Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

Thanks for clarifying... The next breath comment was meant for Bidens comment at the Townhall when he talked about the effect vaccines have on symptoms in breakthrough cases

I could provide xiden examples as well, where the "next breath" wouldn't apply.

3/4ths of congress wanted to do their constitutional duty of certifying the election within the time limits.

1/4th wanted to illegally delay that certification with an investigation.
There duty was to investigate the election.
[ The WHOLE GOP knew the truth. The 2020 election was NOT .......stolen. ]

Members of Congress who contested the 2020 election results admitted behind closed doors that they know their cause is false, U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Houston, said on his podcast published Wednesday, offering his sternest rebuke yet of his party’s rejection of President Joe Biden’s win.

Speaking with former congressional candidate and election reform advocate Nick Troiano on his podcast, “Hold These Truths,” the Texas Republican said fellow members of his party were merely trying to signal their disapproval of former President Donald Trump’s loss but knew there was no real mechanism to overturn it. Still, he warned that messaging could dangerously lead to voters losing faith in the electoral process.

“It was always a lie. The whole thing was always a lie. And it was a lie meant to rile people up,” Crenshaw said, deriding some of his peers as “political personalities” rather than “politicians.” He did not name the members he was referring to.

“People just need their last hurrah. They just need to feel like they fought one last time,” he added. Other members told him, “‘Trust me, it’ll be fine.’ And I was like, ‘No, it won’t! That’s not what people believe and that’s not what you’re telling them.’”

Trump has been widely expected to run for office again in 2024, and Axios reported Friday that the former president could formally announce his bid on Nov. 14, shortly after the midterm elections.

Crenshaw was among a handful of Texas Republicans to vote against GOP objections to the results of the 2020 presidential election. Although the objections delayed the certification of the results, culminating in the violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the effort was always doomed to fail with a Democratic majority in the House.

(full article online)

Is there anything Trump can say or do that IS a Deal Breaker to Republicans?

But Stephanopoulos pressed further, and Joyce ultimately said that Trump's comment should be taken "in context" but that it wouldn't prevent him from supporting Trump if he ends up winning the nomination.

You can't come out against someone who's for suspending the Constitution?" Stephanopoulos pushed back once again.

"He says a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that it's ever going to happen. So you got to [separate] fact from fantasy
well, then we'll need a lot more Republicans denouncing Trump at every idiotic turn he makes (which are a lot of his turns),
or we're facing yet another Democratic false-flagging appeaser as President (which is just as bad as having a Trump or Bolton in the Oval Office).
You are wrong. Something as serious as fraud should have been investigated now the Constitution they abused has come home to fuck them.

a federal judge found that Trump made false claims of voter fraud.
Why would they waste time investigating false claims.
If there was serious evidence of fraud then yea it should have been investigated. But there wasnt…. Perhaps trump shouldn’t have fired so many blanks and lies in his pathetic attempt to make excuses for his loss.
It was investigated by the FBI. And the FBI and US Attorneys found no evidence of widespread or significant fraud.
I could provide xiden examples as well, where the "next breath" wouldn't apply.

Good for you. The example I was giving for the next breath was the townhall that people cherry picked and lied about
well, then we'll need a lot more Republicans denouncing Trump at every idiotic turn he makes (which are a lot of his turns),
or we're facing yet another Democratic false-flagging appeaser as President (which is just as bad as having a Trump or Bolton in the Oval Office).
We need a lots more Americans calling out the fraud that was 2020.

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