Trump Faces 641 Years in Prison

Haha... ridiculous. Ask your friend Toro he would tell you the same.
The Democrats are trying to criminalize lying. If you applied that to all Washington politicians, there would literally be no one left. We wouldn't even have a government.
As well as they want to choose only some lies as criminal. Of course, only those lies made by someone they do not like.
It's called tyranny. And the problem with tyranny, it works both ways.
Let's discuss all of the lies and fraud and inciting violence by Barbara Lee. Shall we compare statements? She ACTUALLY said people should turn violent towards the Supreme Court... clearly.
Of course that is okay isn't it?
Or how about Adam Schiff? Care to speak on his lies and purposeful omissions?
I didn't think so.

Your precious snowflake media lies to you because you want to live in an alternative fantasyland.

That’s why you are always shocked when you lose!

BTW - if you ever see Toro, I do miss his economic insight.
I gave up retail investing mid 2021. Never had a losing quarter, but the time it takes to beat the markets today is not worth the paltry returns. Lot of money to be made late 2020-early 2021.
But by then the game was so unpredictable and everything that you knew became useless.
He committed fraud against the government by trying to overturn the election and he mishandled classified documents and lied about it. And he's going to get charged in Georgia for trying to commit fraud there.

I doubt you hear that in your MAGA media. All they tell you is how persecuted he is.
Fraud? First off, youre saying Trump didnt believe it was stolen? Good luck proving that. Secondly, fraud doesnt apply here one iota. Lying and fraud arent the same thing. Fraud by the legal definition requires that he obtained something like property, money, etc. Trump didnt obtain shit.

Your case is terrible, but your press cons you uninformed retards into thinking it isnt.

Trump Faces 641 Years in Prison​

And that doesn't include the pending charges coming in Georgia!

But don't worry, MAGA. Based on good behavior, he could be paroled in 2452!

Donald Trump now faces 78 felony charges across three criminal cases — many of them carrying the potential for hefty prison time.​
We interrupt this dribble for this important message.

We now return to your previously posted horse shit.
If Trump were convicted on all counts and given the maximum statutory penalty for each one, he would face a whopping 641 years in prison. And that’s not counting additional criminal charges he may face in Georgia, where the district attorney in Fulton County may be on the verge of indicting him this month.​

More idiotic lies.

Can you show us one racist statement he made? One racist policy?

This is exactly what I am talking about. Total delusion.
The Trump Cult also doesn’t care about the fact that Trump is a treasonous criminal who sought to destroy America’s democracy and overturn an election reflecting the will of the people.

That the Trump Cult doesn’t care about Trump’s corruption and crimes is what make Cult members just as reprehensible and wrong as Trump.
The Trump Cult also doesn’t care about the fact that Trump is a treasonous criminal who sought to destroy America’s democracy and overturn an election reflecting the will of the people.

That the Trump Cult doesn’t care about Trump’s corruption and crimes is what make Cult members just as reprehensible and wrong as Trump.
^^ and there it is….you can’t even provide one example. LOL
It is not difficult. If you get screwed with from the authorities, then you have a right. Within that there are still some rules to live by. Our federal government alone is near 25% of the GDP. And rising. We have stupidity of politicians managing that money. If they managed a fast-food company the pizza would cost a hundred dollars and be stale hardened with mold on it. So, we complain. And then are called racists, bigots, haters in a real deflection as human dignities are shoved to the forefront from the men and women who live the life of riley promoting it. And we fall for it. You never gave Trump a chance. And the ones you support will leave you in a lurch when the inevitable happens.
Trump Cult members don’t care that Trump sought to violate citizens’ right to vote.

They ignore the fact of Trump’s crimes and attack on America’s democracy.

Trump Cult members believe ridiculous lies about people who are out to ‘get Trump.’

Trump and his Cult pose the greatest threat to the survival of the Republic.
^^ and there it is….you can’t even provide one example. LOL
The damning irony of course is that with the right’s lies about ‘voter fraud’ and ‘rigged elections’ it was Trump who sought to violate the right of citizens to vote by acting to stop the certification of the EC vote count and violating Georgia election laws.
The Trump Cult also doesn’t care about the fact that Trump is a treasonous criminal who sought to destroy America’s democracy and overturn an election reflecting the will of the people.

That the Trump Cult doesn’t care about Trump’s corruption and crimes is what make Cult members just as reprehensible and wrong as Trump.
You are an unhinged lunatic.
And that doesn't include the pending charges coming in Georgia!

But don't worry, MAGA. Based on good behavior, he could be paroled in 2452!

Donald Trump now faces 78 felony charges across three criminal cases — many of them carrying the potential for hefty prison time.​
If Trump were convicted on all counts and given the maximum statutory penalty for each one, he would face a whopping 641 years in prison. And that’s not counting additional criminal charges he may face in Georgia, where the district attorney in Fulton County may be on the verge of indicting him this month.​

And you don't think that long is absurd?
Serious question!

Child molesters, murderers & rapists get on average 15 years.
It’s now up to 712 years.

And six months
And that doesn't include the pending charges coming in Georgia!

But don't worry, MAGA. Based on good behavior, he could be paroled in 2452!

Donald Trump now faces 78 felony charges across three criminal cases — many of them carrying the potential for hefty prison time.​
If Trump were convicted on all counts and given the maximum statutory penalty for each one, he would face a whopping 641 years in prison. And that’s not counting additional criminal charges he may face in Georgia, where the district attorney in Fulton County may be on the verge of indicting him this month.​

if there's one thing the dems learned from jan 6 hearings, you can really stack a jury, and opposition can do nothing about it.
Every dem city now is going to use vigilante justice against "outsiders."
And that doesn't include the pending charges coming in Georgia!

But don't worry, MAGA. Based on good behavior, he could be paroled in 2452!

Donald Trump now faces 78 felony charges across three criminal cases — many of them carrying the potential for hefty prison time.​
If Trump were convicted on all counts and given the maximum statutory penalty for each one, he would face a whopping 641 years in prison. And that’s not counting additional criminal charges he may face in Georgia, where the district attorney in Fulton County may be on the verge of indicting him this month.​

Don't care. Trump is a scummy conman.

I only vote for Trump to keep my guns and not die in a firefight with the dem's jackboots.

That is what America boils down to in 2023.

Some vote so they can groom children and get doped up. Others vote to keep their guns, not murder babies and slow down America from turning into Mehico ASAP.

if there's one thing the dems learned from jan 6 hearings, you can really stack a jury, and opposition can do nothing about it.
Every dem city now is going to use vigilante justice against "outsiders."

Dems have learned that no matter what any court rules...there is no one to force them to do anything. And the reps especially won't stop them from destroying America.

trump preaching.jpg

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