy throwing her tantrum.

Look, I'd MUCH rather have a temper tantrum throwing Orange buffoon who actually works to HELP America than a slick, cool Community organizer who works to destroy it any day and twice on Sunday.

That said, I'm witholding final judgement on Trump for whether or not the wall actually gets built. He's NOT the Republican most think he is I would agree.

He did make one promise that he's kept. He's run the Government just like his Businesses.

Trump Airlines........Shut down
Trump University....Shut down
Trump the Game....Shut down
Trump Casinos......Shut Down
Trump Magazine....Shut Down
Trump Mortgage....Shut Down
Trump Steaks........Shut Down
GoTrump Travel.....Shut Down
Trump Tower Tampa......Shut Down
Trump Vodka...................Shut Down

United States of America........Shut Down
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

Nah. She deserved it. What he did was fair and logical. Sorry to interrupt your snowflake fantasy.

I would say that neither one should be sitting in power. It's like a couple of 5 year olds. This is what things have been reduced to.
That's not the case at all. The President wants the smart fence because it will end illegal immigration across our southern border, and the Democrats only oppose it because the President wants it. On the one hand we have the President acting responsibly to protect our borders and on the other hand we Pelosi behaving like a nasty spoiled child, so the President is now treating her like the nasty spoiled child she is.

Trump was offered many different deals to break the impass. He's rejected each one and keeps moving the goalposts until he finally came up with his 5.X million no compromise one. Plus, even though Homeland received 2.6 billion for the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018, not one inch of new wall or security fence has been added as per the 2006 law. And then he wants us to fund a lump sum of 5.X billion? Not dollars, not millions but Billions. At what point do the Fiscal Conservatives say that they have had enough.
Bullshit. The President made one offer and he made in his last State of the Union address, to provide paths to citizenship for the so called dreamers and another 1,000,000 illegals in exchange for funding for the smart fence, and the Democrats, after falsely claiming they support that exchange, have moved the goal posts by insisting that he also abandon immigration reform. The President wants the smart fence because it will end illegal immigration across our southern border and the Democrats only oppose it because the President wants it. Nancy wants to prevent the State of the Union address because she knows her position is indefensible in any rational debate.

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