Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents

Why don't you take this to a thread about Russian collusion? There are a bunch of them. This thread is about trump' speech to the Boy Scouts and the reaction of parents and former Scouts
Because I don't have to and you are not my boss. I didn't change the thread, I joined it in progress. If you don't like what you are reading than don't read it. That is the liberal way after all.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
We have gotten way off topic, so I have reposted the OP. Lets take the Russian collusion discussion to one of the many collusion threads.
Have lefties been in a coma for the last decade? Last I heard democrats hated the BSA and Barry Hussein never had the time to give a speech to them.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
We have gotten way off topic, so I have reposted the OP. Lets take the Russian collusion discussion to one of the many collusion threads.
We have gotten way off topic, so I have reposted the OP. Lets take the Russian collusion discussion to one of the many collusion threads
Oh stop your whining snowflake, This is an open forum, threads turn for one reason or another,


You know, with their support of Trump the Boy Scouts have now become an enemy of the political elites running the DNC.
Well at least Trump didn't give his "P" speech regarding women of the world.
Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn down the entire Republican party in 2018--2020 & beyond.

Been seeing this since Trump announced. You people were delusional then and, with all confidence, I think we can safely ignore your analysis once again.

Relax, Donald Trump Can’t Win

Opinion | Will Donald Trump destroy the Republican brand?

CNBC: Vote for Trump to Destroy the GOP

George Will: Trump nomination would destroy GOP

Rick Perry: Donald Trump will destroy the Republican Party

Here's The Proof That Donald Trump Is Destroying The Republican Party's Chances In 2016

Nominating Donald Trump will end the Republican Party as we know it. So will not nominating him

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party

All these are from before the election. Predicitions Trump not only couldnt win but would destroy the chances of the rest of the GOP. Here is what actually happened:

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6 months later we're here


Donald Trump eked his way into the White House last fall on the strength of 78,000 votes in three states. He lost the popular vote by about two percentage points, earning the support of just under 46 percent of voters who cast a ballot. Since Nov. 8, polling has consistently shown that an even smaller percentage of the country thinks the president is doing a good job. The most recent weekly approval rating average from Gallup, for example, has Trump at 39 percent approval — seven percentage points lower than the support he got at the ballot box. On Monday, Gallup offered a more detailed set of data. Using interviews conducted over Trump’s first six months in office — during which his approval slipped slightly nationally — Gallup determined the average approval in each of the 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, those states that view Trump positively are also among those that supported him the most during last year’s election. Some states stick out, though: Texas, where Trump is viewed net negatively; and Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the three states that gave him that crucial 78,000-vote margin of victory. If Trump were to win only states where he had at least 50 percent approval in the first six months of this year, he’d end up with 99 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. (As we’ve seen so often before, not many people live in the big states Trump won in 2016.) If he won those where he’s at 45 percent or more? He’d snag 154 electoral votes. In the three states that gave Trump his 78,000-vote electoral college victory, he’s at 43 percent (Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and 42 percent (Michigan) approval. If he hopes to repeat his victories in those states, Trump will need to see much better numbers in three years’ time.
Analysis | In 47 states, a smaller part of the population now approves of Trump than voted for him
Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years

So basically, again, you have polls while we have the White House. Sheesh. Even a child fears fire once burnt. You didnt get enough of polls last November?

Gallup 2016 Clinton Holds a Clear Edge
Clinton Holds Clear Edge on Having Presidential Qualities

And to really make you look pathetic when I send you election results you say "but we won the polls". It is past pathetic. But this works for me. You keep sucking corporate polls. And we will keep winning elections.

Republicans have awoken a sleeping giant, & it's pissed.


Woman's march the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in very state, not just Washington D.C. They were in the millions. For more pictures go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

There has never been a President elect that had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower and his method of communication was reduced to a Twitter account.


For more pictures of the massive protests around this country--go this link.
trump protestor - Yahoo Image Search Results

These people aren't going to forget to vote in 2018. They are now activists against Trump and the Republican party.
Boy Scouts better not piss off Clintons
Suicide by throwing himself into the campfire
I meant to say they don't.

They do go to public school and they shower there.
Obama was a gentleman, well spoken unlike Trump he's a bully and has a filthy mouth. Sorry if one can't see this, that means that's ok to be a bully and an ass.

My kids don't shower in public showers :).
I use my headphones when I watch the news...when Trump was at the primaries, my 9 year old told me, daddy why does he make faces like little kids.

If my son attended I would be made sure he leaves....trump is a bad example for our kids, and shame on them having him give a speech. He's a bully, narcissist and sexist....i wouldn't let him within a mile from my kids. Worst example to give to the upcoming generation.

So you think a good example for kids is a President who forces your daughter to shower alongside a tranny with a dick?
Your kids don't go to public school? Who are you trying to kid. Either admit that you are content to let your daughter shower with a tranny with a dick or admit Obama was not a good role model.

So you are fine with your daughter showering with boy, who might or might not believe he is a girl, at school? Interesting!
You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.
You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

You are confused.

Obama was a piece of shit. He exhibited it every day with disrespect for the US and for his pandering to all the scum. He was worthless as President. He didn't have the work ethic (typical) and his priorities were as fucked up a Hogan's Goat. He showed disdain and disrespect for Heartland America

The sonofabitch attend a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews and damning the US. That by itself was worthy of disrespect from the American people.

He was not articulate or well spoken. He was a dumbass affirmative action shithead that preached racial division and hate of his country. The real power in his presidency was not him but that Iranian Communist Muslim Valrie Jarrett. .

He was an embarrassment to this country that was elected by all the welfare scum.

Trump has tremendous support in this country from Heartland America because they know he is real and they know that his priority is to make this country great again. The Moon Bats can't stand it.
You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

So call him what you want, Trump is not as bad as I thought he would be and I didn't vote for Trump.
You sound just like Trump. I didn't vote for Obama nor Hillary. I am not a liberal. But you my friend along with scores of the minority of this nation that voted for Trump, are an embarrassment.

Since I have 3 kids and I've been around hundreds of kids. I swear to you Trump is the worst I've seen...the mocking, the bullying, the name calling.

I also have kids and grandkids and have been around hundreds of kids and I swear to you that the worse I have ever seen would be a scumbag Slick Willy, American hating asshole Obama and the corrupt dishonest bitch Crooked Hillary. You know, the Libtard shitheads that you love so much.

Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to any of these jackass Moon Bat Democrats.
You can hate his policies.
He wasn't desrepectful , he didn't insult opponents, he didn't mock people, he didn't lie to his teeth, he didn't attack everyone that disagrees with him, he was well spoken, articulate, and polite. Unlike the bully Trump....and mind you I didn't vote for Obama.

Obama was a gentleman,


Obama was an affirmative action worthless piece of American hating Muslim shit that was an embarrassment to the USA.

Obama did insult his opponents, lots of backhanded compliments and that is all and good. Trump is worse but to claim he wasn't disrespectful, to say he wasn't disrespectful is flat out wrong.

I'm not happy with the way Trump handles a lot of things, however his positive impact on the industry I'm in goes along way to in helping the middle working middle class and the small business owner. Lots of rules the Obama administration put on the industry hurt small business and the working middle class.

1. What are the rules that Obama administration ------- HURT small businesses and the working middle class?

2. What are the rules that Trump implemented that HELPS small businesses and middle income class?

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