Trump FINALLY Sees His Opportunity Regarding The Wall

Yeah....but if we give each of em 50k they'll willingly go back to their super dangerous country.:cuckoo:
How quickly do you think the next bunch of moochers will empty out of their own countries to make the trek to come here to stick their hands out for THEIR $50,000?
The democrats are not stopping Trump from building his wall. All Trump has to do to pay for it is to cash the check that Mexico is sending him .
Yeah....but if we give each of em 50k they'll willingly go back to their super dangerous country.:cuckoo:
How quickly do you think the next bunch of moochers will empty out of their own countries to make the trek to come here to stick their hands out for THEIR $50,000?

It's the same with amnesty. You keep giving in and they'll never stop coming.
we need capital solutions.

Why is it that I dont even need to look at you're avi to know it's one of your posts?
Every damn one of them is the same inane drivel.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines

How do you one other nation thats a greater detriment to the American people fiscally and physically. I’m standing by.
Ill name several... Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, China, Russia... that was an easy one. Got any other brain busters?!

Because you said so?
How many Americans were raped and murdered at the hands of any of those nations last year?
How much are citizens from those nations costing Americans annually?
Are citizens from this nations dropping litters of children in the laps of good Americans?
Come on man, PLEASE extract your head from your ass.
Yeah because I say so. You asked my opinion and I gave it.

I don’t know how many Americans were raped at the hands of those countries, why does that matter? What a stupid question. How many Americans were raped by white Christians? Should we call white Christians the biggest threat to America? #IdiotLogic do you struggle to understand the most simplest of things?
Why try to be stupid?
These fucking people are here raping, killing and stealing from Americans...these filthy humans are ILLEGAL....THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE!
White Christians are LEGAL and SHOULD be here. You advocating for wetbacks is identical to me advocating for drunk drivers. Do you really not understand that?
I’m just gonna use your idiotlogic against you, this doesn’t reflect my views.... Legal white Christians comitt more rapes in this country than any other group. They are a threat to our women so should we shut the churches down and not let white guys near women! See, stupidity.

Regarding your drunk driving comparison. Why do people who are caught driving drunk allowed to drive and buy booze afterwards?

I’m not advocating for illegal immigration, we should continue to protect our borders and hold people who break the rules accountable. I don’t think your ideas or rhetoric help us situation at all. You are here to pour gas on the fire, not put it out.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines
Not at all. If thousands of people determined to storm their way across our border and invade our country, isn't an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall, what in the world would be ?

In World War II, we carpet bombed Germany and nuked Japan, and those people never even set foot on our US states.
People coming to our border in search for a better life is not comparable to another nations military attacking us. People who sneak over the border or run drugs are committing misdemeanors and felonies and should be pursued by law enforcement, not our military.
Yeah....but if we give each of em 50k they'll willingly go back to their super dangerous country.:cuckoo:
How quickly do you think the next bunch of moochers will empty out of their own countries to make the trek to come here to stick their hands out for THEIR $50,000?

It's the same with amnesty. You keep giving in and they'll never stop coming.
we need capital solutions.

Why is it that I dont even need to look at you're avi to know it's one of your posts?
Every damn one of them is the same inane drivel.
nothing but repeal is not the same as better solutions at lower cost.
Yeah....but if we give each of em 50k they'll willingly go back to their super dangerous country.:cuckoo:
How quickly do you think the next bunch of moochers will empty out of their own countries to make the trek to come here to stick their hands out for THEIR $50,000?

It's the same with amnesty. You keep giving in and they'll never stop coming.
we need capital solutions.

Why is it that I dont even need to look at you're avi to know it's one of your posts?
Every damn one of them is the same inane drivel.
nothing but repeal is not the same as better solutions at lower cost.

And there you have it folks.....people like you are so droll.
My hypothesis locked up.
Because he wants to build the wall. You're not terribly bright, are you?
I get that he wants to build the wall. But the campaign mandate argument is bogus. He campaigned on Mexico paying for a wall. This situation is different

But the dust hasn't settled yet.

Mexico may be getting ready to pay for a wall. A wall on their Southern
Border. It would work just as well there as on out Southern border.

It would keep that Central American scum out of their Country and
wouldn't even have a chance to get into our country.

Mexico is being ravaged right now by those dirt bags. And the Donald
is holding the Trump card (pun intended). Closing the entire Southern
Border. Nobody gets in. And no tourists venture into Mexico. Not from
the US anyway. Commercial trade between the countries grinds to a
halt. The Donald doesn't need anybody's permission to close that
entire border. We are in a state of national emergency.
Yeah, I’d love to see him do that. It would be the nail in his coffin. Yeah, 15% of his hardline supporters would love it and the rest of the country would turn against him

You are still waiting for his base to abandon him? Hows that working out?

Parts of his base have already deserted him. Suburban voters went Democrat in the midterms and women voted for Democrats by a larger margin than they voted for Clinton.

In that got him now! (Again)

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