Trump FINALLY Sees His Opportunity Regarding The Wall

So....after all of this....we are still left with the FACT that President Trump DOES have the legal Constitutional authority to order the military to build the wall.....

...however, he has chosen instead to put Pelosi and Schumer on LIVE TV and officially on the books advocating open borders, illegal immigration, and a refusal to support a wall for sovereignty, national security, and for the protection of the American people. Trump has, instead, 'courageously' shown the American people that he will shoulder the blame for shutting down the govt IN SUPPORT OF OUR NATIONAL DEFENSE AND THE PROTECTION OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ... and the majority of American people are in full support behind the President rather than the two children supporting illegal immigration and pleading the President for an end of the Transparency of their meeting.
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
But Trump is NOT going outside of lines.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines

How do you one other nation thats a greater detriment to the American people fiscally and physically. I’m standing by.
this is the federal power that is actually delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.
So....after all of this....we are still left with the FACT that President Trump DOES have the legal Constitutional authority to order the military to build the wall.....

...however, he has chosen instead to put Pelosi and Schumer on LIVE TV and officially on the books advocating open borders, illegal immigration, and a refusal to support a wall for sovereignty, national security, and for the protection of the American people. Trump has, instead, 'courageously' shown the American people that he will shoulder the blame for shutting down the govt IN SUPPORT OF OUR NATIONAL DEFENSE AND THE PROTECTION OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ... and the majority of American people are in full support behind the President rather than the two children supporting illegal immigration and pleading the President for an end of the Transparency of their meeting.
only in right wing fantasy.

this is the federal power that is actually delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.
Some where between let them all in & give them everything,- and- there all bad, kick them all out & close the border. is a reality that needs addressing.
There is:

1. Enforce Existing Immigration Law
-- That also includes ZERO JOBS for illegals in this country. No jobs means no reason to stay. You have to commit to punishing businesses for hiring them.

2. Defund / Outlaw Sanctuary Cities - indict anyone who supports / facilitates them.

3. Build the wall / secure the border / Enforce official legal ports of entry - anyone crossing into the US illegally is DENIED ANY OPPORTUNITY to file for Asylum or any other reason to stay. Break our laws and you are gone with no allowance to get back in legally.

4. Tell these moochers who just demanded $50k per illegal to go home to just go home - no money.
Some where between let them all in & give them everything,- and- there all bad, kick them all out & close the border. is a reality that needs addressing.
There is:

1. Enforce Existing Immigration Law
-- That also includes ZERO JOBS for illegals in this country. No jobs means no reason to stay. You have to commit to punishing businesses for hiring them.

2. Defund / Outlaw Sanctuary Cities - indict anyone who supports / facilitates them.

3. Build the wall / secure the border / Enforce official legal ports of entry - anyone crossing into the US illegally is DENIED ANY OPPORTUNITY to file for Asylum or any other reason to stay. Break our laws and you are gone with no allowance to get back in legally.

4. Tell these moochers who just demanded $50k per illegal to go home to just go home - no money.
this is the federal power that is actually delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.

Upgrading Ellis Island could enable processing tens of thousands per day.
Trump: "A lot of wall has been built." Laura Ingraham: "I must have missed the wall being built... That's not a wall. Stop saying it's a wall. There's no wall... I know it's bad cause he made the promise but they're not building the wall so you gotta stop saying that."
only in right wing fantasy.
Are you STILL trying to argue that DEBUNKED BS....what, for the 3rd or 4th time now?

The President of the United States is actually charged with protecting states from INVASION.
THOUSANDS of violent illegals who physically forced their way into Mexico - past police and soldiers - who then attempted to tear down US border fencing, attempted to violently push past US police...and when they were denied illegal entry they physically attacked US agents.

...and you are trying to argue what these violent criminals trying to invade this country want is a Uniform Rule of Naturalization'?!

WE HAVE ONE! We have an existing Immigration Law and System. The problem with is that violent illegals refuse to comply with it and Democrats refuse to enforce it. Instead they advocate OPEN BORDERS, thousands of unidentified illegals crossing illegally into the US, Federal Law-Violating Sanctuary Cities......

As Pelosi and Schumer just demonstrated live to the world in the oval office, they have no intention of defending our sovereignty, no desire / intention to secure the border, no intention of enforcing existing Immigration Law or protecting Americans - they want status quo....which is approx. 1500 unidentified illegals crossing into the US per day....when there are not caravans of 4,000+ illegals attempting to physically illegally bust through our borders.

No, this is an INVASION - a violent attempt to illegally forcibly enter the US - attacking US agents to do so if they need to - by the ever increasing THOUSANDS.

The PRESIDENT of the United States has the Constitutional and legal power to make that call - NOT YOU! It does not matter what YOU say - YOU are insignificant. I know you don't like that, but THAT IS THE FACT!

So enough of your incessant, continuous fake news / uneducated opinionated rants. YOU ARE WRONG. You have been PROVEN WRONG.
That also includes ZERO JOBS for illegals in this country. No jobs means no reason to stay. You have to commit to punishing businesses for hiring them.

Trump isn't saying word ONE about that.

Know why?

HE employs illegals

That is the solution and it will never happened and that is why.
Trump: "A lot of wall has been built." Laura Ingraham: "I must have missed the wall being built... That's not a wall. Stop saying it's a wall. There's no wall... I know it's bad cause he made the promise but they're not building the wall so you gotta stop saying that."
The insanity that has become the Republican Party
Trump: "A lot of wall has been built." Laura Ingraham: "I must have missed the wall being built... That's not a wall. Stop saying it's a wall. There's no wall... I know it's bad cause he made the promise but they're not building the wall so you gotta stop saying that."
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
this is the federal power that is actually delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.

Upgrading Ellis Island could enable processing tens of thousands per day.
Congress DID establish a Uniform Rule AND PROCESS of Naturalization. We have Immigration laws and processes. The problem is, again, that 1) Democrats refuse to enforce existing US Immigration Law and Process...and 2) THOUSANDS of Illegals a week - in this caravan - have demonstrated they have no desire / intention of obeying US Immigration Law or following the legally established Process - instead of crossing through designated official ports of entry they choose to illegally hop the fences, tear down the fences, or fight their way through police.........

You keep mentioning Ellis Island...which is STUPID F*ing IDEA!
- How are you going to transport THOUSAND of illegals - who would rather ram / fight their way illegally across fences and past US BPAs - to Ellis Island from Tijuana?
--- Logistics? Pay for it?

- Once they get to Ellis Island and eventually processed through, WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THEM? Are you going to just RELEASE THEM IN NYC? Yeah, they're going to love thousands of migrants released into NYC each WEEK, to pay for / care for.

Ellis Island sounds like a great 'romantic' idea, but digging into the details makes it a nightmare / impossibility.
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
But Trump is NOT going outside of lines.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines

How do you one other nation thats a greater detriment to the American people fiscally and physically. I’m standing by.
Ill name several... Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, China, Russia... that was an easy one. Got any other brain busters?!
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
But Trump is NOT going outside of lines.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines

How do you one other nation thats a greater detriment to the American people fiscally and physically. I’m standing by.
Ill name several... Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, China, Russia... that was an easy one. Got any other brain busters?!

Because you said so?
How many Americans were raped and murdered at the hands of any of those nations last year?
How much are citizens from those nations costing Americans annually?
Are citizens from this nations dropping litters of children in the laps of good Americans?
Come on man, PLEASE extract your head from your ass.
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
But Trump is NOT going outside of lines.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines

How do you one other nation thats a greater detriment to the American people fiscally and physically. I’m standing by.
Ill name several... Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, China, Russia... that was an easy one. Got any other brain busters?!

Because you said so?
How many Americans were raped and murdered at the hands of any of those nations last year?
How much are citizens from those nations costing Americans annually?
Are citizens from this nations dropping litters of children in the laps of good Americans?
Come on man, PLEASE extract your head from your ass.
Yeah because I say so. You asked my opinion and I gave it.

I don’t know how many Americans were raped at the hands of those countries, why does that matter? What a stupid question. How many Americans were raped by white Christians? Should we call white Christians the biggest threat to America? #IdiotLogic
But Trump is NOT going outside of lines.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines

How do you one other nation thats a greater detriment to the American people fiscally and physically. I’m standing by.
Ill name several... Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, China, Russia... that was an easy one. Got any other brain busters?!

Because you said so?
How many Americans were raped and murdered at the hands of any of those nations last year?
How much are citizens from those nations costing Americans annually?
Are citizens from this nations dropping litters of children in the laps of good Americans?
Come on man, PLEASE extract your head from your ass.
Yeah because I say so. You asked my opinion and I gave it.

I don’t know how many Americans were raped at the hands of those countries, why does that matter? What a stupid question. How many Americans were raped by white Christians? Should we call white Christians the biggest threat to America? #IdiotLogic do you struggle to understand the most simplest of things?
Why try to be stupid?
These fucking people are here raping, killing and stealing from Americans...these filthy humans are ILLEGAL....THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE!
White Christians are LEGAL and SHOULD be here. You advocating for wetbacks is identical to me advocating for drunk drivers. Do you really not understand that? do you struggle to understand the most simplest of things?
Why try to be stupid?
These fucking people are here raping, killing and stealing from Americans...these filthy humans are ILLEGAL....THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE!
White Christians are LEGAL and SHOULD be here. You advocating for wetbacks is identical to me advocating for drunk drivers. Do you really not understand that?
Liberals don't "understand" anything except what their liberal media masters program them to think. They are essentially, robots.

upload_2018-12-12_13-14-10.jpeg do you struggle to understand the most simplest of things?
Why try to be stupid?
These fucking people are here raping, killing and stealing from Americans...these filthy humans are ILLEGAL....THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE!
White Christians are LEGAL and SHOULD be here. You advocating for wetbacks is identical to me advocating for drunk drivers. Do you really not understand that?
Liberals don't "understand" anything except what their liberal media masters program them to think. They are essentially, robots.

View attachment 234322

Boy that is no joke either.
Even those whom seem slightly intelligent can really make them self stupid when they feel the need.
Calling the border an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall is outside the lines
Not at all. If thousands of people determined to storm their way across our border and invade our country, isn't an imminent threat and national security crisis to use military funds to build the wall, what in the world would be ?

In World War II, we carpet bombed Germany and nuked Japan, and those people never even set foot on our US states.
...and Mexico will pay for it, right?
If Democrats would stop undermining the US govt / President, would stop facilitating illegal immigration, would stop supporting federal law-violating sanctuary cities, and would agree to stop all foreign aid to these nations criminally sending their people to break into our country and use that money instead to build a wall to secure our borders.

If not, Trump just might exercise his Constitutional powers to order the military to build the wall.

The fact is that these people are seeking refuge from drug lords who get their money from the US. We are responsible for this mess. Instead of building walls, we need to target drug lords and make it hard for them to move money around. You want to make war on women and children. Gosh you are so brave.

Trump does not have the Constitutional powers to have the military build a wall without Congressional approval.

Yeah....but if we give each of em 50k they'll willingly go back to their super dangerous country.:cuckoo:
this is the federal power that is actually delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.

Upgrading Ellis Island could enable processing tens of thousands per day.
Congress DID establish a Uniform Rule AND PROCESS of Naturalization. We have Immigration laws and processes. The problem is, again, that 1) Democrats refuse to enforce existing US Immigration Law and Process...and 2) THOUSANDS of Illegals a week - in this caravan - have demonstrated they have no desire / intention of obeying US Immigration Law or following the legally established Process - instead of crossing through designated official ports of entry they choose to illegally hop the fences, tear down the fences, or fight their way through police.........

You keep mentioning Ellis Island...which is STUPID F*ing IDEA!
- How are you going to transport THOUSAND of illegals - who would rather ram / fight their way illegally across fences and past US BPAs - to Ellis Island from Tijuana?
--- Logistics? Pay for it?

- Once they get to Ellis Island and eventually processed through, WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THEM? Are you going to just RELEASE THEM IN NYC? Yeah, they're going to love thousands of migrants released into NYC each WEEK, to pay for / care for.

Ellis Island sounds like a great 'romantic' idea, but digging into the details makes it a nightmare / impossibility.
why are they still on the border? Ellis Island could process thousands per day.

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