Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents

Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
Not any worst than many of the Obama speeches that he gave. You must be a troll monger so get a life and find something really good for us.
Any worst?

Notice when left wing nuts have nothing they go after typos?
I am a Lesbian because I am crazy about the girlies so me and gay girls must be like sorta related?
Hitler was a "truly great leader," but that is completely separate from the fact that he was also the worlds most hated killer.

You must adore him since you were compelled to post a video of him.

Hell, that video was probably part of his private collection. He sits around all day and wanks it to videos of Hitler.

How disgusting is that?

You are the ones who want to use the Justice Department to go after Trump's political enemies. That is Hitler-esque.
and using th IRS to go after your political opponents ISNT?

You are using bad behavior to excuse bad behavior. No one was targeted for prosecution so using the DOJ to jail your political opponents is much worse.
Im not excusing anything....I'm pointing out hypocrisy
using the governments guns to silence opposition is always wrong.
You are right; using the agency of the government to silence opposition is typical of dictatorships and un-American.
Hell, that video was probably part of his private collection. He sits around all day and wanks it to videos of Hitler.

How disgusting is that?

You are the ones who want to use the Justice Department to go after Trump's political enemies. That is Hitler-esque.
and using th IRS to go after your political opponents ISNT?

You are using bad behavior to excuse bad behavior. No one was targeted for prosecution so using the DOJ to jail your political opponents is much worse.
Im not excusing anything....I'm pointing out hypocrisy
using the governments guns to silence opposition is always wrong.
You are right; using the agency of the government to silence opposition is typical of dictatorships and un-American.
and BOTH ends of the political spectrum does it
[QUey were kids at an adult like political rally so they played the role an imitated what they have seen on TV.

Trump is a horrible role model for children, unless you want kids to respect lying, mean spiritedness, and all the ugly traits of trump. All those things, by the way, are the exact opposite of Boy Scout values.

Says a stupid Moon Bat that thinks that asshole Obama and Crooked Hillary would be good role models.
You are the ones who want to use the Justice Department to go after Trump's political enemies. That is Hitler-esque.
and using th IRS to go after your political opponents ISNT?

You are using bad behavior to excuse bad behavior. No one was targeted for prosecution so using the DOJ to jail your political opponents is much worse.
Im not excusing anything....I'm pointing out hypocrisy
using the governments guns to silence opposition is always wrong.
You are right; using the agency of the government to silence opposition is typical of dictatorships and un-American.
and BOTH ends of the political spectrum does it
There are not two ends of the political spectrum in the USA only two parties that are both for a free market economy.
Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.
Anyone who writes like you, with such language, is in no position to point a finger of who is an embarrassment either to America or even his own family.
Since I have 3 kids and I've been around hundreds of kids. I swear to you Trump is the worst I've seen...the mocking, the bullying, the name calling.

I also have kids and grandkids and have been around hundreds of kids and I swear to you that the worse I have ever seen would be a scumbag Slick Willy, American hating asshole Obama and the corrupt dishonest bitch Crooked Hillary. You know, the Libtard shitheads that you love so much.

Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to any of these jackass Moon Bat Democrats.
[QUey were kids at an adult like political rally so they played the role an imitated what they have seen on TV.

Trump is a horrible role model for children unless you want kids to respect lying, mean spiritedness, and all the ugly traits of trump. All those things, by the way, are the exact opposite of Boy Scout values.

Says a stupid Moon Bat that thinks that asshole Obama and Crooked Hillary would be good role models.
Liar. Show the post or link where I said either of them would be good role models. The defenses for trump are always Obama, Clinton, bla, bla, bla. That is because you have no real defense for that slob. That and just telling lies like you just did.
Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.
Anyone who writes like you, with such language, is in no position to point a finger of who is an embarrassment either to America or even his own family.

It takes gutter language to adequately address the Liberal scum of this country.
[QUey were kids at an adult like political rally so they played the role an imitated what they have seen on TV.

Trump is a horrible role model for children unless you want kids to respect lying, mean spiritedness, and all the ugly traits of trump. All those things, by the way, are the exact opposite of Boy Scout values.

Says a stupid Moon Bat that thinks that asshole Obama and Crooked Hillary would be good role models.
Liar. Show the post or link where I said either of them would be good role models. The defenses for trump are always Obama, Clinton, bla, bla, bla. That is because you have no real defense for that slob. That and just telling lies like you just did.

So you agree with me that Obama, Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary are scumbags that are not fit to be around children because they are such poor role models?
Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.
Anyone who writes like you, with such language, is in no position to point a finger of who is an embarrassment either to America or even his own family.

It takes gutter language to adequately address the Liberal scum of this country.
That is only because you lack the education, intelligence and or emotional control to articulate your thoughts and feeling in a way a normal person with those attribute would. Hence, you need to speak and communicate like an uneducated drunk.
[QUey were kids at an adult like political rally so they played the role an imitated what they have seen on TV.

Trump is a horrible role model for children unless you want kids to respect lying, mean spiritedness, and all the ugly traits of trump. All those things, by the way, are the exact opposite of Boy Scout values.

Says a stupid Moon Bat that thinks that asshole Obama and Crooked Hillary would be good role models.
Liar. Show the post or link where I said either of them would be good role models. The defenses for trump are always Obama, Clinton, bla, bla, bla. That is because you have no real defense for that slob. That and just telling lies like you just did.

So you agree with me that Obama, Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary are scumbags that are not fit to be around children because they are such poor role models?
No, I did not agree with you and do not agree with your last rant and distortion.

No, I did not agree with you and do not agree with your last rant and distortion.

Sorry Moon Bat but you can't have it both ways. Either you think Slick Willy, Crooked Hillary and that asshole Obama are good role model for children or you don't. I think they are all terrible Americans and terrible role models.

It is obvious to me that they are all shitheads. Slick Willy specifically should not be allowed around children, especially girls.

Good thing none of them ever showed up in person at the Boy Scout Jamboree. That would have been a disgrace..
Obama could never be a good role model for children. He attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews and asked God to damn the US.

No, I did not agree with you and do not agree with your last rant and distortion.

Sorry Moon Bat but you can't have it both ways. Either you think Slick Willy, Crooked Hillary and that asshole Obama are good role model for children or you don't. I think they are all terrible Americans and terrible role models.

It is obvious to me that they are all shitheads. Slick Willy specifically should not be allowed around children, especially girls.

Good thing none of them ever showed up in person at the Boy Scout Jamboree. That would have been a disgrace..
I called you are liar and told you to provide a link to prove your allegation that I said something I never said. I also accused you of being dependent on bringing up Obama or Clinton to defend trump.
You have proven my point. You are a liar, can't prove you are not a liar, and are completely dependent on trash talking Obama and Clinton as a defense for your slob and despicable master, trump the Liar in Chief.

The thread is about trump and his speech, not meant to be a squatters spot for an angry nut job to trash talk Obama and Clinton.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Trump was floating a Trump Youth movement idea that Bannon and he came up with tailored after the Youth movement in Germany in the 1930s by Adolph.


You really didn't know? LOL Allllrighty then.

In other words, your source is either non-existent, hallucinogenic, or laughable.

smarter than all presidents since lincoln? Billy aren't you fed up yet with this pos in our WH ?

Most likely he was referring how Lincoln had to evade from all sort of attacks by the media amd the opposing party and even some of the members that were in his own party. Pres. Trump needs to do what Abe Lincoln has done in those days.

Carter says he doesn't think Lincoln should have been impeached — though his opponents in the book make a pretty good case. "If you look at the things Lincoln actually did, his administration shuttered opposition newspapers, locked up editors, court-martialed reporters at the front who wrote unfavorable stories, suspended habeas corpus, ignored court orders, declared martial law," Carter says.

"And for Lincoln, all of this was justified by his need to win the war. Abraham Lincoln 'Impeached.' Wait, What?


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