Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"
Pelosi and the left figured they had one on Trump, it now looks like Trump backhanded Pelosi and then grounded her. Now the little girl lefties cry and want to run to mommy. :boo_hoo14:
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

While the Trumpster Orangers keep going on about Dems, it also affected the Reps equally as much.
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

Nah. She deserved it. What he did was fair and logical. Sorry to interrupt your snowflake fantasy.
Trump wins as usual. But his brain is a lot better than hers, so what can you do.
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

Nah. She deserved it. What he did was fair and logical. Sorry to interrupt your snowflake fantasy.

I would say that neither one should be sitting in power. It's like a couple of 5 year olds. This is what things have been reduced to.
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"
While the Trumpster Orangers keep going on about Dems, it also affected the Reps equally as much.

And while the Dimwit Dems fight to have open borders and sacrificial cities, Dims are the main ones paying the price in terms of crime, drugs and loss of life. etc.

Oh the irony eh?
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

Nah. She deserved it. What he did was fair and logical. Sorry to interrupt your snowflake fantasy.

Nah he's just throwing his little temper tantrum. He'll tire himself out.
Nancy has herself to thank for this. In her disdain for the president, she performed her public stunt of asking him to not give his State of the Union address. Turn about is fair play. Maybe she and the rest of the rabble in her party should begin to take the president and the voters who elected him seriously.
I would say that neither one should be sitting in power. It's like a couple of 5 year olds. This is what things have been reduced to.

No. One wants to SECURE the nation and make it safe for AMERICAN CITIZENS

The other wants to Sacrifice American Citizens in favor of foreigners
Trump wins as usual. But his brain is a lot better than hers, so what can you do.

They can do exactly what they are doing. 2020 is next year. While Trump may have a huge ego and not think anything will be bad, there is quite a few senators that just watched the landslide in the House in 2018. McConnel will probably be out of a job regardless.
Nancy has herself to thank for this. In her disdain for the president, she performed her public stunt of asking him to not give his State of the Union address. Turn about is fair play. Maybe she and the rest of the rabble in her party should begin to take the president and the voters who elected him seriously.

Wow, a couple of 5 year olds. So much for good government. I don't condone either one. But you side with the 5 year old.
Governor Abbot supports it along with the people. New Mexico and Arizona need to go through their voter roles with a fine tooth comb and eject all illegals.

Abbot isn't saying one way or another. As they say, he's sidestepping the issue. But while he hasn't commented on a Wall, he has commented on supporting more Fencing and expanding the Border agents that were lost to other areas in the last couple of years. Abbot is closer to the Dems views than Trumps views. Securing the Border isn't a wall, it's a security package.

Trump also is wanting to up the security package, along with the wall.

And that is exactly what the annual 1.3 billion that is automatically allocated to the Border Security is there for. It's been pretty well known that the things other than the wall have been not funded well enough and it's going to take more funding. Upping it to either 1.6 or 3 billion would cover that if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, for the last 2 years, with Trump micro managing, it's hard to follow where he spent the 2.6 billion it already received. There has been a lot of mistakes made. Trump needs to get the funds and stay the hell out of it and let Homeland Security handle it without his meddling.

Border Patrol is asking for the wall or at least a fence, why not give them what they need to do their job better? Not seeing why you wouldn’t want to give workers the tools to better do their jobs.

Oh, I agree but Trump doesn't. For the last 2 years, in Texas alone, Border Patrols have been relocated away from Texas and not single inch of Border Wall or Fence has been added. Yet there has been 2.6 billion allocated for that purpose at 1.3 billion per the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018. There has been a lot of mismanagement and squandering going on. The fault lies with Trump who won't quite micromanaging.

Why is it that partisans only care about mismanagement when the other party is in office?

Not sure why one would post the same numbers post after post.
Nancy has herself to thank for this. In her disdain for the president, she performed her public stunt of asking him to not give his State of the Union address. Turn about is fair play. Maybe she and the rest of the rabble in her party should begin to take the president and the voters who elected him seriously.

Of course it's fair play. It's just that the Left has no concept of "fair" or "compromise"
"She's being so mean to me. It's not faaaiirrrrr. Let's see...I'm the most powerful guy in the world. What can I do to get her back for being mean to me? OOooh, I know!"

Nah. She deserved it. What he did was fair and logical. Sorry to interrupt your snowflake fantasy.

I would say that neither one should be sitting in power. It's like a couple of 5 year olds. This is what things have been reduced to.
That's not the case at all. The President wants the smart fence because it will end illegal immigration across our southern border, and the Democrats only oppose it because the President wants it. On the one hand we have the President acting responsibly to protect our borders and on the other hand we Pelosi behaving like a nasty spoiled child, so the President is now treating her like the nasty spoiled child she is.

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