Trump Embraced By Policemen, Firemen, Stadiums Filled W/Fans......While 'F* Biden' Sweeps The Nation' - There's Your REAL VOTING

just because you claim it, that doesn't make it so... I'm working class and Trump/GOP are no where close to my party
The National Socialist German Worker's Party would have been your party. The democrooks just went further left.
View attachment 538808
Trump Embraced by Cops, Firemen, and Sports Fans as 'F Biden' Sweeps the Nation

Who needs Polls when all you have to do is go to a sporting event, visit a fire station, a police station, or an average small town in America? !

You're dreaming. Like the whole election fraud hoax, the Afghan debacle will be investigated and fade away quietly as everyone will be found to be at fault, including Trump. We'll all forget as we move on to the next crisis.
Hmmm... a remarkable coherent and reasonable response.

First of all the DOJ is loaded with DC swamp rats who loathed Trump. Trump's own WH had remnants of past administrations like that treasonous liar
Vindman, as well as an FBI which allowed corrupt agents like Strzok and Page to maintain clearances in spite of their adultery, which would result in any soldier being stripped of their clearance. For the entirety of Trump's administration it was clear he was in conflict with the political establishment in DC, and that establishment is anything except honorable. It's a self serving cluster fuck of criminals not seen on earth since the collapse of the soviet union and it will be our downfall.

Did the FBI "investigate" it's own crimes or the crimes committed by federal agents in numerous heinous murders over the course of the last century and prosecute those involved, or did they cover them up with the assistance of a sycophantic media? Take Waco TX for instance, or Ruby Ridge. In most of those civil trials the evidence was clear the agents were criminally responsible and punitive damages were awarded, but not one agent was ever punished, and pieces of shit like David Chipman got promoted.

Furthermore there is widespread video evidence you may choose to ignore, and I notice liberals love to ignore things, that all sorts of shenanigans around specific poll locations occurred. Then when lawyers attempted to bring up suits, judges throw the cases out for obscure reasons. I don't believe Bob Barr is a man of integrity, I don't believe Chief Justice John Roberts is a man of integrity. In fact I still want to know if he's
been compromised by Epstein.

Almost a year later now and after all the yelling and screeching back and forth, we have an animated potato and a whore in the WH though. We've watched cities riot, buildings burn, businesses get destroyed, federal building get assaulted, police get killed and the leftist perpetrators get away with it. Yet a few hundred idiots get into the capitol on 1/6/21 and the leftist party has the gall to compare it to 9/11 and I'm not supposed to just accept the results? Especially when your potato couldn't draw flies and Trump's rallies drew tens of thousands of energetic motivated patriots tired of the corruption in BOTH parties?

Their is so much to unpack in your post wich is neither coherent or reasonable that responding to all of what's wrong with it would turn into an essay. I'm willing to do it but on the basis of this reponse it would be a waste, since you seem neither willing nor able to actually examine your claims objectively. So I'll say this.

When I ask for an objective reason to doubt the election results, and you bring up Vindman, Page, etc.,etc. You are in effect saying you have no objective reason. What you have is an subjective opinion, wild assertions and conjecture.
View attachment 538808
Trump Embraced by Cops, Firemen, and Sports Fans as 'F Biden' Sweeps the Nation

Who needs Polls when all you have to do is go to a sporting event, visit a fire station, a police station, or an average small town in America? !

View attachment 538808
Trump Embraced by Cops, Firemen, and Sports Fans as 'F Biden' Sweeps the Nation

Who needs Polls when all you have to do is go to a sporting event, visit a fire station, a police station, or an average small town in America? !

Do you not know how to spell “basement”, Sleazy?

Tell us again how you’re really an American business owner who posts anti-American, Russian propaganda on a public message board for free, Sleazy.

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