Trump disapproval increases in new poll

Trump still has it. The mainstream media ain't talking about it but the republican won the senate runoff in Mississippi by a whopping eight points thanks to Trump's endorsements. While the dumb assed democrats were celebrating the victory of socialist clowns like Cortez in the House, Trump has been winning where it counts in the Senate.
You lost the house you dumb republican Now get ready for the crap to start hitting the scum in your WH

Crap is right! You on the left will do little except shovel mountains of it over the next two years, Eddie! Let's see how the electorate feels about that come the next election! Two years of Democratic imposed grid lock should show everyone what awaits them if Trump is replaced by someone from the far left!
And you're all for the moron threatening to shut down gov't if he doesn't get his billions for the wall?

Having a secure Southern border SHOULD be a non partisan issue passed without delay! It's such a common sense notion that it's become farce how you on the left have tried to make it a "racism" issue!
The wall is a bi partisan issue. Both sides are against it.

That's bullshit! Having a secure border is something that is desired by a majority of Americans. The liberal media is against that as is the far left. Why? Because they want as many illegals in as they can get because they see them as future votes for their agenda.
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
You lost the house you dumb republican Now get ready for the crap to start hitting the scum in your WH

Crap is right! You on the left will do little except shovel mountains of it over the next two years, Eddie! Let's see how the electorate feels about that come the next election! Two years of Democratic imposed grid lock should show everyone what awaits them if Trump is replaced by someone from the far left!
And you're all for the moron threatening to shut down gov't if he doesn't get his billions for the wall?

Having a secure Southern border SHOULD be a non partisan issue passed without delay! It's such a common sense notion that it's become farce how you on the left have tried to make it a "racism" issue!
The wall is a bi partisan issue. Both sides are against it.

That's bullshit! Having a secure border is something that is desired by a majority of Americans. The liberal media is against that as is the far left. Why? Because they want as many illegals in as they can get because they see them as future votes for their agenda.
Pardon me old but that's BS
No, you don’t know what you are talking about.
From the pollster that will not release how many of each party is polled.

You assume there are equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats in the country and that they're split 50/50. There are far fewer registered Republicans than registered Democrats. The majority of the country isn't aligned with either party. More than half of the nation's voters are independents.

So trying to weasel the numbers so that there are an equal number of Democrats to Republicans tells you nothing. The tribes stick together, but numberically, it's the independents you want to see polled and by and overwhelming majority: more than 6 million votes nationwide, the Democrats won the ONLY poll that counts - the 2018 Midterms.

Decent, law abiding, church going folk are disgusted by the pig they have elected. His treatment of refugees at the border goes against ever Christian principle these people claim to hold, as does his treatment of his employees, and his denigration of the rule of law. They were prepared to hold their noses and vote for the Supreme Court nominees, but now that the SC has been sewn up for a lifetime, they don't need this lying buffoon around embarassing their country any longer.
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!
And at a much higher rate.
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Crap is right! You on the left will do little except shovel mountains of it over the next two years, Eddie! Let's see how the electorate feels about that come the next election! Two years of Democratic imposed grid lock should show everyone what awaits them if Trump is replaced by someone from the far left!
And you're all for the moron threatening to shut down gov't if he doesn't get his billions for the wall?

Having a secure Southern border SHOULD be a non partisan issue passed without delay! It's such a common sense notion that it's become farce how you on the left have tried to make it a "racism" issue!
The wall is a bi partisan issue. Both sides are against it.

That's bullshit! Having a secure border is something that is desired by a majority of Americans. The liberal media is against that as is the far left. Why? Because they want as many illegals in as they can get because they see them as future votes for their agenda.
Pardon me old but that's BS
OLD nixon never did anything like this trump pos is doing
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)

Trump told Mueller he did not know about the Trump tower meeting.
Hahahahahahaha, perjury.
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)
Across the board?? please old I was born at night but not last night
And you're all for the moron threatening to shut down gov't if he doesn't get his billions for the wall?

Having a secure Southern border SHOULD be a non partisan issue passed without delay! It's such a common sense notion that it's become farce how you on the left have tried to make it a "racism" issue!
The wall is a bi partisan issue. Both sides are against it.

That's bullshit! Having a secure border is something that is desired by a majority of Americans. The liberal media is against that as is the far left. Why? Because they want as many illegals in as they can get because they see them as future votes for their agenda.
Pardon me old but that's BS
OLD nixon never did anything like this trump pos is doing

Nixon never did anything like Obama did! Oh, he tried! He used the plumbers to spy on the Democrats! Barry made that look foolish...he used his Justice Department to lie repeatedly to FISA Court judges to get wiretaps on HIS political opponents! Nixon compiled an "enemies list" and tried to get the IRS to target them but was rebuffed by the Republican who was running the IRS at the time! Barry got Lois Lerner and her merry band of IRS agents to target conservative groups who were his political enemies! Barry even got his Justice Department to spy on journalists...falsely accusing them of criminal activities to do so!

Trump isn't even in the same league as Obama when it comes to abuse of power! Barry made Tricky Dick look like a rank amateur!
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)
Across the board?? please old I was born at night but not last night

The only ones that didn't get a tax cut were those who never paid one in the first place. People like you perhaps? :)
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)
Across the board?? please old I was born at night but not last night
You do know where bonuses and stock buy backs came from?
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)
Across the board?? please old I was born at night but not last night

The only ones that didn't get a tax cut were those who never paid one in the first place. People like you perhaps? :)
Now that you mention it stupid

Day Change
+$188,694.44 (3.34%
What's amusing (other than how many Americans are hurt while it happens!) is how quickly the economy will go back in the dumper if some far left Democrat sits in the Oval Office again passing endless regulations and attacking anyone who makes a profit as an enemy of the people!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)

Trump told Mueller he did not know about the Trump tower meeting.
Hahahahahahaha, perjury.

Why would he lie about something that wasn't illegal in the first place and was nothing more than an attempt by the Clinton campaign to set him up for their whole "Russian Collusion" fake scandal? If you think THAT is going to get a perjury charge against Trump you're seriously delusional!
Companies were making profits under Obama Why do you think the DOW almost tripled during his 8 years?

Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)

Trump told Mueller he did not know about the Trump tower meeting.
Hahahahahahaha, perjury.

Why would he lie about something that wasn't illegal in the first place and was nothing more than an attempt by the Clinton campaign to set him up for their whole "Russian Collusion" fake scandal? If you think THAT is going to get a perjury charge against Trump you're seriously delusional!
when has trump spoken truthfully?
Because wealthy people got almost interest free loans to invest in the stock market as the Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in our history? That's what grew the stock market under Barry! The stark difference between Obama and Trump is that Trump is growing the economy despite 5 Fed rate increases since he was elected two years ago.
Trump growing the economy ?? With the help of huge tax cuts for those billionaires ,with giving companies huge tax cuts to bring their money back to the states, to give bonuses and buy backs of stock ??? Defend that!!

Under Obama the only people who really thrived WERE the billionaires because they had the credit to get those interest free loans to invest in the stock market as it rebounded! The rest of us normal people got squat. Barry gave great deals to his supporters like the UAW and "green" energy companies like Solyndra while the average American blue collar worker got laid off and burned through their savings waiting for another job that you Democrats promised were "shovel ready" and then had to sheepishly admit WEREN'T!

Under Trump we've all done better because his tax cuts were across the board. Giving companies the opportunity to bring money made outside the US back to the US without paying a huge tax on it meant a massive influx of stimulus to our economy that we taxpayers didn't have to shell out for! He got rid of stupid regulations that hurt our businesses. All of that created a surge in jobs until we've got some of the lowest unemployment levels in our nation's modern day history! Consumer confidence is at high levels because we've got work...we're getting raises...and we're putting money back in the bank!

You think I need to "defend" that? Gee...what a chore THAT is! (eye roll)

Trump told Mueller he did not know about the Trump tower meeting.
Hahahahahahaha, perjury.

Why would he lie about something that wasn't illegal in the first place and was nothing more than an attempt by the Clinton campaign to set him up for their whole "Russian Collusion" fake scandal? If you think THAT is going to get a perjury charge against Trump you're seriously delusional!
when has trump spoken truthfully?
BTW Where in Fla ?/ I'm in Lauderdale 5 months a year
Thanks to nat
If this entire reversal of Manafort's plea agreement is being viewed as a preamble to Trump pardoning him, the entire scenario is a SHAM.

Even if one were to place aside Trump's impeachment (almost a surety in congress and even upheld by the Scotus)........a pardon does NOT apply to state offenses.......and Mueller was cunning enough as a prosecutor to get states such as VA, NY, CA, etc. to ALSO file indictments for tax evasion and money laundering by Manafort.

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. ... However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense.

So, are Manafort's lawyers inept ???
And you think that the Manafort q &a relayed to trump is above board? and letting him know a pardon is out there isn't Bull Shit? The NY AG will take care of the repub scum

We are still waiting for you to show us where in the US Constitution Trump is prohibited from doing this...wait for it...wait for it...:auiqs.jpg:
From poster BWK

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.

On noes someone spread false information about Hillary? And the Dem Senate Majority Leader claiming a presidential candidate had not paid any taxes for 10 years, then later admitting he lied? Ahahaha you Dem's are a riot. :auiqs.jpg:
We'll see the pos's taxes soon enough but already know you'll be kissing trumps ass no matter what his taxes show

I don't care about Trump's taxes, but then I'm not a nosy busy body liberal puke face.

I get it. When you're busy taking it up the pooper on the daily by a big Orange Virus, taxes are the last thing on your brainwashed mind. :auiqs.jpg: Shh bby, is ok... :itsok: MAGA! Amirite?

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