Trump Dumps Fox News Debate and Here's Why

I don't believe Americans want 4 more years of Obama's economic and foreign policy failures or worse through Hillary or Bernie, it defies common sense and self interest.
Pissing off the strongest Republican leaning voice in the media is not a good idea for a Republican candidate. Fox is the only major network to counter liberal leaning media and is a primary news source for Trump supporters.
Trump supporters have since long noticed that Fox has its own agenda (propping up the establishment). Pissing off millions of right leaning Americans is not a good idea for a Republican leaning voice in the media. Trump will be fine, its Fox News and the establishment who will suffer the consequences of their bias.

Fair and Balanced? Pffft

Fair and Balanced..............when our candidate is in the lead.
What you neglect is Fox News is the only conservative voice among the major networks. The typical Trump supporter is in the age group of 45-65 and their primary source of new is TV and for conservatives, that means Fox News.

As Trump goes through the primary process and possibility a general election, he is going to need the very people, that is the establishment that he has waged a verbal battle with since his campaign began.

Few people seem to realize just how unpopularity Trump is with Democrats and independents. To overcome this, he's going to need a lot of allies that he just doesn't have. Antics to attract attention such as calling into news shows and asking to be put on the air, streams of outrageous tweets and facebook messages, and personal attacks are not going work in a general election. Exposure in the media is far less important in a general election than in a primary because the voters are already very familiar with the candidates. Voters are more concerned with issues than in primaries and they rely on the media to explain the candidates position.
Flopper they (Fox) need him more than he needs them. Fox News knows who butters their bread and CNN is just foaming at the mouth right now waiting to pounce. Trump has Fox by the balls and they both know it. In regards to Trumps unpopularity among Dems and Independents, you are sorely misjudging his crossover appeal.
How the hell did fox news ever survive before Donald Trump? Can we keep it real here please? CNN might need Trump, Fox? No they don't.
They survived because Americans devoured the propaganda and bullshit they were being fed. When Trump came around their base rallied around him only to tune in and see the bias BS Fox was pushing out. They were all left scratching their heads saying "WTF is going on here? No! We don't like Rubio! We don't want Bush!!" Fox is fucking tone deaf and millions see it. Yes, Fox needs Trump. Trump is viewers, and viewers are ratings, and ratings are money.....

And Trump, he knows money. :smile:

He comes from the decade that spawned the maximum, "Greed is good."
Pissing off the strongest Republican leaning voice in the media is not a good idea for a Republican candidate. Fox is the only major network to counter liberal leaning media and is a primary news source for Trump supporters.
Trump supporters have since long noticed that Fox has its own agenda (propping up the establishment). Pissing off millions of right leaning Americans is not a good idea for a Republican leaning voice in the media. Trump will be fine, its Fox News and the establishment who will suffer the consequences of their bias.

Fair and Balanced? Pffft

Fair and Balanced..............when our candidate is in the lead.
What you neglect is Fox News is the only conservative voice among the major networks. The typical Trump supporter is in the age group of 45-65 and their primary source of new is TV and for conservatives, that means Fox News.

As Trump goes through the primary process and possibility a general election, he is going to need the very people, that is the establishment that he has waged a verbal battle with since his campaign began.

Few people seem to realize just how unpopularity Trump is with Democrats and independents. To overcome this, he's going to need a lot of allies that he just doesn't have. Antics to attract attention such as calling into news shows and asking to be put on the air, streams of outrageous tweets and facebook messages, and personal attacks are not going work in a general election. Exposure in the media is far less important in a general election than in a primary because the voters are already very familiar with the candidates. Voters are more concerned with issues than in primaries and they rely on the media to explain the candidates position.
Flopper they (Fox) need him more than he needs them. Fox News knows who butters their bread and CNN is just foaming at the mouth right now waiting to pounce. Trump has Fox by the balls and they both know it. In regards to Trumps unpopularity among Dems and Independents, you are sorely misjudging his crossover appeal.
How the hell did fox news ever survive before Donald Trump? Can we keep it real here please? CNN might need Trump, Fox? No they don't.
They survived because Americans devoured the propaganda and bullshit they were being fed. When Trump came around their base rallied around him only to tune in and see the bias BS Fox was pushing out. They were all left scratching their heads saying "WTF is going on here? No! We don't like Rubio! We don't want Bush!!" Fox is fucking tone deaf and millions see it. Yes, Fox needs Trump. Trump is viewers, and viewers are ratings, and ratings are money.....
You're right Trump does not need Fox news but he will. In the primaries, he's selling the Trump brand which means keeping his name and face in the headlines with outrageous statements and antics. However, if he makes it through the nomination, he's going to need those people on Fox News to explain, analyze, and back his plan for immigration, the economy, health care, foreign policy, education, and taxes. This is where the media becomes critical to a candidates success and so far Trump doesn't have much support from the media. They love him for his news value but that's about it.
Trump has to show, otherwise all the other candidates get a turn on that doorknob. Trump is not going to let them smear the polish off his shine. He's a shinny doorknob. Dumb as a doorknob, but shinny.
You need a drink asshole.
You're playing 'Snap' and the rest of us are playing three dimensional chess.
I don't believe Americans want 4 more years of Obama's economic and foreign policy failures or worse through Hillary or Bernie, it defies common sense and self interest.
I would be too sure about that. His job approval ratings stands at 48% and 82% among democrats.

At this point in Bush's presidency, his approval ratings was 33%. Reagan was at 47%.

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
Exactly. That's what I just said.

Might wanna check your controls and see what speed your operators set you on.
So you agree that Trump was right to skip the debates?

Wow thats the first thing you have been right about in this century, isnt it?

Yeah, pretty sure it is.


We'll take up a collection for cab fare so you can get to reading class.

Lol, there you go again, making promises with other peoples money.

Will you socialists ever grow past that?

It'll be voluntary. But don't forget to make that point to Donald Rump and the Wounded Warrior skirts he's hiding behind.
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America founder Paul Rieckhoff said
"The AVA will decline donations from Trump's event. We need strong policies from candidates, not to be used for political

"Veterans group won't take Trump fundraiser donations | Fox News
You mean all twenty radical Liberal vets who are members of 'AVA' won't take Trumps money?
Oh Dear. Don't worry the other 300K vets will.
Trump supporters have since long noticed that Fox has its own agenda (propping up the establishment). Pissing off millions of right leaning Americans is not a good idea for a Republican leaning voice in the media. Trump will be fine, its Fox News and the establishment who will suffer the consequences of their bias.

Fair and Balanced? Pffft

Fair and Balanced..............when our candidate is in the lead.
What you neglect is Fox News is the only conservative voice among the major networks. The typical Trump supporter is in the age group of 45-65 and their primary source of new is TV and for conservatives, that means Fox News.

As Trump goes through the primary process and possibility a general election, he is going to need the very people, that is the establishment that he has waged a verbal battle with since his campaign began.

Few people seem to realize just how unpopularity Trump is with Democrats and independents. To overcome this, he's going to need a lot of allies that he just doesn't have. Antics to attract attention such as calling into news shows and asking to be put on the air, streams of outrageous tweets and facebook messages, and personal attacks are not going work in a general election. Exposure in the media is far less important in a general election than in a primary because the voters are already very familiar with the candidates. Voters are more concerned with issues than in primaries and they rely on the media to explain the candidates position.
Flopper they (Fox) need him more than he needs them. Fox News knows who butters their bread and CNN is just foaming at the mouth right now waiting to pounce. Trump has Fox by the balls and they both know it. In regards to Trumps unpopularity among Dems and Independents, you are sorely misjudging his crossover appeal.
How the hell did fox news ever survive before Donald Trump? Can we keep it real here please? CNN might need Trump, Fox? No they don't.
They survived because Americans devoured the propaganda and bullshit they were being fed. When Trump came around their base rallied around him only to tune in and see the bias BS Fox was pushing out. They were all left scratching their heads saying "WTF is going on here? No! We don't like Rubio! We don't want Bush!!" Fox is fucking tone deaf and millions see it. Yes, Fox needs Trump. Trump is viewers, and viewers are ratings, and ratings are money.....
You're right Trump does not need Fox news but he will. In the primaries, he's selling the Trump brand which means keeping his name and face in the headlines with outrageous statements and antics. However, if he makes it through the nomination, he's going to need those people on Fox News to explain, analyze, and back his plan for immigration, the economy, health care, foreign policy, education, and taxes. This is where the media becomes critical to a candidates success and so far Trump doesn't have much support from the media. They love him for his news value but that's about it.

I'm thinking Trump with promote his own policies and the media will react with the same old talking heads and crap that they usually do. Trump will use the bully pulpit, be in touch with the American people and tell it like it is from his perspective. Well, that would be my hope.
I don't believe Americans want 4 more years of Obama's economic and foreign policy failures or worse through Hillary or Bernie, it defies common sense and self interest.
I would be too sure about that. His job approval ratings stands at 48% and 82% among democrats.

At this point in Bush's presidency, his approval ratings was 33%. Reagan was at 47%.

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Well recall with Bush that Democrats had just popped the housing bubble with their denials and inaction plus the Democratic Parties cowardice and undermining of soldiers fighting the Iraqi War had quite an effect. Congress and Bush suffered the consequences of a Democratic Party pathetically controlled Congress.

How Democrats Wrecked the Economy and Successfully Blamed Republicans
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You're right Trump does not need Fox news but he will. In the primaries, he's selling the Trump brand which means keeping his name and face in the headlines with outrageous statements and antics. However, if he makes it through the nomination, he's going to need those people on Fox News to explain, analyze, and back his plan for immigration, the economy, health care, foreign policy, education, and taxes. This is where the media becomes critical to a candidates success and so far Trump doesn't have much support from the media. They love him for his news value but that's about it.

Have you noticed how FOX is delivering Trumps message for him and giving him far more air time than all the others put together WHILE BOYCOTTING THEIR DEBATES?

Trump understand the media, how they think, and what drives them very well.

This has allowed him to figure out how to grab them by the short hairs and yank with fury.
What on Earth do you think FOX asserted that Trump has proven right about?

That they suck at being 'Fair and Balanced'?

Trump claims he can stand up to Iran, but he can't even stand up to Megyn Kelly?


Mitt Romney should have called Candy Crowley a fucking liar to her face - as she was. But ducking the debate is the wrong thing to do.

It's not and has never been about Megan Kelly. She's actually been very classy and avoided saying anything negative about Trump. Trump realized that it was going to be an ambush and baited FOX with his "Twitter poll on whether he should attend or not" and FOX stupidly fell for it and gave him what he wanted with that idiotic tweet, and excuse to skip the debate. This way, he will have thwarted the ambush while watching Cruz' numbers sink as all the attacks in the debate will now be leveled at Cruz instead of Trump, and as he maintains or increases his lead while running out the clock. The guy is fucking brilliant and very gutsy, a dangerous combination.

I realize that Fox, in conjunction with BI and the CFR probably made up that story. However, if it were true, I'd sure like to know that source.

It almost seems to me, that the CFR would have made that information possible. . .

The only way to make that information possible is through connections to the administration through the office of the Secretary of State. The CFR now has an office in D.C. and those administrators are always involved in meetings at the CFR.

IOW, what we are talking about, is using inside connections through a non-state institution, which state actors are not supposed to be involved in (see the Logan Act,) to influence a current political race. This might be construed as a violation, and thus, a treasonous act.
The only way to make that information possible is through connections to the administration through the office of the Secretary of State. The CFR now has an office in D.C. and those administrators are always involved in meetings at the CFR.

IOW, what we are talking about, is using inside connections through a non-state institution, which state actors are not supposed to be involved in (see the Logan Act,) to influence a current political race. This might be construed as a violation, and thus, a treasonous act.
Lol, the government doesnt prosecute violations of the Logan Act any more unless its a conservative Republican being charged. unless Trump did it, nothing will happen.
Trump supporters have since long noticed that Fox has its own agenda (propping up the establishment). Pissing off millions of right leaning Americans is not a good idea for a Republican leaning voice in the media. Trump will be fine, its Fox News and the establishment who will suffer the consequences of their bias.

Fair and Balanced? Pffft

Fair and Balanced..............when our candidate is in the lead.
What you neglect is Fox News is the only conservative voice among the major networks. The typical Trump supporter is in the age group of 45-65 and their primary source of new is TV and for conservatives, that means Fox News.

As Trump goes through the primary process and possibility a general election, he is going to need the very people, that is the establishment that he has waged a verbal battle with since his campaign began.

Few people seem to realize just how unpopularity Trump is with Democrats and independents. To overcome this, he's going to need a lot of allies that he just doesn't have. Antics to attract attention such as calling into news shows and asking to be put on the air, streams of outrageous tweets and facebook messages, and personal attacks are not going work in a general election. Exposure in the media is far less important in a general election than in a primary because the voters are already very familiar with the candidates. Voters are more concerned with issues than in primaries and they rely on the media to explain the candidates position.
Flopper they (Fox) need him more than he needs them. Fox News knows who butters their bread and CNN is just foaming at the mouth right now waiting to pounce. Trump has Fox by the balls and they both know it. In regards to Trumps unpopularity among Dems and Independents, you are sorely misjudging his crossover appeal.
How the hell did fox news ever survive before Donald Trump? Can we keep it real here please? CNN might need Trump, Fox? No they don't.
They survived because Americans devoured the propaganda and bullshit they were being fed. When Trump came around their base rallied around him only to tune in and see the bias BS Fox was pushing out. They were all left scratching their heads saying "WTF is going on here? No! We don't like Rubio! We don't want Bush!!" Fox is fucking tone deaf and millions see it. Yes, Fox needs Trump. Trump is viewers, and viewers are ratings, and ratings are money.....
You're right Trump does not need Fox news but he will. In the primaries, he's selling the Trump brand which means keeping his name and face in the headlines with outrageous statements and antics. However, if he makes it through the nomination, he's going to need those people on Fox News to explain, analyze, and back his plan for immigration, the economy, health care, foreign policy, education, and taxes. This is where the media becomes critical to a candidates success and so far Trump doesn't have much support from the media. They love him for his news value but that's about it.

I agree.

But this is 2016 not 1993.

If Ron Paul can give the establishment a run for it's money, I have no doubt that Trump can get his message out if the networks refuse to be cooperative.

Even Hillary and Feinstein were bitching about this thing called the internet. Maybe the government can shut down the internet till after the election is over to keep Don's tweets and YouTube vids from getting out?

The only way to make that information possible is through connections to the administration through the office of the Secretary of State. The CFR now has an office in D.C. and those administrators are always involved in meetings at the CFR.

IOW, what we are talking about, is using inside connections through a non-state institution, which state actors are not supposed to be involved in (see the Logan Act,) to influence a current political race. This might be construed as a violation, and thus, a treasonous act.
Lol, the government doesnt prosecute violations of the Logan Act any more unless its a conservative Republican being charged. unless Trump did it, nothing will happen.

Yeah, I know.

My whole point here is that nobody is asking any questions about how in the world Fox would obtain such information. It had to come via sources close to the State department.

It really makes me wonder about those who carry a torch for Fox news. The sources they use are the same that CNN, NBC, etc. that all the major wire services use. That was my whole point. It's a government/media fascist cabal.

Either that, or the story is fake.

It doesn't matter how you look at it, both ways are very dark indeed.
I don't believe Americans want 4 more years of Obama's economic and foreign policy failures or worse through Hillary or Bernie, it defies common sense and self interest.
I would be too sure about that. His job approval ratings stands at 48% and 82% among democrats.

At this point in Bush's presidency, his approval ratings was 33%. Reagan was at 47%.

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
The media has abdicated their constitutional duty and have become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. What do you expect?

Considering all the biased reporting and subliminal leftist messages they propagate 24/7, it makes what Trump has achieved so far even more of a feat.
So you agree that Trump was right to skip the debates?

Wow thats the first thing you have been right about in this century, isnt it?

Yeah, pretty sure it is.


We'll take up a collection for cab fare so you can get to reading class.

Lol, there you go again, making promises with other peoples money.

Will you socialists ever grow past that?

It'll be voluntary. But don't forget to make that point to Donald Rump and the Wounded Warrior skirts he's hiding behind.
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America founder Paul Rieckhoff said
"The AVA will decline donations from Trump's event. We need strong policies from candidates, not to be used for political

"Veterans group won't take Trump fundraiser donations | Fox News
You mean all twenty radical Liberal vets who are members of 'AVA' won't take Trumps money?
Oh Dear. Don't worry the other 300K vets will.
No, I mean the 183,000
About Us » Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)
I don't believe Americans want 4 more years of Obama's economic and foreign policy failures or worse through Hillary or Bernie, it defies common sense and self interest.
I would be too sure about that. His job approval ratings stands at 48% and 82% among democrats.

At this point in Bush's presidency, his approval ratings was 33%. Reagan was at 47%.

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
The media has abdicated their constitutional duty and have become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. What do you expect?

Considering all the biased reporting and subliminal leftist messages they propagate 24/7, it makes what Trump has achieved so far even more of a feat.
I must have missed that part of the constitution where it addresses the media or were you referring to the Trump constitution..
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

While it was clever and funny, it was also a childish way to handle it. I would have thought Fox News would have been above stooping to a Trumpian level of antics. That's disappointing. Oh, here I am expecting these two parties to act like adults... my mistake. Trump I can understand, Fox News is another thing entirely.
What on Earth do you think FOX asserted that Trump has proven right about?

That they suck at being 'Fair and Balanced'?

Trump claims he can stand up to Iran, but he can't even stand up to Megyn Kelly?


Mitt Romney should have called Candy Crowley a fucking liar to her face - as she was. But ducking the debate is the wrong thing to do.

It's not and has never been about Megan Kelly. She's actually been very classy and avoided saying anything negative about Trump. Trump realized that it was going to be an ambush and baited FOX with his "Twitter poll on whether he should attend or not" and FOX stupidly fell for it and gave him what he wanted with that idiotic tweet, and excuse to skip the debate. This way, he will have thwarted the ambush while watching Cruz' numbers sink as all the attacks in the debate will now be leveled at Cruz instead of Trump, and as he maintains or increases his lead while running out the clock. The guy is fucking brilliant and very gutsy, a dangerous combination.


Your powers of self-delusion and rationalization are markable and remarkable. We should find a way to harness it as an energy source.
Pissing off the strongest Republican leaning voice in the media is not a good idea for a Republican candidate. Fox is the only major network to counter liberal leaning media and is a primary news source for Trump supporters.
Trump supporters have since long noticed that Fox has its own agenda (propping up the establishment). Pissing off millions of right leaning Americans is not a good idea for a Republican leaning voice in the media. Trump will be fine, its Fox News and the establishment who will suffer the consequences of their bias.

Fair and Balanced? Pffft

Fair and Balanced..............when our candidate is in the lead.
What you neglect is Fox News is the only conservative voice among the major networks. The typical Trump supporter is in the age group of 45-65 and their primary source of new is TV and for conservatives, that means Fox News.

As Trump goes through the primary process and possibility a general election, he is going to need the very people, that is the establishment that he has waged a verbal battle with since his campaign began.

Few people seem to realize just how unpopularity Trump is with Democrats and independents. To overcome this, he's going to need a lot of allies that he just doesn't have. Antics to attract attention such as calling into news shows and asking to be put on the air, streams of outrageous tweets and facebook messages, and personal attacks are not going work in a general election. Exposure in the media is far less important in a general election than in a primary because the voters are already very familiar with the candidates. Voters are more concerned with issues than in primaries and they rely on the media to explain the candidates position.
Flopper they (Fox) need him more than he needs them. Fox News knows who butters their bread and CNN is just foaming at the mouth right now waiting to pounce. Trump has Fox by the balls and they both know it. In regards to Trumps unpopularity among Dems and Independents, you are sorely misjudging his crossover appeal.
How the hell did fox news ever survive before Donald Trump? Can we keep it real here please? CNN might need Trump, Fox? No they don't.
They survived because Americans devoured the propaganda and bullshit they were being fed. When Trump came around their base rallied around him only to tune in and see the bias BS Fox was pushing out. They were all left scratching their heads saying "WTF is going on here? No! We don't like Rubio! We don't want Bush!!" Fox is fucking tone deaf and millions see it. Yes, Fox needs Trump. Trump is viewers, and viewers are ratings, and ratings are money.....

Ratings have zero to do with a political debate. Ratings are for selling things.

Rump is a ratings magnet because he's a wacko, but a political debate is supposed to be about issues. If it isn't about issues, then it's worthless. Which makes it actually a positive thing that Rump won't be there to distract the issues away with his usual blusterfluff.

On the larger general point though, you are correct that Fox needs Rump (and any other controversy it can find) since at base it's not there to inform --- debates like this being the exception that proves the rule -- but to milk the consumer with scare stories.

But that's in the big picture, not really the instant case.
As Fox got wind of Trump considering dropping out of the debate they issued this statement to Mediaite:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

That triggered his statement about being "toyed with" and subsequently dropping out.

While it was clever and funny, it was also a childish way to handle it. I would have thought Fox News would have been above stooping to a Trumpian level of antics. That's disappointing. Oh, here I am expecting these two parties to act like adults... my mistake. Trump I can understand, Fox News is another thing entirely.

And here I thought you were starting to grow up a little. :eusa_doh:

Let me get this straight. You are actually defending the integrity of FOX NEW SERVICES over that of Donald Trump, is that it?

Sure, Don is a bit of a shyster, but Fox news? Are you kidding me?

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Let's be clear on something, serious people, you know, adults, don't go to Fox News for anything but entertainment.


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