Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

That is such an unimportant issue I am surprised you even bring it up. What I heard him say is he is fine with the ruling that made SSM law. Not sure how he feels about the SCOTUS making actual law but by what I heard, it is time to move on.

I am late into the thread and didn't read any responses. So I hope for you sake you bait yields you some unwary prey.
No, I've gotten pretty much what I expected: The side of the spectrum that used to be so dead set against it suddenly "doesn't care".

All that matters to his voters appears to be illegal immigration/The Wall, get rid of Obamacare, re-structure trade agreements, tax cuts and get Hillary.

That's okay. My theory all along has been that partisan ideologues don't really mean everything they say. This is just Pro Wrestling for political geeks.

So, we'll see how it goes with those few issues that remain, and the reaction of his fans as his positions on the core issues continue to erode.

See you read that wrongly. The issue is settled it was made law by the SCOTUS. THAT should concern EVERYONE not just those who didn't get their way. The issue has past that of legalizing gay marriage, it has to do with the SCOTUS making law. The SCOTUS I believe is what won Trump the election. Knowing that Hillary would have nominated like minded justices was just too big of risk. No other issue was as important.

Could be that the reaction you now see is that most people see that gay marriage has not resulted in the destruction of the Republic.........yet.:)
Of course, results are all that matters.

The result was that we didn't let a few small minded bigots impose their superstitions on the rest of us.

Which I'm just fine with.

Hey, if you don't like gay marriage... don't have one.

Although, you have no proof that it was a small minded bigots, that is just how you think because you are in fact a bigot, or have the mind of a bigot. You will say no you don't, but someone who is always looking for bigots or blaming things on bigots, most times are bigots. The majority of legislation voted on by "THE PEOPLE" rejected gay marriage.

Never the less, the SCOTUS made law, that is not their function.
Your racism is noted and dismissed.

The fact remains that such a standard would never be accepted by the Left, because it would cost you more than us.

It wouldn't be accepted by anyone, because we actually believe in Democracy..

Except when one side or the other thinks it can scam the system.

But liberals are on average smarter than conservatives.

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives

Now, not to say that there aren't some smart conservatives out there. They just aren't the ones who supported Der Trumpenfuhrer.

Hey, you're the one that brought it up, not me.

Your study is not very convincing. Junk science is a popular game with liberals and one can imagine many potential flaws and/or explanations for that result.

For example, is it tracking cause or effect? Those with higher iq are more like to end up going to college where they are indoctrinated.

Self identifying? You are missing minorities that are often NOT liberal, but still vote liberal, because of Identity Politics.
True. The majority of the people in the majority of the states rejected the bullshit lies of the Left and voted for the outsider to overthrow the corrupt and incompetent Political Class.

2 million more people said "No" to Trumpenfuhrer.

This is not what American signed up for.

When he fucks up everything, you will be amazed how fast everyone will turn on this guy.

1. Your refusal to address my point, which is based on how this nation is actually constructed, is noted.

2. Your Godwin is noted. You lose.

3. This is exactly what America signed up for.

4. If he has a measure of success, which is likely, the media will go into overdrive trying to distract from that. It will be very healthy for America if they fail.

5. Your long term agenda still rests on the same plan. Import Third World voters who find your lefty politics acceptable. This is still the likely end result. You are likely to see the US as a One Party State in your lifetime, if you are not too old.
See you read that wrongly. The issue is settled it was made law by the SCOTUS. THAT should concern EVERYONE not just those who didn't get their way. The issue has past that of legalizing gay marriage, it has to do with the SCOTUS making law. The SCOTUS I believe is what won Trump the election. Knowing that Hillary would have nominated like minded justices was just too big of risk. No other issue was as important.

again, Trump didn't win. More people voted for Hillary.

and given Trump was a liberal until about five years ago, I wouldn't be too thrilled with who he would appoint if i were you.

But to the point- SCOTUS didn't intervene until a lot of legislatures and lower courts overturned the state marriage bans. Those lower courts cited numerous previous precedents such as Loving v. Virginia that had established marriage as a right.

As far as SCOTUS 'making law", where have you been? SCOTUS has been making law for quite some time now.
3. This is exactly what America signed up for.

No, most of us voted against it.

4. If he has a measure of success, which is likely, the media will go into overdrive trying to distract from that. It will be very healthy for America if they fail.

Trumpenfuhrer will fail because he doesn't know what he is doing. I think he never expected to get this far, and now has no idea what to do next.

5. Your long term agenda still rests on the same plan. Import Third World voters who find your lefty politics acceptable. This is still the likely end result. You are likely to see the US as a One Party State in your lifetime, if you are not too old.

Actually, it will happen sooner because after Trumpenfuhrer fails, all you stupid, inbred white trash will figure out the coal mining jobs didn't come back and your job at the Piggly Wiggly disappeared. But I suspect before that happens, Republicans will move to impeach Trump to try to cauterize the racist stain he is leaving on the party.
Stop whining, Joey. It started out humorous, then became, it is just tiresome.
For once I agree with Jar Jar. Let it go. Hillary and the dems were shown the door. We'll see how much Trump supports gay marriage when he appoints his Justices...
As an white heterosexual male why does anyone care about gay marriage? It is of zero threat to anyone. Believe in freedom yet against it. Hypocrites and fellow Americans I could not help even if I could and you were in dire need to survive. I'd letyou go.
Stop whining, Joey. It started out humorous, then became, it is just tiresome.

Only thing that's tiresome is you following me around looking for attention...

For once I agree with Jar Jar. Let it go. Hillary and the dems were shown the door. We'll see how much Trump supports gay marriage when he appoints his Justices...

No, Hillary won. The Democrats gained seats. The People Said No.

sorry, Gay marriage is a done deal, you are just going to have to learn to live with it.
We don't give a shit, we never have.

Forcing bakeries and churches to serve faggot ceremonies is something yet again.
No one is forcing churches to perform gay weddings. Perhaps you should try something new, like reading. Obergefell and Windsor both exempted religious entities. Bakeries are required to serve IAW public law. if you are stupid, and your statements indicate you are, haramgrl, you are unaware that if there is a law saying that sexual preference can't be discriminated against, then cakes must be made. If it's not the law, then they can refuse. Your ignorance of law is astounding.
To be honest, I believe Obama always supported gay marriage, but waited for the right political time to make his true feelings known.
Like most of the Dems. They waited until they could use it to beat people down. It should be up to the states and people should not be bullied or shamed for having traditional values.

And niether should people be bullied or shamed for being gay. For me, I have this slavish devotion to the Golden Rule. I treat people the way I wish to be treated. Of course, that kindness shouldn't be mistaken for weakness b/c I am certainly not some fragile Cinderella. lol
Who was bullying you for being gay? All the popular culture has embraced it quite openly. The right hasn't been the ones stirring up crap and causing problems.

I didn't say I was being bullied for being gay. I have no doubt other people have and are being bullied for being gay, though.

They do plenty of bullying as well. DV occurs at an astronomically higher rate in homo households.
Another lie. Please provide DOJ statistics to pack up your BS - err - teaparty soundlies - err soundbytes.
No, Hillary won. The Democrats gained seats. The People Said No.

sorry, Gay marriage is a done deal, you are just going to have to learn to live with it. about living in denial! Is that why the entire government is now controlled by the republicans and why Trump is the president-elect? Dude, you need to go see your doctor and increase your meds for a little while..
It's like abortion. They created the law and took it from states but they aren't going to repeal their own decision, it would be an admission they went too far. I haven't heard Trump speak out against gay marriage or gays in general. Just the opposite, like with the Florida shootings.
Yea. Of all the hysteria from the left i always thought the LGBT fear in particular was the most ridiculous. Trump has never been anti-LGBT and is the most pro-gay marriage of any republican candidate ever.

...a fact not well known at all among his supporters...

But the judges he appoints won't be. And since the executive branch isn't in charge of the fate of legal challenges, conservative Justices will be presiding over the question of "since children weren't invited to the Obergefell table, and since marriage is a contract created for children's benefits originally and perpetually, was Obergefell a fair hearing if it strips children for life, per contract, of either a mother or father, without their having even representation for their unique enjoyments at the Obergefell hearing?"

You're aware that a judge (or 5 Justices) cannot act both as judge and guardian ad litem for children's interests in a court proceeding? Since children's fates were unquestionably altered into time unknown via Obergefell in the most acute way, without their having unique and separate representation, the "we're doing it for the best interest of children" from 5 non-psychologists is not a legal proceeding.

The children involved in marriage should have had separate representation since marriage and it's specific constructs since time immemorial (mother and father) was created for them in the first place. A judge cannot act both as judge and lawyer for a party to a lawsuit.
It's like abortion. They created the law and took it from states but they aren't going to repeal their own decision, it would be an admission they went too far. I haven't heard Trump speak out against gay marriage or gays in general. Just the opposite, like with the Florida shootings.
Yea. Of all the hysteria from the left i always thought the LGBT fear in particular was the most ridiculous. Trump has never been anti-LGBT and is the most pro-gay marriage of any republican candidate ever.

...a fact not well known at all among his supporters...

But the judges he appoints won't be. And since the executive branch isn't in charge of the fate of legal challenges, conservative Justices will be presiding over the question of "since children weren't invited to the Obergefell table, and since marriage is a contract created for children's benefits originally and perpetually, was Obergefell a fair hearing if it strips children for life, per contract, of either a mother or father, without their having even representation for their unique enjoyments at the Obergefell hearing?"

You're aware that a judge (or 5 Justices) cannot act both as judge and guardian ad litem for children's interests in a court proceeding? Since children's fates were unquestionably altered into time unknown via Obergefell in the most acute way, without their having unique and separate representation, the "we're doing it for the best interest of children" from 5 non-psychologists is not a legal proceeding.

The children involved in marriage should have had separate representation since marriage and it's specific constructs since time immemorial (mother and father) was created for them in the first place. A judge cannot act both as judge and lawyer for a party to a lawsuit.
Marriage isn't a contract for children. Perhaps you should try reading marriage laws.
No one is forcing churches to perform gay weddings.
The 1st Amendment doesn't say "freedom of church"; it says "freedom of the expression of religion". That doesn't come with a map or a time clock.
Right, my mentally challenged friend, and Name one religion that's FORCED to perform SSM. The answer to that would be NONE. I used church, because the person I was addressing isn't intelligent enough to know the difference. Not to mention, the phrase is separation of CHURCH and STATE, not RELIGION and STATE. Oh yes, K-Mart called- your mail order pretend law degree has expired.

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