Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

Trump was offered many different deals to break the impass. He's rejected each one and keeps moving the goalposts until he finally came up with his 5.X million no compromise one. Plus, even though Homeland received 2.6 billion for the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018, not one inch of new wall or security fence has been added as per the 2006 law. And then he wants us to fund a lump sum of 5.X billion? Not dollars, not millions but Billions. At what point do the Fiscal Conservatives say that they have had enough.
Bullshit. The President made one offer and he made in his last State of the Union address, to provide paths to citizenship for the so called dreamers and another 1,000,000 illegals in exchange for funding for the smart fence, and the Democrats, after falsely claiming they support that exchange, have moved the goal posts by insisting that he also abandon immigration reform. The President wants the smart fence because it will end illegal immigration across our southern border and the Democrats only oppose it because the President wants it. Nancy wants to prevent the State of the Union address because she knows her position is indefensible in any rational debate.

Most of that was lies told by Trump and never happened.
lol Are you brain dead? It was in his last State of the Union address.

Think about it for just a minute. Turn of Foxnews, turn off Hannity and Rush. Take the time to think about it. In his last State of the Union Address he lied more than he told the truth. The Truth Watchers couldn't even keep up real time. I think the final count was 73 lies in total for the whole speech.
You think about it. He made the offer in his SOTU address and despite their denials, the Democrats rejected it, not because they thought it was a bad idea, but only because the President wants it.

His offers keep going up not down. His goalposts are on rocket powered skates.
I happen to be an old GOPer from yesteryear. And a fiscal conservative. Maybe the same post is applicable to the nonsense you keep posting sticking up for a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Notice, I don't stick up for Nancy throwing her tantrum.

Look, I'd MUCH rather have a temper tantrum throwing Orange buffoon who actually works to HELP America than a slick, cool Community organizer who works to destroy it any day and twice on Sunday.

That said, I'm witholding final judgement on Trump for whether or not the wall actually gets built. He's NOT the Republican most think he is I would agree.

He did make one promise that he's kept. He's run the Government just like his Businesses.

Trump Airlines........Shut down
Trump University....Shut down
Trump the Game....Shut down
Trump Casinos......Shut Down
Trump Magazine....Shut Down
Trump Mortgage....Shut Down
Trump Steaks........Shut Down
GoTrump Travel.....Shut Down
Trump Tower Tampa......Shut Down
Trump Vodka...................Shut Down

United States of America........Shut Down
Nancy Pelosi and her party have been shown to be the one who shut down the government. Donald Trump called her bluff today by ordering the military planes she was going to use for garbage-gathering and lying liars to damage President Trump on her little joy ride she intended to expropriate on the taxpayer's dime and use of the US Military's Air Force to go on a little vacation while 800,000 Federal workers are out of paychecks until she uses the air force to find some more garbage on the President that looks bad, but for some reason, since he didn't do any collusion, she was going to try something, no anything, to pin on President Trump.

She's been diverting federal money to her personal improvement since the Bush administration. This President is just saying "no" to bad behavior, slander, and lies she wants to be true, but can't make a case since it didn't happen.

Who shut America down? Nancy Pelosi and her fluffers.

Who shut Nancy's Use of the Air Force to look up garbage on the President by using air force flying equipment to put her stinking 2 dozen boxes she'd have to pay an airline a mint to put on the plane. She thinks America should pay for her shenanigans while she keeps her $200 million dollar fortune under wraps so she can marginalize President Trump for money he earned during his lifetime he built into a billion dollar empire before he decided to run for President. Nighters. :)

He didn't call her bluff. He answered her temper tantrum with one of his own. Both need to be sent to bed after a good spanking.
Trump was offered many different deals to break the impass. He's rejected each one and keeps moving the goalposts until he finally came up with his 5.X million no compromise one. Plus, even though Homeland received 2.6 billion for the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018, not one inch of new wall or security fence has been added as per the 2006 law. And then he wants us to fund a lump sum of 5.X billion? Not dollars, not millions but Billions. At what point do the Fiscal Conservatives say that they have had enough.

And your fools Schumer and Pelosi have absolutely no problem allocating 155 BILLION EVERY YEAR with an increase adjustment annually to support ILLEGALS
But balk over a measly $5 billion ONE TIME for a wall to stop all the human and drug trafficking?

Are you on Cannabis this evening?

Where's you "common Sense" hat tonight Daryl?
No matter how you fucking brainless ABNORMALS try to spin it, the scumbag DemonRATS were for the EXACT SAME THING AS TRUMP, until he came out for it....they dont give a shit about WE THE PEOPLE, it is ALL POLITICS with them....How many times can you scum lie about this?....No wonder you need illegals to vote for you...Americans that think actually know better!

Basic, it is quite obvious that you slept through 8th grade Civics. Under US law, everyone is presumed to be a citizen, and have full civil rights until tried and found guilty of being an illegal in a US court of law. Did you go to Trump University?


You just said EVERYONE on EARTH is considered a US citizen until proven otherwise.

Obviously you've suffered a severe motorcycle accident that left 3/4 of your brain smeared on a sidewalk somewhere.

BTW, Einstein, How much is your 23 billion dollar wall going to be worth, if someone in Mexico starts backing up a wheeled airplane boarding ramp, next to it?

I guess if they do that, then we need to get more serious. POP! POP!
would only take a few to get the message across.

A decision HAS to be made.....
Do we keep allowing criminals, violent gangs and drug and human traffickers in and allow our nation to fall into ruin?
Or do we do what's necessary to protect American lives?

I know, REALLY TOUGH Question for those with Communist inclinations whose GOAL is to destroy a nation from within.
Basic, it is quite obvious that you slept through 8th grade Civics. Under US law, everyone is presumed to be a citizen, and have full civil rights until tried and found guilty of being an illegal in a US court of law. Did you go to Trump University?


You just said EVERYONE on EARTH is considered a US citizen until proven otherwise.

Obviously you've suffered a severe motorcycle accident that left 3/4 of your brain smeared on a sidewalk somewhere.


So, you believe that any federal law enforcement officer can just pull a Latino off the street, declare him an illegal, and put him on a bus to Mexico. And, I am sure that you have a really good explanation of why Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegals in 2 years by doing just that.

Don't give up your day job bagging groceries to practice law, Basic.
You know van, I don't want to see innocent people killed. But that goes for AMERICANS TOO.


There is a LEGAL process for immigration. ALL I ASK IS THAT THEY RESPECT THAT PROCESS.

So, you believe that any federal law enforcement officer can just pull a Latino off the street, declare him an illegal, and put him on a bus to Mexico. And, I am sure that you have a really good explanation of why Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegals in 12 years by doing just that.

Don't give up your day job bagging groceries to practice law, Basic.

Now you're just being stupid.

(If I were you, I'd go see if I could find that sidewalk and try to collect my belongings)
Basic, it is quite obvious that you slept through 8th grade Civics. Under US law, everyone is presumed to be a citizen, and have full civil rights until tried and found guilty of being an illegal in a US court of law. Did you go to Trump University?


You just said EVERYONE on EARTH is considered a US citizen until proven otherwise.

Obviously you've suffered a severe motorcycle accident that left 3/4 of your brain smeared on a sidewalk somewhere.


So, you believe that any federal law enforcement officer can just pull a Latino off the street, declare him an illegal, and put him on a bus to Mexico. And, I am sure that you have a really good explanation of why Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegals in 12 years by doing just that.

Don't give up your day job bagging groceries to practice law, Basic.
If the fucker does NOT have the proper VISA, or any sort of ID that he actually is a citizen, YES...get rid of him, and while we are at it, how do 2 illegal parents drop a kid off in America and that kid is automatically a citizen...our foreign workers have a kid overseas. It is an AMERICSN, NOT A CITIZEN OF THAT COUNTRY....THIS IS INSANE. AND ALL BECAUSE THE DemonRATS NEED VOTERS!
Bullshit. The President made one offer and he made in his last State of the Union address, to provide paths to citizenship for the so called dreamers and another 1,000,000 illegals in exchange for funding for the smart fence, and the Democrats, after falsely claiming they support that exchange, have moved the goal posts by insisting that he also abandon immigration reform. The President wants the smart fence because it will end illegal immigration across our southern border and the Democrats only oppose it because the President wants it. Nancy wants to prevent the State of the Union address because she knows her position is indefensible in any rational debate.

Most of that was lies told by Trump and never happened.
lol Are you brain dead? It was in his last State of the Union address.

Think about it for just a minute. Turn of Foxnews, turn off Hannity and Rush. Take the time to think about it. In his last State of the Union Address he lied more than he told the truth. The Truth Watchers couldn't even keep up real time. I think the final count was 73 lies in total for the whole speech.
You think about it. He made the offer in his SOTU address and despite their denials, the Democrats rejected it, not because they thought it was a bad idea, but only because the President wants it.

His offers keep going up not down. His goalposts are on rocket powered skates.
You know that's not true. He made only one offer and it was in his SOTU address last year and the Democrats rejected it and that's why we have the shutdown.
So, you believe that any federal law enforcement officer can just pull a Latino off the street, declare him an illegal, and put him on a bus to Mexico. And, I am sure that you have a really good explanation of why Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegals in 12 years by doing just that.

Don't give up your day job bagging groceries to practice law, Basic.

Now you're just being stupid.

Basic, you have already demonstrated that you do not even have an 8th grade level understanding of the Bill of Rights and American law, so off to bed, with you. I only deal with people who are at least high school graduate intelligence.

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