Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”

Trump denying Pelosi use of military transport is a weak move.

It's nothing in comparison to Pelosi denying Trump his his State of the Union address. Trump does not get his moment in the sun this year. He must be PISSED!
Pelosi cannot deny the state of the union address.

Well...I don’t know. She shouldn’t. But the State of the Union could be transmitted by letter as per the Constitution. I always despised the theatre of it.
But alas we live in theatrical times. So here’s an idea. Trump should rent a yuuuuge stadium and pack it with citizens. Deliver his state of the union to Americans directly. Simply ignore Pelosi.

He's required to deliver it to Congress.

Members of Congress can come. Others can watch virtually. Done!
he Oval Office meeting between Donald Trump and congressional Democratic leaders turned out to be far more dramatic than anyone expected, and to the extent that the president’s words have any practical meaning, there was one meaningful takeaway: the Republican is now prepared to shut down the government next week over funding for a border wall.

It reminded me of the Democratic offer the president should’ve accepted earlier this year.

Though this doesn’t come up much anymore, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) met privately with Trump at the White House in January, and the two had what was described as the “Cheeseburger Summit.” After the meeting, the Democratic leader seemed optimistic that he and the president had come up with the “framework” for an immigration deal.

As we discussed at the time, the basic contours of the deal were straightforward: Schumer was willing to accept funding for a border wall in exchange for DACA protections for Dreamers.

After Trump negotiated the terms, the White House balked: Chief of Staff John Kelly called Schumer soon after to explain the plan wasn’t far enough to the right for Republicans. Trump himself declared that he’d need far more in any deal, including significant cuts to legal immigration.

I’m reminded of something Slate’s Jim Newell wrote back in Matrch:

[All Trump] had to do was accept a 10- to 14-year path to citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States at a young age.

That deal has been on the table for more than a month now: Trump gives Democrats a path to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers; Democrats give Trump his full $25 billion wall funding request. […]

It is confounding that Trump didn’t just take the deal.

That was published nearly nine months ago. It’s still confounding that Trump didn’t just take the deal.

54 votes, despite a veto threat from Trump. Sure, it needed 60 votes to advance, but the president’s preferred immigration alternative received just 39 votes in a chamber with a Republican majority.

At this point, some of you might be thinking, “Well, wait a second. If the odds of a shutdown next week are improving, what’s to stop Trump and Dems from rekindling that same deal? The president may have rejected the offer before, but in his desperation, maybe he’d accept it now?”

Trump might wish he had it to do over again, but it’s too late. For one thing, the White House lost its leverage when the courts ruled that the president couldn’t scrap the DACA policy.

For another, Dems made that offer long before the midterm elections. They’re in a far stronger negotiating position now – which is why they’ve taken their previous offer off the table.
he Oval Office meeting between Donald Trump and congressional Democratic leaders turned out to be far more dramatic than anyone expected, and to the extent that the president’s words have any practical meaning, there was one meaningful takeaway: the Republican is now prepared to shut down the government next week over funding for a border wall.

It reminded me of the Democratic offer the president should’ve accepted earlier this year.

Though this doesn’t come up much anymore, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) met privately with Trump at the White House in January, and the two had what was described as the “Cheeseburger Summit.” After the meeting, the Democratic leader seemed optimistic that he and the president had come up with the “framework” for an immigration deal.

As we discussed at the time, the basic contours of the deal were straightforward: Schumer was willing to accept funding for a border wall in exchange for DACA protections for Dreamers.

After Trump negotiated the terms, the White House balked: Chief of Staff John Kelly called Schumer soon after to explain the plan wasn’t far enough to the right for Republicans. Trump himself declared that he’d need far more in any deal, including significant cuts to legal immigration.

I’m reminded of something Slate’s Jim Newell wrote back in Matrch:

[All Trump] had to do was accept a 10- to 14-year path to citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States at a young age.

That deal has been on the table for more than a month now: Trump gives Democrats a path to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers; Democrats give Trump his full $25 billion wall funding request. […]

It is confounding that Trump didn’t just take the deal.

That was published nearly nine months ago. It’s still confounding that Trump didn’t just take the deal.

54 votes, despite a veto threat from Trump. Sure, it needed 60 votes to advance, but the president’s preferred immigration alternative received just 39 votes in a chamber with a Republican majority.

At this point, some of you might be thinking, “Well, wait a second. If the odds of a shutdown next week are improving, what’s to stop Trump and Dems from rekindling that same deal? The president may have rejected the offer before, but in his desperation, maybe he’d accept it now?”

Trump might wish he had it to do over again, but it’s too late. For one thing, the White House lost its leverage when the courts ruled that the president couldn’t scrap the DACA policy.

For another, Dems made that offer long before the midterm elections. They’re in a far stronger negotiating position now – which is why they’ve taken their previous offer off the table.
NOW do you understand toomuchtime?
And who else but Putin is glad to see our Gov't shutdown??? Trump a disgrace to our country
I guess this means that Trump has discovered that the Army Corps of Engineers is not going to build the wall for him. That's a shame. They did such a good job building the levees in New Orleans before Katrina.

Even the Army Corp of Engineers have to have those funds approved. And that is the problem right now. No funds are forthcoming.
True, but when he said he would use the Army Corp of Engineers, it was when he was discussing declaring a national emergency and planned to use defense funds.

Since he's trying to complete 234 miles of wall plus access roads, monitoring, etc before the election, the Corp of Engineers is not the way to go. They are notorious slow compared to private contractors.
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I guess this means that Trump has discovered that the Army Corps of Engineers is not going to build the wall for him. That's a shame. They did such a good job building the levees in New Orleans before Katrina.

Even the Army Corp of Engineers have to have those funds approved. And that is the problem right now. No funds are forthcoming.
True, but when he said he would use the Army Corp of Engineers, it was when he was discussing declaring a national emergency and planned to use defense funds.

Since he's trying to complete 234 miles of wall plus access roads, monitoring, etc before the election, the Corp of Engineers is not the way to go. They are notorious slow compared to private contractors.
But trump doesn't pay private contractors ,,,He's stiffed many
In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”

Trump denying Pelosi use of military transport is a weak move.

It's nothing in comparison to Pelosi denying Trump his his State of the Union address. Trump does not get his moment in the sun this year. He must be PISSED!
Pelosi cannot deny the state of the union address.

Well...I don’t know. She shouldn’t. But the State of the Union could be transmitted by letter as per the Constitution. I always despised the theatre of it.
But alas we live in theatrical times. So here’s an idea. Trump should rent a yuuuuge stadium and pack it with citizens. Deliver his state of the union to Americans directly. Simply ignore Pelosi.

He's required to deliver it to Congress.

Members of Congress can come. Others can watch virtually. Done!

Do you under stand the meaning of the word "Deliver"?
TrogloRD, do you think Pelosi, now that the world knows she is the one keeping the government shut down, that she might lighten up on her intransigence in dealing with the executive branch?

I don't really care what she does at the point. I am more in line to thinking that McConnel needs to be sent packing yesterday. McConnel has brought congress to a screeching halt. He won't allow bills to be presented to the Senate to be voted on unless his Daddy, the Trumpster okays it. That means we have two branches of the Government that just as well go home, the Congress and the President. Guess the Supreme Court may have to intervene on this one. It's not their job but they will do it if necessary. They have in the past.

Pelosi should impeach McConnell. She has the power to do it.

He's surrendered the independence of the Senate.

Previously, he failed to execute the duties of his office by refusing to hold hearing for a SCOTUS nominee. That threatens the very existence of SCOTUS.
In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”

Trump denying Pelosi use of military transport is a weak move.

It's nothing in comparison to Pelosi denying Trump his his State of the Union address. Trump does not get his moment in the sun this year. He must be PISSED!
Pelosi cannot deny the state of the union address.

Yes she can. The State of the Union address is only because congress invites the President to a joint session of congress. She does not have to give this invitation.

The President IS required to report on the State of the Union to Congress, but that can be in writing.
Richard H., this is from the House's archives on the State of the Union address:

Including President Donald J. Trump’s 2018 address, there have been a total of 95 in-person Annual Messages/State of the Union Addresses. Since President Woodrow Wilson’s 1913 address, there have been a total of 83 in-person addresses.

  • In 1945, President Franklin Roosevelt's address was read to a Joint Session of the House and Senate. Since the President did not deliver the address, it does not count as an in-person address.
Origins and Authorization
The formal basis for the State of the Union Address is from the U.S. Constitution:
  • The President “shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” Article II, Section 3, Clause 1.
The constitutionally mandated presidential address has gone through a few name changes:

  • It was formally known as the Annual Message from 1790 to 1946.
  • It began to be informally called the "state of the Union" message/address from 1942 to 1946.
  • Since 1947 it has officially been known as the State of the Union Address.
Earlier Annual Messages of the President included agency budget requests and general reports on the health of the economy. During the 20th century, Congress required more-specialized reports on these two aspects, separate from the Annual Message.

  • Budget Message, required by the National Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 (42 Stat. 20) to be delivered to Congress no more than two weeks after Congress convenes in January.
  • Economic Report, required by the Employment Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 23), with a flexible delivery date.
Over time, as the message content changed, the focus of the State of the Union also changed:

  • In the 19th century, the annual message was both a lengthy administrative report on the various departments of the executive branch and a budget and economic message.
  • After 1913, when Woodrow Wilson revived the practice of presenting the message to Congress in person, it became a platform for the President to rally support for his agenda.
  • Technological changes—radio, television, and the Internet—further developed the State of the Union into a forum for the President to speak directly to the American people.
Technological Change
There's a little more trivia here: State of the Union Address | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

So? Nothing you posted contradict what I posted at all.

He can give it in writing. He can do it from the oval office...but I'd bet that it would have record low viewership. Congress could look at the transcript the next day. fail.

Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime @ Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime - Tea Party News
In real life we call it a fucking traitorous president putting others lives in jeopardy Hopefully his end soon

Lives are in jeopardy? Name them lol.
ice,blues bri sassy etc etc

I see, so because 'Trump' the earth will exit the solar system and we'll all die got it. :21:
Not really blues ,,life will go on but this garbage in our WH sure makes it miserable for millions and who knows how long it will take to recover Americas leadership in the world ,,,,, and any friend of Putin is my enemy
In real life we call it a fucking traitorous president putting others lives in jeopardy Hopefully his end soon

Lives are in jeopardy? Name them lol.
ice,blues bri sassy etc etc

I see, so because 'Trump' the earth will exit the solar system and we'll all die got it. :21:
Not really blues ,,life will go on but this garbage in our WH sure makes it miserable for millions and who knows how long it will take to recover Americas leadership in the world ,,,,, and any friend of Putin is my enemy

Just a couple of notes here

The Supreme Court is going to have Law Suits placed in front of them very soon on Labor. It seems there are some old laws that are still in effect about working people without pay is slavery.

Trump stated that all the Federal Emplyees were Democrats. He might have been wrong then but he's probably not wrong now.

He threatened the States about financially helping out the Federal Workers. Guess what, I know of at least 3 states that have authorized the Federal Workers the right to file for Unemployment Insurance whether they are reporting to work or not. All 3 are blue states. I look for the Red states to not do this and turn either blue or purple in the process. November 2020 isn't that far off.

THEY aren't murdering Trump. Trump is murdering Trump.

Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime @ Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime - Tea Party News

So, you are assuming that no security personnel, drivers, secretaries and assistants, translators, or communication personnel are included in that 86 people.

Families of congressmen, don't go on trips that go into war zones.
In real life we call it a fucking traitorous president putting others lives in jeopardy Hopefully his end soon

Lives are in jeopardy? Name them lol.
ice,blues bri sassy etc etc

I see, so because 'Trump' the earth will exit the solar system and we'll all die got it. :21:
Not really blues ,,life will go on but this garbage in our WH sure makes it miserable for millions and who knows how long it will take to recover Americas leadership in the world ,,,,, and any friend of Putin is my enemy

And Dem mooching deadbeats who want to raise our taxes and force us to pay THEIR bills makes millions of us miserable. I'm sick and tired of the left telling me I'm not paying my fair share. I pay my share and the share of 10 other people. The top 20% already pay over 80% of the taxes, that's not 'fair'.

Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime @ Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime - Tea Party News

So, you are assuming that no security personnel, drivers, secretaries and assistants, translators, or communication personnel are included in that 86 people.

Families of congressmen, don't go on trips that go into war zones.

If a person in succession goes anywhere, they use Government Transportation. If they go overseas for ANY reason, they use Military Air. If their family goes with them then they still fly Military. That goes for Even Ivanka when she travels without Trump which I do find quite odd. In case you don't like it, get it changed but those either in the Presidency or those in line of Succession have to be handled that way. But I know you won't see it that way even if it's the law. So go ahead.

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