Trump Directs The EPA to Begin Dismantling the Clean Water Rule

The label on the bottle says you're not supposed to breath the stuff.
Yet your fuhrer is permitting it to be used.
Still dickless in calling him out on it?
People use rat poison every day. It's perfectly safe, so long as you don't eat it. Do you think they should require rat poison to be safe to eat?
Anyone who thinks Obama's "Waters of the United States" regulations were about discouraging pollution is dumber than fungus.
of course you’re only 100% wrong. Obama had a social conscience. Trump has no conscience.
That’s a perfect way to describe you. DUMBER THAN FUNGUS.
"Has a social conscience" means he believes in a body of ideas that are patently absurd.
yeah like humans function better with clean air and water. I’m done with your stupidly for one day.. Go drink some toxic water and praise trump for what he’s doing to the environment
Why would I drink toxic water when I can drink clean water straight from the tap?
It won’t be for long with the plans trump/ Pruitt have.
Yes it will.
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
Yay, pollution!
Still winning. The deobamafication must continue.

Even if it takes years off your life. Got it, fucktard. You're "winning".

This is a fundamental difference between Repugs and Democrats. You Repugs believe corporations will regulate themselves and they simply will not. They will destroy the environment until government forces them to stop. They will wreck the stock market again until government forces them to stop.

Repugs don't care if people live or die, Democrats do. Corporate donations for election campaigns is all Repugs care about. So only hopeless suckers like you continue to vote for a party that doesn't give a flying fuck about the water you drink or the air you breathe.

Not much to say here except this...99% of the corporate boards in America are fighting Trump. Especially Wall Street. You live in a world of fantasy.

99% of corporations are against Trump???? LOL, more deranged Trump cult bullshit. Just keep voting Repug dumb fuck so that you can die younger.

Actually, that might be one benefit of voting Repug -- all the racist Trump suckers will have shortened lives after the EPA is destroyed.
Still winning. The deobamafication must continue.

Even if it takes years off your life. Got it, fucktard. You're "winning".

This is a fundamental difference between Repugs and Democrats. You Repugs believe corporations will regulate themselves and they simply will not. They will destroy the environment until government forces them to stop. They will wreck the stock market again until government forces them to stop.

Repugs don't care if people live or die, Democrats do. Corporate donations for election campaigns is all Repugs care about. So only hopeless suckers like you continue to vote for a party that doesn't give a flying fuck about the water you drink or the air you breathe.

Not much to say here except this...99% of the corporate boards in America are fighting Trump. Especially Wall Street. You live in a world of fantasy.

99% of corporations are against Trump???? LOL, more deranged Trump cult bullshit. Just keep voting Repug dumb fuck so that you can die younger.

Actually, that might be one benefit of voting Repug -- all the racist Trump suckers will have shortened lives after the EPA is destroyed.
acting stupid.jpg
Now, you won't have to move to Flint, MI to experience poisoned water.

But at least these goober Repug fucks will have their precious "property rights" or...shit....I don't know what these fucking Trump cult knuckle-draggers are protesting. They don't even know.
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The label on the bottle says you're not supposed to breath the stuff.
Yet your fuhrer is permitting it to be used.
Still dickless in calling him out on it?

Yes, this dickless Repug carnival barker will NEVER criticize Trump.

It's quite pathetic how he wastes his whole life on this board and can't even attempt to be honest even once in a while. Just a pathetic intellectually dishonest Repug piece of shit. But to be fair, he's so fucking stupid he might not be capable of intellectual honesty.
The label on the bottle says you're not supposed to breath the stuff.
Yet your fuhrer is permitting it to be used.
Still dickless in calling him out on it?

That's because we know all the pathetic dumbasses like you will think you can breath the stuff, and that means Republican control of government for the next 100 years.
Trump wants to turn America into a third world shit hole. Transfer all wealth from the lower 90% to the top 5%.

The guy is everything that seeks to destroy.
/----/ My , my , my, you Libtards are lashing out this morning.
Now, you won't have to move to Flint, MI to experience poisoned water.

Yeah the EPA did such a good job in Flint right. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

The EPA did not exist when Flint built their water system with lead pipes. it is the EPA that is requiring Flint to replace them. You don't think before you post, do you?
/——-/ Gee, the EPA was started in the Nixon administration. It took them 40 years to get around to Flint? What about the Michigan state agencies? The Flint city agency?
Now, you won't have to move to Flint, MI to experience poisoned water.

Yeah the EPA did such a good job in Flint right. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

The EPA did not exist when Flint built their water system with lead pipes. it is the EPA that is requiring Flint to replace them. You don't think before you post, do you?
/——-/ Gee, the EPA was started in the Nixon administration. It took them 40 years to get around to Flint? What about the Michigan state agencies? The Flint city agency?

OK, Cell, you win Clean water is a luxury we can not afford. Besides, we all miss the good old days when toxic waste was just dumped in lakes and streams. We all miss things, like when lake Erie caught fire, I think in 1968, and Love Canal, of course. Allowing industry to destroy the environment is GOOD for the USA!

Tar Creek Superfund site - Wikipedia
Now, you won't have to move to Flint, MI to experience poisoned water.

Yeah the EPA did such a good job in Flint right. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

The EPA did not exist when Flint built their water system with lead pipes. it is the EPA that is requiring Flint to replace them. You don't think before you post, do you?
/——-/ Gee, the EPA was started in the Nixon administration. It took them 40 years to get around to Flint? What about the Michigan state agencies? The Flint city agency?

OK, Cell, you win Clean water is a luxury we can not afford. Besides, we all miss the good old days when toxic waste was just dumped in lakes and streams. We all miss things, like when lake Erie caught fire, I think in 1968, and Love Canal, of course. Allowing industry to destroy the environment is GOOD for the USA!

Tar Creek Superfund site - Wikipedia

You people are comically inclined to hero worship.
Now, you won't have to move to Flint, MI to experience poisoned water.

Yeah the EPA did such a good job in Flint right. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

The EPA did not exist when Flint built their water system with lead pipes. it is the EPA that is requiring Flint to replace them. You don't think before you post, do you?

Flint Michigan needed the epa to tell them not to drink lead?
Now, you won't have to move to Flint, MI to experience poisoned water.

Yeah the EPA did such a good job in Flint right. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

The EPA did not exist when Flint built their water system with lead pipes. it is the EPA that is requiring Flint to replace them. You don't think before you post, do you?

Flint Michigan needed the epa to tell them not to drink lead?

Apparently so, since the EPA is forcing them to clean up their act. The EPA also completely closed down the entire town in Oklahoma, cited in my post above. Turns out that mining heavy metals requires a certain amount of environmental responsibility of the part of the corporation that was doing it.

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