Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

OMG. This is one of the most hysterical moves I have ever witnessed but a smack down baby.

I am happy happy happy. Unreal. God bless President Trump. Told the bitch to fly commercial.

Right so rather than being excited anything related to policy, you are happy that Trump had Pelosi fly commercial. Lol you assholes will take any tiny victory you can get huh? You’re like kids playing soccer on the playground. Pelosi got pwned!

Lol right my entire day is just ruined because Pelosi had to fly commercial. Argh! Republicans always win the day!
Perhaps not, but her day sure was ruined!

Lol oh my god. No one else cares this happened. Sorry to break it to you.

We live in a system of checks & balances, commonly referred to as a Democracy. The majority of Americans do not want a wall, .Neither does 9 REPUBLICAN congressional districts along the border, whom want to go with high tech solutions. There is no National emergency according to Texas Republican congressman, Will Hurd, who's district covers 840 miles of the border.
Hurd Out with Plans for "High Tech" Border Wall | KTSA
GOP Rep. Will Hurd tells Trump to put his money where his mouth is - Personal Liberty®
GOP Rep. Will Hurd on border wall shutdown: ‘If this is a crisis, the people that are dealing with this crisis should get paid’ - The Washington Post


Texas Republican congressman, Will Hurd who's district cover 840 miles of the border.

Republicans do not want Trump's WALL either. They did not vote for it over the last 2 years when they had a full house. This is just a political stunt to blame Democrats for no WALL.

They don't want a WALL, because walls and fences do not work.

A 2-1/2 minute video will explain it.

This tunnel (one of 240) found in the San Diego Region, was discovered and reported on FOX NEWS in April 2016, while many on that network are still trying to shove Trump's WALL down your throats


Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

So you half brained Trump tards are going to have to decide if you really want border security, or just a signature worthless campaign WALL to save Trump's ass.

If true that is why Trump was elected. Many of the Repubs helped the left move to socialism and now going to communism.
Oh really... hmmm... so there's only 10,000 people living in all that red area... LMFAO... what an imbecile...

Hey, shit for brains....thanks for PROVING you're illiterate.
You have no CLUE do you?
Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, Arizona are ALL about to flip Blue. Almost guaranteed to by 2020. You're running out of red states fast, pal.

Show me where I said that. You retarded or something? I said probably not 10,000 who are willing to go to war in ALL Red States COMBINED. And if you think for one second that everyone (or even a majority) of people in red states are willing to go against the government or take up arms in a real conflict, you're actually as stupid as your post proves.

Hmmmm....let's many people in ALL your Red states have actually gone to the border to protect it themselves? that would be SIX total.
And let's many of your "patriots" rose up to stop (or even go to DC and protest) when Obama was raping the nation and funding Iran? NONE.
And...let's much of the 1 billion did your Red states donate towards building the wall? Hmmmm.....20 million....ONLY 2 %....where's all that guaranteed patriotism?
But in your infinite wisdom, you actually believe that even a significant percentage of all the people in red states would suddenly rise up in arms? LMAO. Yeah, right!

You'd be pissing your panties and running to momma if there was the slightest hint of a real conflict like every other Internet wannabe tough guy.

Please! You're only fooling yourself. Fool.
Your kind of idiotic arrogance is exactly why the Right is falling to the left.
65,000 illegals enter the country every MONTH. Why aren't you at the border tin soldier?
NONE of your buds from ANY of your red states have the time (or balls) to show up? Scared maybe?

WHERE ARE ALL THESE "COMBAT READY PATRIOTS" you and your associate keyboard commando dreamers speak of?
ANY DAY NOW huh? (But not today)
Democrats are laughing hysterically at keyboard commandos like you.

And to be honest, this fantasy talk of an imaginary uprising that will never be gets old.
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In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”
God I love this President! No other President would do this to the Speaker. LOL. This is why we voted for him folks! Take a giant shit on the Deep State anyway he can. Bravo!
So this is the tone conservative republicans want in our federal government?
Fuck em and feed em fish heads. agree that this is the tone conservative republicans want in our federal government.

Why would she want to go overseas with the government shutdown? ... I couldn’t imagine she would even think about going

Why would democrats party on the beaches of Puerto Rico with lobbyist during the shut down? The answer is because they are democrats and the MSM will cover for them, not hold them accountable!
Pelosi did the right thing with respect to the scheduling of the SOTU. But I hope that she does not forever deny us the opportunity for us to see someone present at the speech, if it is given, stand up in the chamber and yell "YOU LIE!"

Has the orange whore arrived in Mexico City yet?

Pelosi doesn’t know how to do the right thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”
30 states and 2,623 counties want a knew that right?

Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.

Trump also is wanting to up the security package, along with the wall.

And that is exactly what the annual 1.3 billion that is automatically allocated to the Border Security is there for. It's been pretty well known that the things other than the wall have been not funded well enough and it's going to take more funding. Upping it to either 1.6 or 3 billion would cover that if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, for the last 2 years, with Trump micro managing, it's hard to follow where he spent the 2.6 billion it already received. There has been a lot of mistakes made. Trump needs to get the funds and stay the hell out of it and let Homeland Security handle it without his meddling.

Border Patrol is asking for the wall or at least a fence, why not give them what they need to do their job better? Not seeing why you wouldn’t want to give workers the tools to better do their jobs.
Actually, this can be a great negotiating tactic when dealing with certain types of people (sociopaths).

If you humiliate them badly enough they will make a deal just to end the suffering. She lost face big time—and won’t want it to happen again.

That must be Trump’s read of Nancy—I trust his analysis on this one..... Tell me what other President would have had the BALLSZ to stick his nuts in Piglousi's mouth?....THIS is the man I want IN CHARGE!
Good one. When she expropriates military transportation to her personal use and enjoyment, she places herself in the hands of the Commander in Chief, and he called her out on delaying the government shutdown she was so eager to blame on Trump.

Our military personnel have equipment at their disposal to use for our military defenders when they need it, and not for Nancy Pelosi's gadding about all over the globe in her mission to damage the President further than she already has with one salvo of character assassination blasts after another..

Go stand in the corner, Nancy Pelosi!
Trump directed Cohen to lie to congress about Moscow trump tower project Trump is in deep DOO DOO
No, he jack knifed our soldiers overseas. Keeping Congress from funding them and getting them what they need.

Are all Republicans this dumb?

Not a single one is defending our soldiers.

On a scale of 1-10, how bad did it hurt your butt?
It is hard to argue with Trump's logic. What is she doing jet-setting around the globe on a government plane while the shutdown that she is prolonging is harming hundreds of thousands of federal workers?

Trump is asking for $5.7 billion for a border fence, which would be 0.0998% of the federal budget. I bet Nancy has spent more than that on botox, plastic surgery, and makeup since she's been in Congress.
Why would she want to go overseas with the government shutdown? ... I couldn’t imagine she would even think about going

Why would democrats party on the beaches of Puerto Rico with lobbyist during the shut down? The answer is because they are democrats and the MSM will cover for them, not hold them accountable!

Because they are still trying to do their jobs. Unlike the McConnel and Trump.
Queen Nanzi must be pissed.

So much for her being equal to the President....her derangement just went into overtime!...ROTFLMFAO!
Trump directed Cohen to lie to congress about Moscow trump tower project Trump is in deep DOO DOO
NO Marion not funny Trump and his family are in deep shit now He'll be hung out to dry for telling Cohen to lie to congress ,,,and then you can tell the board you knew he was a crook all the time
Hmm, Texas, NM and Arizona don't want the wall Trump is peddling. Who cares what Maine things.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.

Trump also is wanting to up the security package, along with the wall.

And that is exactly what the annual 1.3 billion that is automatically allocated to the Border Security is there for. It's been pretty well known that the things other than the wall have been not funded well enough and it's going to take more funding. Upping it to either 1.6 or 3 billion would cover that if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, for the last 2 years, with Trump micro managing, it's hard to follow where he spent the 2.6 billion it already received. There has been a lot of mistakes made. Trump needs to get the funds and stay the hell out of it and let Homeland Security handle it without his meddling.

Border Patrol is asking for the wall or at least a fence, why not give them what they need to do their job better? Not seeing why you wouldn’t want to give workers the tools to better do their jobs.

Oh, I agree but Trump doesn't. For the last 2 years, in Texas alone, Border Patrols have been relocated away from Texas and not single inch of Border Wall or Fence has been added. Yet there has been 2.6 billion allocated for that purpose at 1.3 billion per the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018. There has been a lot of mismanagement and squandering going on. The fault lies with Trump who won't quite micromanaging.

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