Trump explains why he was smart to not debate republican opponents, but wants to debate Biden.

biden beat trump in their last debate.

are you under the impression that bragging about your penis and making cute nicknames for your opponent is a "cognizant answer?"
The only reason Biden "won" that debate was that the moderator let him get away with lying about Hunter's laptop, Rampart! You remember that? The 51 former intelligence officials being recruited by Tony Blinken to lie for Biden in that letter they signed saying the laptop was a Russian op? Now we know the truth about the Biden family. Nobody is buying Joe's story that he didn't know about the millions of dollars that were pouring into his family's bank accounts from their influence peddling schemes!
The only reason Biden "won" that debate was that the moderator let him get away with lying about Hunter's laptop, Rampart! You remember that? The 51 former intelligence officials being recruited by Tony Blinken to lie for Biden in that letter they signed saying the laptop was a Russian op? Now we know the truth about the Biden family. Nobody is buying Joe's story that he didn't know about the millions of dollars that were pouring into his family's bank accounts from their influence peddling schemes!
And if you really want to cringe? Go back and look at what Trump said would happen if Biden was elected! Trump was spot on with his predictions of how bad it would be for the country. Hindsight really is 20/20.
No. He wants to debate Biden because now trump is in the same place as all those losers that wanted to debate him. Trump already said refusing to debate in that situation was smart, didn't he?
Trump did not have to debate in the Republican primaries. The sell outs would have attempted a crucifixion on him. The fifth column Prog controlled media would have used the clips for endless months. Joe is either incompetent or faking it. No middle ground.
If Biden backs out, what do you think the public is going to think? That Joe is making a clever political move, or that he is a senile old man who would fall apart in a 3 hour debate? Furthermore, how many points do you think he will drop in the polls when he announces that he wont be doing the debates? Im predicting a 6 point drop, minimum. Its going to be catastrophic for his campaign.
Why would Biden back out? He has been debating people into the dirt and winning elections for 50 years. And those people were all twice the man Trump could ever hope to be. Twice the knowledge, twice the IQ, etc.
The only reason Biden "won" that debate was that the moderator let him get away with lying about Hunter's laptop, Rampart! You remember that? The 51 former intelligence officials being recruited by Tony Blinken to lie for Biden in that letter they signed saying the laptop was a Russian op? Now we know the truth about the Biden family. Nobody is buying Joe's story that he didn't know about the millions of dollars that were pouring into his family's bank accounts from their influence peddling schemes!
That isn't what they signed. You have all the AM radio talking points, and they are all wrong.

.they said it has the hallmarks of a Russian Op. Because it does.

And you have not a shred of evidence of any corruption by Joe Biden.
Trump was vry clear on why he refused to debate any of his Republcan opponents. He said he was ahead of the others, and he didn't want to give others the opportunity to rebut any of his claims. A debate could only hurt him, and he says he was smart to refuse. Obviously, he isn't quite so sure about competing with Biden. I gotta ask, Is it so surprising that Biden would use the same reasoning to refuse to debate him? Trump defined what he thought the smart thing to do would be in this situation. He's pretty scared.
He makes some interesting points

Has xiden even attempted to explain why he wouldn’t debate RFK Jr?
That isn't what they signed. You have all the AM radio talking points, and they are all wrong.

.they said it has the hallmarks of a Russian Op. Because it does.

And you have not a shred of evidence of any corruption by Joe Biden.
You mean other than the millions of dollars flowing into the bank accounts of his family with no work done in return, Fort? Just how stupid are you?
That isn't what they signed. You have all the AM radio talking points, and they are all wrong.

.they said it has the hallmarks of a Russian Op. Because it does.

And you have not a shred of evidence of any corruption by Joe Biden.
That was a lie organized by Anthony Blinken...the piece of shit who now is in charge of our foreign policy! Those former intelligence officials KNEW that the lap top was Hunter's and they lied about it protect Joe Biden!
Trump was vry clear on why he refused to debate any of his Republcan opponents. He said he was ahead of the others, and he didn't want to give others the opportunity to rebut any of his claims. A debate could only hurt him, and he says he was smart to refuse. Obviously, he isn't quite so sure about competing with Biden. I gotta ask, Is it so surprising that Biden would use the same reasoning to refuse to debate him? Trump defined what he thought the smart thing to do would be in this situation. He's pretty scared.

He knew he'd get annihilated by his primary opponents for all of his failures. He's a coward.
That's not evidence Joe Biden did anything wrong.

Not a shred. You got fooled again.
Anyone paying your family millions for no reason, Fort?

Anybody else out there have a family that's getting sent millions by the Chinese Communists for no apparent reason?

Don't be such a putz, Fort! Joe Biden has been peeing on you and telling you it's rain!
Here's the bottom line. Trump didn't have to waste his time debating the weak GOP field. It would be like Taylor Swift performing at the local high school auditorium. As for the nationals, Trump would love to debate the Vegetable, because he knows he would annihilate him Biden knows it too. That's why he is scared to death at the prospect of a debate, and it's why he won't do it.

Any analysis to the contrary is foolish.
Here's the bottom line. Trump didn't have to waste his time debating the weak GOP field. It would be like Taylor Swift performing at the local high school auditorium. As for the nationals, Trump would love to debate the Vegetable, because he knows he would annihilate him Biden knows it too. That's why he is scared to death at the prospect of a debate, and it's why he won't do it.

Any analysis to the contrary is foolish.
I actually disagree with you, Mashmont. I'm not sure Joe Biden even realizes how bad he is at this point. I think it's his handlers that are scared to death of a debate.
Trump was vry clear on why he refused to debate any of his Republcan opponents. He said he was ahead of the others, and he didn't want to give others the opportunity to rebut any of his claims. A debate could only hurt him, and he says he was smart to refuse. Obviously, he isn't quite so sure about competing with Biden. I gotta ask, Is it so surprising that Biden would use the same reasoning to refuse to debate him? Trump defined what he thought the smart thing to do would be in this situation. He's pretty scared.
Trump spends a lot of time explaining how smart he is.

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