Trump endorses Michael Whatley as RNC chair, Lara Trump as co-chair

No one ever gets 100% their way.
You're right. I got 150% my way.

Had I only gotten my way, President Trump would have run unopposed for the Republican nomination.

I got and extra 50% my way when the Establishment opposition was utterly annihilated.

You're right. I got 150% my way.

Had I only gotten my way, President Trump would have run unopposed for the Republican nomination.

I got and extra 50% my way when the Establishment opposition was utterly annihilated.

Didn't effect me at all. :dunno: The politically obsessed are fucking weird. :rolleyes:
Will they vote this November or stay home? If they do, Trump doesn’t have a shot
True...but the reverse would also be true.

The Establishment got absolutely trounced in the primary.

If they managed to get THEIR candidate on the ballot in would be a Walter Mondale level defeat.
I'm home from work, It's not 8:30, you're a fucking retard. :rolleyes:
I could ask you the same question. You're the one that lost their shit and went off the deep end. "It's not 8:30 retard!!!" :cuckoo:
:auiqs.jpg: 'Lost my shit'. :auiqs.jpg:'Went off the deep end'.

Didn't effect me at all. :dunno: The politically obsessed are fucking weird. :rolleyes:
Apparently, even though I never mentioned you by name, or party affiliation in my statement, this triggered the shit out of you. Because you ran head first to not only self-identify, but be brutally offended by my remark. You lost your shit. You went off the deep end. So offended you replied with:
Says the guy reading the politics forum on a message board at 8:30 at night. :rolleyes:
A very fucking weird reply to me. Like, no bearing on anything but being a triggered magaturd. :dunno: So, I think, maybe this guy simply has a loose grasp of the English language, who knows? :dunno: I reply with:
I'm home from work, It's not 8:30, you're a fucking retard. :rolleyes:
Simple and succinct. The retard stuff is totally true. You become triggered again with your finger painting your mobile screenshot showing the device time in your time zone:

Thus, I reply:

Ever heard of time zones, genius? :rolleyes:
:dunno: I can't help with you being politically obsessed and triggered all the time. You're a tree stump, bud. :itsok:
True...but the reverse would also be true.

The Establishment got absolutely trounced in the primary.

If they managed to get THEIR candidate on the ballot in would be a Walter Mondale level defeat.
Democrats aren’t staying home. That’s a Republican problem. Dissension in the Democratic Party is being overblown by a MAGA party staring defeat in the face.
:auiqs.jpg: 'Lost my shit'. :auiqs.jpg:'Went off the deep end'.


Apparently, even though I never mentioned you by name, or party affiliation in my statement, this triggered the shit out of you. Because you ran head first to not only self-identify, but be brutally offended by my remark. You lost your shit. You went off the deep end. So offended you replied with:

A very fucking weird reply to me. Like, no bearing on anything but being a triggered magaturd. :dunno: So, I think, maybe this guy simply has a loose grasp of the English language, who knows? :dunno: I reply with:

Simple and succinct. The retard stuff is totally true. You become triggered again with your finger painting your mobile screenshot showing the device time in your time zone:
View attachment 917330
Thus, I reply:

:dunno: I can't help with you being politically obsessed and triggered all the time. You're a tree stump, bud. :itsok:
Weird...I don't think I've called you a disparaging name yet, yet I'm the one triggered?

Projection is a bitch.

I am surprised that after nine years you haven't discovered that when reply to someone in a post, you are speaking to them.

Good luck my man, you aren't very good at this...but as you're a liberal, I really don't expect much in the critical thinking and logic department.
Democrats aren’t staying home. That’s a Republican problem. Dissension in the Democratic Party is being overblown by a MAGA party staring defeat in the face.
The dissension isn't between factions of the Democrats... although that Michigan thing looks bad, Trump has a Street in Jerusalem named after him.

The issue is Joe's cognitive decline.
Case: The Republican Party (United States)

Cause of Death: Trumpism.

Manner of Death: Suicide.

Nepotism aside, anyone being pushed by Trump is a certainty to continue the downward spiral of the GOP

Death of the Republican Party? I guess TDS Me Bro hasn’t seen any polls for the past six months.
Case: The Republican Party (United States)

Cause of Death: Trumpism.

Manner of Death: Suicide.

Nepotism aside, anyone being pushed by Trump is a certainty to continue the downward spiral of the GOP

Where will you move Tazbro? Canada?

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