Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn down the entire Republican party in 2018--2020 & beyond.

Been seeing this since Trump announced. You people were delusional then and, with all confidence, I think we can safely ignore your analysis once again.

Relax, Donald Trump Can’t Win

Opinion | Will Donald Trump destroy the Republican brand?

CNBC: Vote for Trump to Destroy the GOP

George Will: Trump nomination would destroy GOP

Rick Perry: Donald Trump will destroy the Republican Party

Here's The Proof That Donald Trump Is Destroying The Republican Party's Chances In 2016

Nominating Donald Trump will end the Republican Party as we know it. So will not nominating him

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party

All these are from before the election. Predicitions Trump not only couldnt win but would destroy the chances of the rest of the GOP. Here is what actually happened:

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6 months later we're here


Donald Trump eked his way into the White House last fall on the strength of 78,000 votes in three states. He lost the popular vote by about two percentage points, earning the support of just under 46 percent of voters who cast a ballot. Since Nov. 8, polling has consistently shown that an even smaller percentage of the country thinks the president is doing a good job. The most recent weekly approval rating average from Gallup, for example, has Trump at 39 percent approval — seven percentage points lower than the support he got at the ballot box. On Monday, Gallup offered a more detailed set of data. Using interviews conducted over Trump’s first six months in office — during which his approval slipped slightly nationally — Gallup determined the average approval in each of the 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, those states that view Trump positively are also among those that supported him the most during last year’s election. Some states stick out, though: Texas, where Trump is viewed net negatively; and Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the three states that gave him that crucial 78,000-vote margin of victory. If Trump were to win only states where he had at least 50 percent approval in the first six months of this year, he’d end up with 99 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. (As we’ve seen so often before, not many people live in the big states Trump won in 2016.) If he won those where he’s at 45 percent or more? He’d snag 154 electoral votes. In the three states that gave Trump his 78,000-vote electoral college victory, he’s at 43 percent (Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and 42 percent (Michigan) approval. If he hopes to repeat his victories in those states, Trump will need to see much better numbers in three years’ time.
Analysis | In 47 states, a smaller part of the population now approves of Trump than voted for him
Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years

So basically, again, you have polls while we have the White House. Sheesh. Even a child fears fire once burnt. You didnt get enough of polls last November?

Gallup 2016 Clinton Holds a Clear Edge
Clinton Holds Clear Edge on Having Presidential Qualities

And to really make you look pathetic when I send you election results you say "but we won the polls". It is past pathetic. But this works for me. You keep sucking corporate polls. And we will keep winning elections.
On November 8th, you are going to witness the unadulterated power of WOMEN & LATINO voters in this country, and it's going to be something you'll NEVER forget.

This was your prediction last October 22, 2016. When you are right you are right :)

I hope you never forget that exhibition of power.
did the 4 or 5 of our top intelligence bite too? only the lying turd trump tells the truth? are you visiting from another planet?
4 or 5 of our top intelligence agencies????? I thought it was all 17 intelligence agencies. Someone lied but it wasn't Trump. The stories keep changing, that tells me I'm right and you are wrong.
Oct 6, 2017

Donald Trump is DONE you can stick a fork in him. Right now it's very difficult to determine what state he'll win.

We may be looking at an historic event. The first 50 state landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha give us your analysis of what the GOP should do again?
OCT 6 2016

The Republican party is definitely shrinking...2016 it's another 17% of the population they have chased off, Hispanics when the GOP nominee has always needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Henceforth, Trump will not only get wiped out, but is certain to take the Senate with him, a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country.
This poll shows just how screwed Donald Trump is
After this incoming slaughter I imagine the Republican party will have to be put on the endangered species list, and will be reduced to an all white, mostly male, angry, ignorant focus group.

OOOKeeedookee...Oreo I would say you lack astuteness, insight and plain common sense in predicting political outcomes. I think we can ignore your future blabbering on polls and how the GOP should respond.

"Wiped out"?..."take the Senate with him"?..."slaughtered".."? :) And that poll that showed "just how screwed Trump really is" I enjoyed particularly.
Trump assured them they can be sturdy young men rather than feeblekins questioning if they are male or female and the snowflakes are melting
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Obama was a Boy Scout?

How many U.S. presidents were Boy Scouts?

"Barack Obama was not a part of the Boy Scouts of America; rather he was a member of Gerakan Pramuka, the Indonesian Scout Association, and he reached the equivalent of Cub Scout."
Former Boy Scouts condemned Trump's speech.
Trump assured them they can be sturdy young men rather than feeblekins questioning if they are male or female and the snowflakes are melting
Your serial sex offender used the Boy Scouts as props in a political speech which is supposed to be devoid of politics.
This prez does everything wrong.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Obama was a Boy Scout?

How many U.S. presidents were Boy Scouts?

"Barack Obama was not a part of the Boy Scouts of America; rather he was a member of Gerakan Pramuka, the Indonesian Scout Association, and he reached the equivalent of Cub Scout."
Former Boy Scouts condemned Trump's speech.

what does that have to do with my post?
did the 4 or 5 of our top intelligence bite too? only the lying turd trump tells the truth? are you visiting from another planet?
4 or 5 of our top intelligence agencies????? I thought it was all 17 intelligence agencies. Someone lied but it wasn't Trump. The stories keep changing, that tells me I'm right and you are wrong.

Really? The numbers were possible. AND.......

There are 17, Four of them WERE involved in the PROBE about Russia. They were CIA, FBI, NSA, and DNI.
Them four HUGE agencies are the umbrella agency oversees all 17.
Well, plus or minus. Which includes them. ALL 17 have shared data, for the most part.

17 intelligence organizations or FFS 4? Either way, I don't care how many
came to the fact. The 4 BIG LEAGUE ones came to the ONE shared answer on Russia, the conclusion still valid.

Intelligence rating here!
Just some for the Orange Douche are

The rest are just gullible.
Last edited:
There are 17, Four of them WERE involved in the PROBE about Russia: They were CIA, FBI, NSA, and DNI. This HUGE umbrella agency of Four oversees all 17. Which includes them. ALL 17 have shared data, for the most part.

17 intelligence organizations or FFS 4? Either way, I don't care how many
came to the fact.
Really? The numbers were possible. AND.......
And you are just another Trump hating dupe of the libs. The Russian story is OVER! there is no evidence...none,zip,zero,nada sorry but it's true. The media will begin to admit it in 4 years but the dems in office are admitting it already. They want it off the table before the midterms.
did the 4 or 5 of our top intelligence bite too? only the lying turd trump tells the truth? are you visiting from another planet?
4 or 5 of our top intelligence agencies????? I thought it was all 17 intelligence agencies. Someone lied but it wasn't Trump. The stories keep changing, that tells me I'm right and you are wrong.

Really? The numbers were possible. AND.......

There are 17, Four of them WERE involved in the PROBE about Russia. They were CIA, FBI, NSA, and DNI.
Them four HUGE agencies are the umbrella agency oversees all 17.
Well, plus or minus. Which includes them. ALL 17 have shared data, for the most part.

17 intelligence organizations or FFS 4? Either way, I don't care how many
came to the fact. The 4 BIG LEAGUE ones came to the ONE shared answer on Russia, the conclusion still valid.

Intelligence rating here!
Just some for the Orange Douche are

The rest are just gullible.
The DNI, Director of National Intelligence, represents all the intelligence agencies. The report was made by members of the agencies you mentioned, but they had access to all the data held by the other agencies. In addition, all the other agencies had access to the report and could have said something if they disagreed or had questions or criticisms with the report.
Really? The numbers were possible. AND.......
And you are just another Trump hating dupe of the libs. The Russian story is OVER! there is no evidence...none,zip,zero,nada sorry but it's true. The media will begin to admit it in 4 years but the dems in office are admitting it already. They want it off the table before the midterms.
Why don't you take this to a thread about Russian collusion? There are a bunch of them. This thread is about trump' speech to the Boy Scouts and the reaction of parents and former Scouts.
did the 4 or 5 of our top intelligence bite too? only the lying turd trump tells the truth? are you visiting from another planet?
4 or 5 of our top intelligence agencies????? I thought it was all 17 intelligence agencies. Someone lied but it wasn't Trump. The stories keep changing, that tells me I'm right and you are wrong.

Really? The numbers were possible. AND.......

There are 17, Four of them WERE involved in the PROBE about Russia. They were CIA, FBI, NSA, and DNI.
Them four HUGE agencies are the umbrella agency oversees all 17.
Well, plus or minus. Which includes them. ALL 17 have shared data, for the most part.

17 intelligence organizations or FFS 4? Either way, I don't care how many
came to the fact. The 4 BIG LEAGUE ones came to the ONE shared answer on Russia, the conclusion still valid.

Intelligence rating here!
Just some for the Orange Douche are

The rest are just gullible.
The DNI, Director of National Intelligence, represents all the intelligence agencies. The report was made by members of the agencies you mentioned, but they had access to all the data held by the other agencies. In addition, all the other agencies had access to the report and could have said something if they disagreed or had questions or criticisms with the report.

Well, It's right there. In mission statement thang!

The DNI serves as the head of the Intelligence Community. The U.S. Intelligence Community is a coalition of 17 agencies and organizations, including the ODNI, within the Executive Branch that work both independently and collaboratively to gather and analyze the intelligence necessary to conduct foreign relations and national security activities.

Btw. I feel there is a typo in their FAKE Mission Statement above. What do you think?
The DNI, Director of National Intelligence, represents all the intelligence agencies. The report was made by members of the agencies you mentioned, but they had access to all the data held by the other agencies. In addition, all the other agencies had access to the report and could have said something if they disagreed or had questions or criticisms with the report
The report you speak of was a report that gets reported in every election. The Russians have been playing with world elections almost as long as we have. It's common place and has nothing to do with President Trump or his staff. The proof that it was only Russia that hacked the DNC computers has still not been verified. By the way camp...the dems are in deep trouble. The covers are being pulled off. Their dirty tricks are going to be exposed and the American people will be outraged and shocked. It could bring the entire party down. Mark my words I haven't been wrong yet.

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