Trump Dominates 2024 Presidential Polls in Survey

My husband is afraid if Trump doesn't get the nomination he'll pull a Teddy Roosevelt and run as a third party candidate and the Dems will win again.

He should, if he loses the nomination. The GOP wants to go back to it's role as a shill for the bankers, IMF, and Davos Set. That means getting rid of evul populists and patriots' candidates from the Party primaries and discarding pro-American factions. One of thier first dog whistles in Congress was to those factions, via that 'Fair Tax' scam and its 'ad valorem tax, a huge fave with the bankers and IMF.
You have obviously completely swallowed the rights position on all things.

So the election was stolen from trump? This one automatically discredits you as a serious person. The rest of my reply might just be mocking you.

Selling political influence? You mind now after 4 years of Trump doing it blatantly and in our face? I guess Hunter should have opened a Biden Hotel in Washington and then you would be okay with him and dad "selling political influence". As long as they are obvious about it like Trump right?

Afganistan? Did you hear the Taliban are bored? They enjoyed freedom when they were fighting us. Now they have to work 8-4pm. Seriously, they are now complaining.

So Biden even put the Taliban back to work. Fuck off loser.
1. Just you claiming I'm wrong is worth a penny. Make it worth something by showing how/why.

2. I have been posting many PAGES with over 100 examoles of 2020 election fraud (all never shown on leftwing media), for 2 years now. You never saw these postings ? Still ignorant ? Try this just for starters >>


3. Opening a hotel in Washington DC is not selling political influence. Biden's video of extortion of Ukrainians to fire a prosecutor, and dealing with th Chinese using Hunter again as the running dog, with a % for the "big guy", are.

4. Maybe your leftist media doesn't tell you about what took place in Afghanistan, When Biden took US troops out (while thousands of Americans + friendly Afghans were still there) he trapped those people there, only to be hunted down, house to house, by the Taliban and killed. Did you think fr a minute these bloodthirsty barbarians would not do that ? Think they're a bunch of misunderstood intellectuals, who suffered underprivileged childhoods ?
Biden also turned 10s of Billions$$ of US military equipment over to the Taliban. Peachy, huh ?

Not hard to assess YOUR cluelessness, but this is the result of being a victim of liberal OMISSION media.
Yea, Biden should have opened a hotel where dignitaries stay and overpay. But not Joe. Joe should have purchased it but then handed it over to Hunter. Then he'd be untouchable. Or his son in law.

You guys cried because Biden got his son a $500,000 a year job but you don't mind that Trump's son in law was given $2 billion by the Saudi's?

You can fuck right off. Okay?
What YOU can do is >>>
1. supply links to back up your claims. :link:
2. Go wash your mouth out with soap.
He should, if he loses the nomination. The GOP wants to go back to it's role as a shill for the bankers, IMF, and Davos Set. That means getting rid of evul populists and patriots' candidates from the Party primaries and discarding pro-American factions. One of thier first dog whistles in Congress was to those factions, via that 'Fair Tax' scam and its 'ad valorem tax, a huge fave with the bankers and IMF.
I don't understand about the relative disadvantages for us of flat tax or sales tax versus income tax. I suppose I'll have to study all that if it ever looks like a real change might happen.
The Koch 's propaganda outlets are now anti-Trump. They got all they wanted out of him last time, and no decided thier brand of faux 'libertarianism' isn't compatible with 'populism', i.e pro-American policies favored by the Deplorables. The recent 'Fair Tax' vote was th GOP's giant ass kissing sucking noise requested by the Kochs.
Trump has taken a commanding lead in the latest Harvard-Harris 2024 poll, outpacing struggling President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in a survey of 2,050 registered voters.

Trump received 46% of the vote, while Biden received 41%. 13% of respondents were unsure. The gap between Trump and Harris was even wider, with Trump receiving 48% and Harris receiving 40%, with 12% of respondents unsure in the Presidential polls.

Trump also outperformed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in hypothetical matchups against both Biden and Harris.

This is why in 2024 we'll get another Progressive Marxist in the WH.

Cult huggers on BOTH sides blinded by emotions rather than going by facts and logic.
"Oh Please Quit"....and "Here We Go Again" is exactly correct.. OH! The Irony!
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This is why in 2024 we'll get another Progressive Marxist in the WH.

Cult huggers on BOTH sides blinded by emotions rather than going by facts and logic.
"Oh Please Quit"....and "Here We Go Again" is exactly correct.. OH! The Irony!
University polls are about as leftist as it gets, Harvard no exception. When these polls show a slight lead of 5% in favor of the Republican, the real lead is probably 10%, or well more than that.
University polls are about as leftist as it gets, Harvard no exception. When these polls show a slight lead of 5% in favor of the Republican, the real lead is probably 10%, or well more than that.
Do you have any evidence for this claim?
Do you have any evidence for this claim?
First hand evidence from having attended a university for 5 years + teaching for 3 years. Also seeing polls being conducted in person on campuses, on TV. It's because universities are one of the most leftist institutions in America. Gee, what a surprise!

Why do you ask ? You doubt it ?
Trump is running vicious anti DeSantis TV ads here in Florida.

That ain't cool.
First hand evidence from having attended a university for 5 years + teaching for 3 years. Also seeing polls being conduct in person on campuses, on TV.

Why do you ask ? You doubt it ?
No, no, no. You said, "When these polls show a slight lead of 5% in favor of the Republican, the real lead is probably 10%, or well more than that." You made the statement, a bunch of personal, anecdotal silliness is not evidence. I have my Masters and taught for over a decade, so I would know better than to babble on about first hand "evidence" You need to be more careful, fellow Trumpsters don't know any better than to believe your every word cause you claim to actually have been on a university campus. Oh, and on TV, that is proof.
He should be attacking Biden and the Democrats. Instead he is spending money on a very harsh attack on DeSantis.

The polls should him pretty far ahead of DeSantis nationally so no need to be an asshole to DeSantis, who is very well liked.

Like I said, it ain't cool.

Kind of weird. I agree, he doesn't need to do that.

Makes me wonder what's up.

No, no, no. You said, "When these polls show a slight lead of 5% in favor of the Republican, the real lead is probably 10%, or well more than that." You made the statement, a bunch of personal, anecdotal silliness is not evidence. I have my Masters and taught for over a decade, so I would know better than to babble on about first hand "evidence" You need to be more careful, fellow Trumpsters don't know any better than to believe your every word cause you claim to actually have been on a university campus. Oh, and on TV, that is proof.
I have posted more evidence at one time, than anyone in the history of this forum >>
Post 816.....817....818.....819......820

But everything has it's place. To say universities are places of ultraliberalism, and thus polls there would reflect this, needs no evidence. But liberals trained/programmed in these bastions of conditioning are unaccepting of anything outside of their presribed methodologies.

Blinded by ritual, unable to work alongside simple general knowledge of everyday life, these robots would command their all sacred "studies" that they worship, if the subject matter was to determine "if" fish could swim.

Many things that you refer to as "anecdotal silliness", by far surpass the oh so grand "studies" you revere so much, that are 100% capable of being vulnerable to partisan damages, and often weak.

Would you like an example ?
Liberal "research" has too many times been shown to be BS. Here's a classic example >>>

The Stephens-Davidowitz "racism" study : in this farce, published as undeniable in the New York Times, it was contended that some places in the US were more racist than other places. The study contended that because 57% of Denver, CO, voted for Obama in 2008, and only 48% of Wheeling WV did, that Wheeling was the 7th most "racist" city in America, while Denver was the 4th most “enlightened” city.

Problems here are twofold. First, in places like the Times, the only 1 dimension at play was Obama's race. The Stephens-Davidowitz study failed to consider that Obama was the most fabulous, celebrity-backed candidate for president in a long time - something more important to people in Denver, than in West Virginia.

Secondly, on Nov. 2, 2008, two days before the election, Obama vowed to bankrupt the coal industry. He threatened to impose huge fines on coal companies for emissions of greenhouse gases. West Virginia's economy is 99% (energy) and 60% (business taxes) dependent on coal. The real way to test Stephens-Davidowitz theory about West Virginians would be to run a non-flashy black candidate who had not pledged to destroy the coal industry, and THEN compare votes.

Here's an alternative to the faulty Stephens-Davidowitz study that the New York Times admired so much >> A conservative writer did a study on states' inclinations to racism, also. In that study, different states were compared by participation in the military - an institution with a high level of close quarter racial mixing, jaw to jaw, in military barracks (hell for racists).

The least racist states were Montana, Texas, Wyoming, Alabama, Alaska, and Idaho. The most racist ones were Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, and Vermont.

As for TV, it can be 'Silliness'or it can be a very serious well-designed study of peoples' opinions. All depends on how it's done. The ones I saw were done well, and with surveys on TV, it's easy to ascertain if it is done honestly and the responses are real. There is less room for fakery than in the most esteemed studies in which we dont see the actual respondents.

I dont budge one inch from what I said in Post # 128 & # 130. If your definition of "evidence" is more narrow and unaccepting than my broader definition, I only say, Not My Problem.
No charge for the tutoring.
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"When these polls show a slight lead of 5% in favor of the Republican, the real lead is probably 10%, "
Again, you did not show a consistent Republican or Democratic bias in studies on universities, in fact, I am not sure what you were addressing, racism in Montana?. This is one of the problems with you guys. I imagine you and your conservative friends and probably seen and repeated this "fact" many times in the RWNC, now you believe. It is indeed difficult to construct an unbias study so no study is perfect. Studies use numbers and can be measured. If you want to make that statement there is a lot of literature out there addressing flawed study construction and design.

I would be interested in seeing a well designed study on TV. Can you post a link? By it's nature a poll collected from a group of people that watch a certain show or TV program would insure the respondents were not random.

"No charge for the tutoring."

I had been impressed you at least put this much effort in to a reply, then you have to be a smart ass, and demonstrating how little you really know about studies.
I want to see desantis and trump square off in a very heated debate. Desantis will dominate that. Well spoken, smart, even keeled. The man for the times.

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