Trump drains the swamp to staff his new administration with insiders

Day two and CNN is already starting to criticize Trump "policy"? Funny stuff...
Not policy, who he is staffing his administration with. The very people he said was the reason we needed to drain the swamp.

So tell us, which of his promises do you think he will keep?

Keep whining you fecund leftist and watch Republicans undo the damage you and your party have done. REMEMBER - Obama's use of EOs? Those will vanish within the first hour after Trump is sworn in.
You are going to be sooooooooooo disappointed. :lol: Welcome to the new boss...same as the old boss....

According to these Moon Bats as of this morning there were 60,071,659 old White men in America that voted for Trump and one White woman (my wife).
Probably more than 10 minutes Natalie, you gotta learn to wait.

Of course, I agree that 10 minutes is not enough.....BUT, do you agree on TWO YEARS?
By the end of 2018 America will be great again.....correct??
According to these Moon Bats as of this morning there were 60,071,659 old White men in America that voted for Trump and one White woman (my wife).

Actually, wives of old white, tacitly racist, uneducated men, usually vote with whatever their hubbies tell them....After all, misogyny could NOT exist without some women swallowing the crap that they were born inferior.......Correct?
Keep whining you fecund leftist and watch Republicans undo the damage you and your party have done. REMEMBER - Obama's use of EOs? Those will vanish within the first hour after Trump is sworn in.

Just repeating the same old bullshit about Obama;s EOs??

Those EOs were a result of a republican-led congress that REFUSED to do anything....just sat on their fat asses and did nothing.
How many times did Obama stated: "you don't like my EO on immigration? Fine.....give me a fucking bill that we all can agree upon"..............The response? NOTHING.....ergo, an EO

Why didn't Obama handle immigration reform when Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? He could have basically passed anything his little heart desired! So he does nothing and then scapegoats the GOP because they don't give him an immigration reform bill that he likes? Yeah, right...
You've lost, Gnat. There is nothing you can do about it. Now stop acting like a petulant child and yes you are acting like a petulant child. America you need to listen and learn your place

As I've stated before......I am looking forward to ATTACKING, rather than defending the weak DNC.

get used to got 2 years to "fix" what ails you........We'll be here holding your sorry asses to the fire.

Well the left gave Obama eight years and every failure was blamed on Bush, Reagan and the Republicans. I expect that trend to continue.
Yeah yeah yeah I'm still laughing at you loons squawking the GOP is finished, they'll never win elections, blah blah blah....look who's got all the marbles :)

Smarter republicans know full well that Trump is NOT a republican...Trump just used you.

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Yep he is a liberal and still you nutter have gone unhinged at the fact you didn't get your way. I find it all very funny and amusing. It has turned into great entertainment.
Why didn't Obama handle immigration reform when Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? He could have basically passed anything his little heart desired! So he does nothing and then scapegoats the GOP because they don't give him an immigration reform bill that he likes? Yeah, right...

READY FOR SOME EDUCATION????? Read and learn and stop the lying......

That filibuster-proof 60 votes lasted exactly 4 months for Obama – Not 2 years. Not 1 year. Not 6 months.

Just 4 months – from August 2009 to February 2010
- when Scott Brown was sworn in.

But here’s a fact that nobody can deny:

Republicans had the presidency, the House, and the Senate from 2001 – 2007.

For six years, Republicans had total and complete and undeniably absolute control over everything.

And how did that work out in the final analysis?

It doesn’t bear repeating. You know the answer to that as well as I do. Six years to screw up the whole country – nay, the entire damned world!

And you whine because Obama could not fix it all in four months?

Alright, I expect you to whine. But from this point on there is no excuse for lying. Not now that you know the truth.
Yep he is a liberal and still you nutter have gone unhinged at the fact you didn't get your way. I find it all very funny and amusing. It has turned into great entertainment.

Did you MISS the part when Trump called YOU republicans a bunch of stupid voters????
He IS correct....
Team Trump is already filled with Washington insiders -

But he has so far fully embraced lobbyists within his transition, and all signs point to a heavy influence from longtime Washington Republican circles on his transition. And with Trump mostly skipping detailed policy proposals during his campaign, they can have a powerful impact on his agenda.

Leaders in his transition include former Rep. Mike Rogers, former Reagan Attorney General and Heritage Foundation fellow Edwin Meese, former President of Heritage Edwin Feulner, former Bush administration official and lobbyist Christine Ciccone, former Dick Cheney adviser Ado Machida, former Senate Budget Committee staffer Eric Ueland and former Sen. Jeff Sessions' chief of staff Rick Dearborn. The effort is chaired by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Trump counts former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Sessions as close advisers.

Lower level staffers assigned with crafting different departments are also heavily drawn from K Street, the center of lobbying in Washington, and congressional staff, according to a staff organizational chart obtained by CNN.

Lobbyists around Washington feel that the Trump administration could be heavily influenced by their input, as his campaign's policy positions were considerably thinner than Hillary Clinton's, and some of his promises could be open to interpretation.


Former Bush administration stooges?
Dick Cheney advisors?
Crisp Crispie who will probably be impeached?
Newt who left in disgrace?
and lots and lots of Washington lobbyists.

Republicans really got us good this time. Not just us, but the entire nation. One racist and nasty party.

And you could see it all coming from miles away. Good job America. You elected them. Good job media, you did an unbelievable job guiding the country to vote in a dangerous narcissist. We are so screwed.

Drain the Swamp refers to getting rid of the Democrat scum.

We already accomplished that by winning the White House, Senate, and House of Reps.

Don't you have a riot to attend to?
He calls everyone stupid, sooner or later. He's all for equality.

Just to correct your reading comprehension issues....Trump CHOSE to run as a Republican because he well knew that your ilk is much more stupid than democrats and would more easily swallow his bullshit.

There, feel better now?

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