trump employee tells FBI that trump told him to move boxes out of storage to his residence at Mar-a-largo...even after subpoena!

You don't know nuch about subpoenas. Once trump received the subpoena...the documents were to be untouched. He was trying to hide them. Trump Is a lying POS.

Give up the dream of him ever sitting in the WH again. Nobody with a brain wants a president who treats top secret documents like copies of Vanity Fair.

If the MAGA repubs do not give him the 2024 nomination...he will doom them. Remember what I said.

Really couldn't care less. Mr Potatohead isn't the honest Abe you keep hoping for either.......but hey, he doesn't do mean tweets
I don't "Google", faggot. I use other search engines that work better and aren't politically filtered.

Ya, I'm sure that searching for a Navy Electronic Reconnaissance Squadron is going to be politically filtered.


No SCIF is permeant.

Any SCIF is subject to decertification because being a SCIF isn't just about physicality.

That doesn't mean they took what was built out of Mar A Lago.
PS: All Many ex-presidents have had SCIFs in their homes.
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This is clearly Obstruction of Justice. And there is video to cooborate the move.
We all know that Trump could care less about laws and ethics. All he believes in is what's best for him. What a loser!!! Bigly!!!
That doesn't mean they took what was built out of Mar A Lago.
PS: All ex-presidents have had SCIFs in their homes.

A SCIF is not just physicality. They could have left everything in place and decertified it and it would no longer be a SCIF. A "SCIF" is much more than just the physicality of the room (or rooms for large SCIFs). It also involves certification, access control for only properly authorized individuals and logs of comings and goings from the space.

No, not all ex-Presidents have a SCIF in their homes. Ex-President Trump doesn't.

We all know that Trump could care less about laws and ethics. All he believes in is what's best for him. What a loser!!! Bigly!!!
Just wait until the MAGA repubs chose desantis in 2024. trump.has no honor. His loyalty is only for himself. If he is not chosen as the 2024 nominee...he will trash the MAGA repubs and start devastating rumors about desantis. That is how he operates. It is all about one else.

This is clearly Obstruction of Justice. And there is video to cooborate the move.

There's no limit to Trump's corruption and dishonesty.
Just to point out, the "SCIF" at MAL stopped existing when the POTUS because the FPOTUS. To be a "SCIF" an area must be certified, it must have access control, it is required to maintain access logs, and it requires that only authorized persons have access. For a person to be authorized they must meet two conditions: (A) the required security clearance, and (B) approved "need-to-know".

Those that we know had (or may) have had access to the country club basement include:
  • The FFLOTUS (Former First Lady of the United States, who holds no clearance or need to know)
  • The FPOTUS's children (who hold no clearance or need to know)
  • The FPOTUS Staff (who hold no clearance or need to know)
  • The FPOTUS Lawyers (who hold no clearance or need to know)
  • MAL Service Staff (who hold no clearance or need to know and includes a number of foreign nationals)**
  • MAL Maintenance Staff (who hold no clearance or need to know)
  • Members of the Secret Service (who may have a clearance but no need to know)
  • Then of course you have the FPOTUS himself who may or may not have a clearance, you would have to check with the current administration to see if that was suspended. But who does not have the 2nd requirement which is need to know for continued access since leaving office.

trump should be in jail. Why isn't he?
trump should be in jail. Why isn't he?

"Should" and "legal proceedings" are two different things.

Since this is such a high profile case, I assume the DOJ is making sure all aspects are being thoroughly investigated. IMHO I would expect and indictment (if one happens) until sometime in the spring. It's not just having the documents that the DOJ will have to present. They will have to show chain-of-custody, they will have to show intent, they will have to show "willfully retained" and failure to surrender (for example 18USC793(e) ). That takes time. Then of course you have delaying tactics that the FPOTUS will use.

They will not be jumping the gun and leaving any stone unturned before they are ready to act.

A SCIF is not just physicality. They could have left everything in place and decertified it and it would no longer be a SCIF. A "SCIF" is much more than just the physicality of the room (or rooms for large SCIFs). It also involves certification, access control for only properly authorized individuals and logs of comings and goings from the space.

No, not all ex-Presidents have a SCIF in their homes. Ex-President Trump doesn't.

They didn't demolish it, dumbass. It's still there. The foil is still in the walls and doors, bruh.
It didn't go away, moron. Trump even got extra Secret Service for guards.

They didn't demolish it, dumbass. It's still there. The foil is still in the walls and doors, bruh.


From court documents. The United States Government notifying the FPOTUS (and his team) that there is no authorized storage of classified documents at MAL.

So ya - the SCIF did go away. A "SCIF" doesn't exist if it is not certified for the storage of classified materials.

View attachment 709467

From court documents. The United States Government notifying the FPOTUS (and his team) that there is no authorized storage of classified documents at MAL.

So ya - the SCIF did go away. A "SCIF" doesn't exist if it is not certified for the storage of classified materials.

Biden DOJ? They're absolute clowns. Link to the court document?
They didn't demolish it, dumbass. It's still there. The foil is still in the walls and doors, bruh.

Biden DOJ? They're absolute clowns. Link to the court document?

Item 116, Attachment 1


Item 116, Attachment 1

Wait a minute! There is no attachment 2. What kinda fuckery is this?

There's only this:

And this:

At 116 as you claimed. Where is your link for that pic, dude? It's not where you said it was.

Furthermore, I've done a lot of research on this topic, and yes, presidents are the ultimate arbiter of classified or not and yes they can take classified stuff home with them or throw them into a fire or whatever the hell they wanna do. They are the CMFICs
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You don't know nuch about subpoenas. Once trump received the subpoena...the documents were to be untouched. He was trying to hide them. Trump Is a lying POS.

Give up the dream of him ever sitting in the WH again. Nobody with a brain wants a president who treats top secret documents like copies of Vanity Fair.

If the MAGA repubs do not give him the 2024 nomination...he will doom them. Remember what I said.
Subpoenas ? Wait , what ? What did Hillary do when they Subpoenaed her emails and phones ? Did she leave them untouched? Or did she wipe them clean ? Like with a cloth?
Item 116, Attachment 1


Wait a minute! There is no attachment 2. What kinda fuckery is this?

I said attachment 1.

At 116 as you claimed. Where is your link for that pic, dude? It's not where you said it was.

I inserted the pic which is a screen shot of the supporting text in Item 116, Attachment 1. Attachment 1 is a document not a picture.

Furthermore, I've done a lot of research on this topic, and yes, presidents are the ultimate arbiter of classified or not and yes they can take classified stuff home with them or throw them into a fire or whatever the hell they wanna do. They are the CMFICs

Donald J. Trump is no longer President and hasn't been since noon on January 20, 2021. The FPOTUS is now a civilian and no longer has the powers or privileges of the active POTUS.

I said attachment 1.

I inserted the pic which is a screen shot of the supporting text in Item 116, Attachment 1. Attachment 1 is a document not a picture.

Donald J. Trump is no longer President and hasn't been since noon on January 20, 2021. The FPOTUS is now a civilian and no longer has the powers or privileges of the active POTUS.

None of the that has the text with the highlighted yellow part that you posted here. :/

It's all about property seized from Trump's home.


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