Trump Directs The EPA to Begin Dismantling the Clean Water Rule

If Obama fucked up the environment why is Trump repealing all his pro environment regulations?
You’re about as bright as a small appliance bulb.

If Obama fucked up the environment

You saw all the things he failed to do in 8 years.
Why was he such a bastard?
I saw Trump rolling back all of Obama great pro environmental legislation.
The republicans blocked others he attempted but I already explained this to you sped.

I saw Trump rolling back all of Obama great pro environmental legislation.

Trump can't roll back legislation.
Why are you so stupid?
OMG. His FIRST EO in office was rolling back Obama’s protections for streams and rivers near coal plants. You really are dumber than dirt.

EOs are not legislation, moron.
Omg. Obama protected our waterways. Trump is giving Big Coal permission to dump their wastes. The result is the same while you play semantics.
Remember the first time I wrote this you called it fake news? Lmao
This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.

Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.
Anyone who encourages poisoning our environment is a traitor to this country.
I hope you choke on toxic runoff into your drinking water. Karma.

Anyone who thinks Obama's "Waters of the United States" regulations were about discouraging pollution is dumber than fungus.
of course you’re only 100% wrong. Obama had a social conscience. Trump has no conscience.
That’s a perfect way to describe you. DUMBER THAN FUNGUS.
"Has a social conscience" means he believes in a body of ideas that are patently absurd.
Bripat admitted Pruitt is a fraud ( indirectly) for not knowing lead is dangerous but he couldn’t
actually criticize him for it in fear he’d be thrown out of the DEPLORABLES club.
This president is fucking up the environment right now...

Yup, just like Obama. LOL!
If Obama fucked up the environment why is Trump repealing all his pro environment regulations?
You’re about as bright as a small appliance bulb.

If Obama fucked up the environment

You saw all the things he failed to do in 8 years.
Why was he such a bastard?
I saw Trump rolling back all of Obama great pro environmental legislation.
The republicans blocked others he attempted but I already explained this to you sped.

I saw Trump rolling back all of Obama great pro environmental legislation.

Trump can't roll back legislation.
Why are you so stupid?
OMG. His FIRST EO in office was rolling back Obama’s protections for streams and rivers near coal plants. You really are dumber than dirt.

OMG. His FIRST EO in office

OMG. An EO can't roll back legislation.

was rolling back Obama’s protections for streams and rivers near coal plants.

That's awful!!!
When did Obama's nifty "protections" start protecting streams and rivers? What date?
This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.

Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.
Anyone who encourages poisoning our environment is a traitor to this country.
I hope you choke on toxic runoff into your drinking water. Karma.

Anyone who thinks Obama's "Waters of the United States" regulations were about discouraging pollution is dumber than fungus.
of course you’re only 100% wrong. Obama had a social conscience. Trump has no conscience.
That’s a perfect way to describe you. DUMBER THAN FUNGUS.
"Has a social conscience" means he believes in a body of ideas that are patently absurd.
yeah like humans function better with clean air and water. I’m done with your stupidly for one day.. Go drink some toxic water and praise trump for what he’s doing to the environment
Bripat admitted Pruitt is a fraud ( indirectly) for not knowing lead is dangerous but he couldn’t
actually criticize him for it in fear he’d be thrown out of the DEPLORABLES club.

hmmmm, wrong turd, I said we all know lead is dangerous, including Pruitt. What of it?
Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.
Anyone who encourages poisoning our environment is a traitor to this country.
I hope you choke on toxic runoff into your drinking water. Karma.

Anyone who thinks Obama's "Waters of the United States" regulations were about discouraging pollution is dumber than fungus.
of course you’re only 100% wrong. Obama had a social conscience. Trump has no conscience.
That’s a perfect way to describe you. DUMBER THAN FUNGUS.
"Has a social conscience" means he believes in a body of ideas that are patently absurd.
yeah like humans function better with clean air and water. I’m done with your stupidly for one day.. Go drink some toxic water and praise trump for what he’s doing to the environment
Why would I drink toxic water when I can drink clean water straight from the tap?
Anyone who encourages poisoning our environment is a traitor to this country.
I hope you choke on toxic runoff into your drinking water. Karma.

Anyone who thinks Obama's "Waters of the United States" regulations were about discouraging pollution is dumber than fungus.
of course you’re only 100% wrong. Obama had a social conscience. Trump has no conscience.
That’s a perfect way to describe you. DUMBER THAN FUNGUS.
"Has a social conscience" means he believes in a body of ideas that are patently absurd.
yeah like humans function better with clean air and water. I’m done with your stupidly for one day.. Go drink some toxic water and praise trump for what he’s doing to the environment
Why would I drink toxic water when I can drink clean water straight from the tap?
It won’t be for long with the plans trump/ Pruitt have.
If Obama fucked up the environment

You saw all the things he failed to do in 8 years.
Why was he such a bastard?
I saw Trump rolling back all of Obama great pro environmental legislation.
The republicans blocked others he attempted but I already explained this to you sped.

I saw Trump rolling back all of Obama great pro environmental legislation.

Trump can't roll back legislation.
Why are you so stupid?
OMG. His FIRST EO in office was rolling back Obama’s protections for streams and rivers near coal plants. You really are dumber than dirt.

EOs are not legislation, moron.
Omg. Obama protected our waterways. Trump is giving Big Coal permission to dump their wastes. The result is the same while you play semantics.
Remember the first time I wrote this you called it fake news? Lmao

The regulations under Trump are the same as they were under Obama for 8 years. His regulations intended to kill coal never went into effect.
The label on the bottle says you're not supposed to breath the stuff.
Yet your fuhrer is permitting it to be used.
Still dickless in calling him out on it?

I doubt they have invented a pesticide that is safe to breath, moron. Pesticides are poisons. They are intended to kill living things. They are inherently dangerous. Next you'll be demanding fire that doesn't burn people.

In 2015 the Obama administration developed new limits on metals including lead, mercury, and arsenic in coal-fired plants' wastewater, set to go into effect in 2018.

This was such a huge problem, Obama allowed the polluted wastewater through his entire 8 years in office.

What a fucktard!
Hey shit for brains. Obama was dealing with an obstructionist GOP Congress dead set against anything he did even if it helped republicans and the country.

Nothing Obama did helped Republicans or the country. All he did is fuck us up the ass 8 days a week.
The over reach of this Clean Water Act wasn't about anything other than placing monumental powers in the dirty little commie hands of Obama's EPA.

Drowning by EPA overreach
Straight to your far right site The Hill.
You want to give power to the Koch Bros and those like it. We need a strong EPA to fight the cocksuckers who put profit over the health of Americans..

Fuck you. What type of cocksucker was Andy Johnson? All he did was build a stock pond on his property. He had all the permits. BUT some left wing jerkoff at the EPA decided he couldn't have a stock pond even thought it benefited the local environment and wildlife.

The mother fucking power trippers at the EPA fined him thousands of dollars a day coming to a $20 million freaking bill all for building a pond on his own property.

You left wing whackos no doubt applaud the commie actions of these maniacs because you sit in your little apartments and think you're saving the planet because you take your pizza boxes to the paper recycle bin.


Andy Johnson won. And won big against the EPA. As he should. No one should have been put thru what he went thru. I hope Trump continues to decimate any over reaching regulations that these power tripping assholes under Obama put in place.

Wyoming rancher facing $20M in EPA fines claims victory, keeps cash, stock pond

" Wyoming rancher facing $20 million in fines for building a stock pond on his property has settled his lawsuit with the Environmental Protection Agency in a deal that allows him to keep his watering hole and his money.

In a case that drew national attention, the EPA ordered Andy Johnson in January 2014 to tear out the pond or pay $37,500 per day in fines for what the agency described as a violation of the Clean Water Act, even though stock ponds are exempt from the federal law and he had obtained the necessary state and local permits.

In a settlement agreement announced Monday, Mr. Johnson agreed to plant willow trees and temporarily limit livestock access on a portion of the pond in what his attorneys described as “a win for the Johnson family and a win for the environment.”

Mr. Johnson had accumulated more than $20 million in fines while fighting the agency’s order, but under the settlement, “the Johnsons will pay no fine,” said Pacific Legal Foundation attorney Jonathan Wood."

more at link:

Wyoming rancher facing $20M in EPA fines claims victory, keeps cash, stock pond

And he's fucking the environment......right now!!!
Yes indeed. This president is fucking up the environment right now... just like my dozen links proved.
Go drink some polluted water, cess poll breath.

This president is fucking up the environment right now...

Yup, just like Obama. LOL!
If Obama fucked up the environment why is Trump repealing all his pro environment regulations?
You’re about as bright as a small appliance bulb.
Obama fucked up the economy and our country. He did nothing for the environment.

In 2015 the Obama administration developed new limits on metals including lead, mercury, and arsenic in coal-fired plants' wastewater, set to go into effect in 2018.

This was such a huge problem, Obama allowed the polluted wastewater through his entire 8 years in office.

What a fucktard!
Hey shit for brains. Obama was dealing with an obstructionist GOP Congress dead set against anything he did even if he it helped republicans.

Obama couldn't pass a new law when he had control of House and Senate?
He couldn't have the EPA create a new regulation right after he took office?

Was his environment wreaking inaction due to the fact that he was such an A-Hole?

Did he just not give a shit?
See my above post on scientific study. Obama did things the right way. He thought before acting. He had science study the issue.

Trump acts then.... doesn’t even think. Ever call him out on that bedwetter?
No, he did things the wrong way. He never considered the cost of his actions. None of you environmental cult members do. You believe we have unlimited money.

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