Trump Deploys Lawlessness Against Lawlessness

Local police are not responding. The same story in Denver, New York, Minneapolis, Seattle, pick your big city. They are being ordered to stand down by Democratic local leadership. So what is your solution? Let it burn? Let the kids keep getting shot? Let the businesses keep getting looted? Let the cities keep getting destroyed?

They really dont give a shit, these people. Its unbelievable. We all know protesters have had their time to protest and what they are doing every day now is endangering lives. These mayors are not backing their own police. They are not protecting their own citizens and need to be held accountable for every death.Guarantee you these pseudo liberals would have no problem sending cops to peoples doors to take away their guns, especially if they were conservatives. They would be all over that, but send cops out to stop actual destruction and violence?
They all deserve home invasions by armed assailants so they can experience the same feeling of helplessness they wish on other peoples communities. They throw common sense and order of law right out the window so they can justify their hate.
linux07 deploys USMB Trump Derangement Syndrome thread #126,649.
Remember when conservatives cared about government over-reach

Yea, apparently anybody believing in the 10th amendment has TDS.
Oh yeah the amendment that gives you the right to block traffic break windows set fires beat up cops throw your shit at cops and rip down statues without a vote and beat people up that don't agree with that the amendment you are referring to?....
Its the responsibility of local government to enforce their laws.

We dont keep statues of enemies of the US. Nor participation trophies.
linux07 deploys USMB Trump Derangement Syndrome thread #126,649.
Remember when conservatives cared about government over-reach

Yea, apparently anybody believing in the 10th amendment has TDS.
Oh yeah the amendment that gives you the right to block traffic break windows set fires beat up cops throw your shit at cops and rip down statues without a vote and beat people up that don't agree with that the amendment you are referring to?....
Its the responsibility of local government to enforce their laws.

We dont keep statues of enemies of the US. Nor participation trophies.
If those local agencies will not protect federal property its up to the feds to step in....those buildings are paid for and maintained by the US tax payer....its unfair and criminal for local authorities to not protect them....and you know as well as I its all political at this point....
The president’s heavy-handed response to protests against police brutality belies his promise of "law and order."

Notwithstanding Trump's pose as "your president of law and order," his heavy-handed reaction to the protests triggered by George Floyd's death represents neither. In response to largely peaceful demonstrations against police brutality that have been punctuated by criminal behavior, he has deployed his own brand of lawlessness, including arbitrary arrests and the disproportionate, indiscriminate use of force.

"We cannot give up liberty for security," Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) warned on Monday. "Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities, but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will."

In a federal lawsuit filed on Friday, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, citing the accounts of protesters who said they had been subjected to such treatment, argues that the Marshals Service and several Homeland Security agencies thereby violated their First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights. "Every American should be repulsed when they see this happening," she said. "If this can happen here in Portland, it can happen anywhere."

Whats heavy handed about protecting federal property from a violent mob? libs and your media are on a losing track like you have never seen before.....
linux07 deploys USMB Trump Derangement Syndrome thread #126,649.
Remember when conservatives cared about government over-reach

Yea, apparently anybody believing in the 10th amendment has TDS.
What about violent mob over reach?....
Where's the outrage over the govt tyranny from our resident militia and patriot group members?

Oh yeah. They're busy fighting the tyranny of mask mandates. :uhoh3:
Judge blocks US agents from arresting observers in Portland

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A federal judge specifically blocked U.S. agents from arresting or using physical force against journalists and legal observers at protests in Oregon’s largest city where President Donald Trump is testing the limits of federal power.

Federal agents appeared to deploy tear gas early Friday to force thousands of demonstrators from crowding around the federal courthouse.

Philadelphia’s Top Prosecutor Is Prepared to Arrest Federal Agents
After Trump said he would send agents to more cities, Philly’s district attorney lays out how he might criminally charge federal officers.

In one of those cities, the city prosecutor has already preemptively warned Trump’s police forces what he will do if they bring the same tactics to Philadelphia:

“My dad volunteered and served in World War II to fight fascism, like most of my uncles, so we would not have an American president brutalizing and kidnapping Americans for exercising their constitutional rights and trying to make America a better place, which is what patriots do,” said Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner in a statement. “Anyone, including federal law enforcement, who unlawfully assaults and kidnaps people will face criminal charges from my office.”

Trump claims the federal intervention is needed due to excessive violence, particularly around federal statues and monuments. But legal experts have said the reported federal actions in Portland far exceed legal boundaries.


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