Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

Trump had no problem with gay marriage.

On the other side of the coin, he won't be forcing the Catholic Church or any other religious institution to conduct gay weddings.
The 5-4 court has been cautious of over-reach where there are less restrictive options. A better solution, in their view, is not to force every bakery to bake gay wedding cakes when same sex couples can just go to another bakery.
I don't make cakes for coloreds or muslims or Mexicans or atheists
Well, my racist friend, then you don't make cakes for anyone. What a buffoon you are.
The trial lawyers who pretty much own the dimocrat party are all for homo-marriage....their divorces are usually real money-makers. Something to remember about leftist elitists.....they don't believe in anything other than enriching themselves...that's it.
Another lie....divorce among heterosexuals - 49 percent. Homosexuals - 3 percent. Not moneymakers, as the majority of LGBT aren't filthy rich.
The trial lawyers who pretty much own the dimocrat party are all for homo-marriage....their divorces are usually real money-makers. Something to remember about leftist elitists.....they don't believe in anything other than enriching themselves...that's it.
Another lie....divorce among heterosexuals - 49 percent. Homosexuals - 3 percent. Not moneymakers, as the majority of LGBT aren't filthy rich.

No, most of them are receiving SSI for the multiple mental health and physical health issues they have. They are dependents of the state.

Cuz they're so superior and all dat.
What are the liberals who called Trump a homophobe going to do now?
Trump had no problem with gay marriage.

On the other side of the coin, he won't be forcing the Catholic Church or any other religious institution to conduct gay weddings.
The 5-4 court has been cautious of over-reach where there are less restrictive options. A better solution, in their view, is not to force every bakery to bake gay wedding cakes when same sex couples can just go to another bakery.
I don't make cakes for coloreds or muslims or Mexicans or atheists
Well, my racist friend, then you don't make cakes for anyone. What a buffoon you are.
I was being sarcastic.

Can you imagine a republican going into a Muslim bakery in dearborn, mi and that bakery saying they don't serve infedels? Do you think they'd be OK with that? I pick Dearborn because they have enough Muslim customers they don't need Christians to be successful. I would love for them to try it just to test conservatives position on this that a business should be allowed to descriminate
I fully support Muslim bakeries saying the don't serve infidels. The market will take care of the rest.
I fully support Muslim bakeries saying the don't serve infidels. The market will take care of the rest.
Then you would have probably been OK with restaurants not serving coloreds and segregation

You forgot to read the part "market will take care of it".

As always, with leftist regressive extremists, they just have to force everyone to their ideals. about living in denial! Is that why the entire government is now controlled by the republicans and why Trump is the president-elect? Dude, you need to go see your doctor and increase your meds for a little while..

Republicans controlled the entire government after the 2004 elections, and Bush made a specific promise to you homophobes that he was going to ban the icky gays from getting married.

And.... he completely forgot about it. about living in denial! Is that why the entire government is now controlled by the republicans and why Trump is the president-elect? Dude, you need to go see your doctor and increase your meds for a little while..

Republicans controlled the entire government after the 2004 elections, and Bush made a specific promise to you homophobes that he was going to ban the icky gays from getting married.

And.... he completely forgot about it.


Still at this point, really? I wouldn't be surprised if he voted for the beast.

Still at this point, really? I wouldn't be surprised if he voted for the beast.

Actually, I voted for Bush both times he ran.

And in 2008, I found myself with a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage, and in a Temp to Never Hire Job that didn't pay shit.

After 8 years of Obama, I am making twice what I made in 2009.

My biggest worry is that Trump is going to fuck all that up.
I fully support Muslim bakeries saying the don't serve infidels. The market will take care of the rest.
Then you would have probably been OK with restaurants not serving coloreds and segregation

You forgot to read the part "market will take care of it".

As always, with leftist regressive extremists, they just have to force everyone to their ideals.
So you're OK with not serving blacks. The market didn't solve it in the South. White southern business owners didn't want black peoples money. about living in denial! Is that why the entire government is now controlled by the republicans and why Trump is the president-elect? Dude, you need to go see your doctor and increase your meds for a little while..

Republicans controlled the entire government after the 2004 elections, and Bush made a specific promise to you homophobes that he was going to ban the icky gays from getting married.

And.... he completely forgot about it.


Still at this point, really? I wouldn't be surprised if he voted for the beast.
Obama was better than you say and bush was worse than you admit

You liberals are the victim of your own propaganda. Trump has *always* said that he is okay with gay marriage but that he would be willing to see it overturned by the Supreme Court after he appointed enough conservative judges. He understands that any judge who is pro-gun, pro-business, and pro-life is also going to be anti-gay marriage. He's realistic.

In that same 60 Minutes interview that you're talking about, Lesley Stahl started t to point out to Trump that if he appoints pro-life, pro-gun judges, as he has promised to do, those judges will almost certainly be anti-gay marriage, but Trump cut her off and moved on.

I think both sides are reading too much into Trump's comments in the interview. I think he was just trying to avoid a fight, given how so many gays have expressed "fear" over a Trump presidency.

And, liberals, NO ONE is talking about refusing service to gays in a restaurant or a hotel. We're talking about not supporting *gay marriage* by baking gay wedding cakes, taking pics for the wedding, etc. But if two gays walk into a restaurant or hotel and want to eat or sleep, nobody has suggested that any business should be able to deny them that kind of basic, common service. Eating and sleeping are basic life needs. Marriage is not a life need; it is an option, a choice, one that many people decline. Having a wedding cake is also a choice, not a need, and many people bake their own wedding cakes or have friends bake it. Having a wedding photographer is a choice, one that many people don't even bother with.
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You liberals are the victim of your own propaganda. Trump has *always* said that he is okay with gay marriage but that he would be willing to see it overturned by the Supreme Court after he appointed enough conservative judges. He understands that any judge who is pro-gun, pro-business, and pro-life is also going to be anti-gay marriage. He's realistic.

In that same 60 Minutes interview that you're talking about, Lesley Stahl was just about to point out to Trump that if he appoints pro-life, pro-gun judges, those judges will almost certainly be anti-gay marriage, but Trump cut her off and moved on.

I think both sides are reading too much into Trump's comments in the interview. I think he was just trying to avoid a fight, given how so many gays have expressed "fear" over a Trump presidency.
It doesn't take much "propaganda" to listen and read comments by conservatives who are against same-sex marriage, or those who want a constitutional amendment banning it.

You liberals are the victim of your own propaganda. Trump has *always* said that he is okay with gay marriage but that he would be willing to see it overturned by the Supreme Court after he appointed enough conservative judges. He understands that any judge who is pro-gun, pro-business, and pro-life is also going to be anti-gay marriage. He's realistic.

In that same 60 Minutes interview that you're talking about, Lesley Stahl started t to point out to Trump that if he appoints pro-life, pro-gun judges, as he has promised to do, those judges will almost certainly be anti-gay marriage, but Trump cut her off and moved on.

I think both sides are reading too much into Trump's comments in the interview. I think he was just trying to avoid a fight, given how so many gays have expressed "fear" over a Trump presidency.
Im sure a lot of them voted for trump or didn't vote at all and since I'm not gay fuck gay marriage
And, liberals, NO ONE is talking about refusing service to gays in a restaurant or a hotel. We're talking about not supporting *gay marriage* by baking gay wedding cakes, taking pics for the wedding, etc. But if two gays walk into a restaurant or hotel and want to eat or sleep, nobody has suggested that any business should be able to deny them that kind of basic, common service. Eating and sleeping are basic life needs. Marriage is not a life need; it is an option, a choice, one that many people decline. Having a wedding cake is also a choice, not a need, and many people bake their own wedding cakes or have friends bake it. Having a wedding photographer is a choice, one that many people don't even bother with.

So again, should a photographer be able to refuse to take pictures at a black person's wedding because he's racist? Where do you draw the line as to where discrimination is okay?
And, liberals, NO ONE is talking about refusing service to gays in a restaurant or a hotel. We're talking about not supporting *gay marriage* by baking gay wedding cakes, taking pics for the wedding, etc. But if two gays walk into a restaurant or hotel and want to eat or sleep, nobody has suggested that any business should be able to deny them that kind of basic, common service. Eating and sleeping are basic life needs. Marriage is not a life need; it is an option, a choice, one that many people decline. Having a wedding cake is also a choice, not a need, and many people bake their own wedding cakes or have friends bake it. Having a wedding photographer is a choice, one that many people don't even bother with.

So again, should a photographer be able to refuse to take pictures at a black person's wedding because he's racist? Where do you draw the line as to where discrimination is okay?

I think a free-lance photographer should be able to refuse service for whatever reason. Did these people agree to have their rights of association revoked when they became photographers?

I would personally refuse to go to take pictures in a KKK event. Should that not be allowed? Advertisers too should carry their adds, because otherwise, it would be racist!

Let the market take care of it, I say.

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