Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”

Trump denying Pelosi use of military transport is a weak move.

It's nothing in comparison to Pelosi denying Trump his his State of the Union address. Trump does not get his moment in the sun this year. He must be PISSED!
Pelosi cannot deny the state of the union address.

Yes she can. The State of the Union address is only because congress invites the President to a joint session of congress. She does not have to give this invitation.

The President IS required to report on the State of the Union to Congress, but that can be in writing.

I already cited the Constitution to you that proves otherwise.

How about you cite part of the constitution that backs what you're saying.

Oh, please people! You cannot impeach a member of the House, even if she is the Speaker!

True. Speaker cannot be impeached, but can be voted out... for that we have to wait.

Now, is there any way to defund Pelosi's $1000 a week booze habit?

It probably takes a lot of booze to ignore reality, but taxpayer funded $1000 a week is bit too much.
Huge violation of security proceedure.

These trips are never ever announced before that take place and most of the time we don't mind it about them until they are over and the VIPs are safely in the air on the way home.

National security is not tRump's forte.
Bitch better stop playing her games then.

Bitch better stop playing his.
Or What...............Pelosi and Schumer are going to say NO again. Really
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
A complain can't be made to the House Ethics Committee for any sitting Representative - including the Speaker.

It will, of course, never get a hearing and will gather dust until the end of that 116th Congress.
Bitch better stop playing her games then.

Bitch better stop playing his.
Or What...............Pelosi and Schumer are going to say NO again. Really
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.

Bitch better stop playing his.
Or What...............Pelosi and Schumer are going to say NO again. Really
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.


Bitch better stop playing his.
Or What...............Pelosi and Schumer are going to say NO again. Really
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.
Evidently you know nothing of his history He is a lying SOB that has ALWAYS tried to benefit himself over those in his employment He has screwed 1000's and now he can add republicans to his dirty list
Or What...............Pelosi and Schumer are going to say NO again. Really
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.

And believe me ,,,he loves Putin more than you

Bitch better stop playing his.
Or What...............Pelosi and Schumer are going to say NO again. Really
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.
To me he's a wishy-washy weak-willed wuss who go whichever way the wind blows him.

And if you're following him guess what that makes you?
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.

And believe me ,,,he loves Putin more than you

"believe me" - said leftist.

True. Speaker cannot be impeached

No, any federal government official can be impeached. For example, McConnell and the other 41 Russian agents in the senate certainly deserve impeachment.

but can be voted out... for that we have to wait.

Republicans essentially ran on Pelosi Derangement Syndrome in 2018, and they got their butts kicked as a result. And yet here you are, thinking that if you just turn up the PDS even higher, the tactic will work this time.

Good luck with that. We liberals encourage the tactic, being how it will bring us more votes. And we can tell you that, safe in the knowledge that you won't turn down the PDS. All the other cultists are doing it, which essentially forces you to do it as well.

Now, is there any way to defund Pelosi's $1000 a week booze habit?

You know that's not true, but you willingly tell the lie anyways.

The two sides are totally different in that respect. Liberals value truth, while conservatives expect other conservatives to lie for TheParty. A conservative who won't lie for TheParty is assumed to be a dirty liberal, and will be cast out of TheParty.
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.

And believe me ,,,he loves Putin more than you

"believe me" - said leftist.

Mexico will pay ..And I'm proud to own the gov't shutdown - said Traitor
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.

And believe me ,,,he loves Putin more than you

"believe me" - said leftist.

Mexico will pay ..And I'm proud to own the gov't shutdown - said Traitor

Of course, typical leftist... derail.
This is Trump's greatest moment if he keeps the game up. There is nothing to lose. From his point of view he has a lot of people against him. Not a lot of people can withstand that no matter what we say. So up to now he is doing the best he can to keep his promises. To you he is no good. To me he is the torch on the Statue of Liberty. And the last hope before we enter helter skelter as the shadow of tyranny covers a once vibrant nation. Even with him the tyranny expands and the move to the left has continued.

And believe me ,,,he loves Putin more than you

"believe me" - said leftist.

Mexico will pay ..And I'm proud to own the gov't shutdown - said Traitor

Of course, typical leftist... derail.
Add to my last post,, I'll show my taxes One more lie from the moron
Bitch better stop playing her games then.

Bitch better stop playing his.
Or What...............Pelosi and Schumer are going to say NO again. Really
You do realize this thing is all tRumps fault don't you? There was a bill on his desk that he had promised to sign until Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh called him a coward or some shit. You do realize that the new Democratic house has passed spending bills that are identical to the ones the republican house and senate signed off in already right? You do realize the tRump is the one who stormed out of the meeting like a spoiled teenager right? And that he's the one who said he was "proud to shut the government down" and that it could last "months or years" right?

These things are all facts, whether you like it or not.

Knowing these facts how can you honestly blame anyone but tRump for this shutdown?
Didn't include the funding.........that's the point.
25 billion over 10 years and ok'ed by both parties and trump,,,,,, Was ok until his ah adviser Coulter called him a whimp
Bullshit. There was no bill that provided funding for the smart fence on his desk.

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