Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

And, liberals, NO ONE is talking about refusing service to gays in a restaurant or a hotel. We're talking about not supporting *gay marriage* by baking gay wedding cakes, taking pics for the wedding, etc. But if two gays walk into a restaurant or hotel and want to eat or sleep, nobody has suggested that any business should be able to deny them that kind of basic, common service. Eating and sleeping are basic life needs. Marriage is not a life need; it is an option, a choice, one that many people decline. Having a wedding cake is also a choice, not a need, and many people bake their own wedding cakes or have friends bake it. Having a wedding photographer is a choice, one that many people don't even bother with.

So again, should a photographer be able to refuse to take pictures at a black person's wedding because he's racist? Where do you draw the line as to where discrimination is okay?
If someone don't want to do something, then they don't have to do it. Now hurry, puke up some more lib bullshit.
I think a free-lance photographer should be able to refuse service for whatever reason. Did these people agree to have their rights of association revoked when they became photographers?

They had their rights revoked when they started doing it as a business. It's called "Public Accommodation"... and it's been established as law since the 1960's.

I would personally refuse to go to take pictures in a KKK event. Should that not be allowed? Advertisers too should carry their adds, because otherwise, it would be racist!

A KKK event isn't discrimination. It's a group with a specific agenda. A wedding, even a gay one, isn't an agenda. No. not even close to the same thing.
I think a free-lance photographer should be able to refuse service for whatever reason. Did these people agree to have their rights of association revoked when they became photographers?

They had their rights revoked when they started doing it as a business. It's called "Public Accommodation"... and it's been established as law since the 1960's.

I would personally refuse to go to take pictures in a KKK event. Should that not be allowed? Advertisers too should carry their adds, because otherwise, it would be racist!

A KKK event isn't discrimination. It's a group with a specific agenda. A wedding, even a gay one, isn't an agenda. No. not even close to the same thing.

I don't think these people care about agendas or not.

Anyway, I suppose that's the difference between me and you. You don't give a shit about people's rights, I do. People should have the right to associate with whoever they want, regardless of their position.

I can see why a huge corporation should not have this right, but a freelance photographer? You have gone down the ideological stupidhole. But it doesn't surprise me one bit that you view any entrepreneurial person as a slave who shouldn't be able to refuse service. After all, running a lemonade stand would be much beyond your skill level.
I don't think these people care about agendas or not.

Anyway, I suppose that's the difference between me and you. You don't give a shit about people's rights, I do. People should have the right to associate with whoever they want, regardless of their position.

If they don't want to associate with "Those people", they shouldn't have to be in that position.

I had a kind of similar situation. As some of you may know, I have a business where I write and consult on resumes. Well, after the election, I got a guy who was a Trump supporting businessman who wanted a resume so he could apply for a job in the new administration.

While I did disclose that I had voted for Hillary, I didn't refuse his business and told him I would do the best work I could for him. I also gave him some useful advice (such as he would probably need his resume in the Federal Format instead of the standard format). While he did end up going with one of my competitors, the point was, when I offered services, they were available to people I disagree with or don't like.

People have rights. Businesses do not.

I can see why a huge corporation should not have this right, but a freelance photographer? You have gone down the ideological stupidhole. But it doesn't surprise me one bit that you view any entrepreneurial person as a slave who shouldn't be able to refuse service. After all, running a lemonade stand would be much beyond your skill level.

I run a side business that generated about $20,000 in revenue this year... so, um, no, you'd be wrong.

But let's take your logic to the ultimate extent. Do you think that the food sanitation laws should only apply to McDonalds and not the greasy spoon diner down the block because hey, it's only a small business?
Petroleum fuels our economy. Allowing sole control by a hostile power of a large part of the reserves (I he continued into the gulf states and Saudi) would have been a direct threat to our economy. Europe thought the same thing, mostly because their % of oil from the middle east was/is even greater than ours.
The Petroleum industry also props up the value of the US dollar since they demand payment in US dollars in most petroleum producing countries.

If the Petroleum markets dump the US dollar we will likely see uncontrollable inflation.

I wouldn't think uncontrollable, but it would suck. The key to that would be then to reduce the money supply accordingly.
There is more US dollar in foreign hands and in daily use than the entire US economy annually.

The US dollar is 66% of all the worlds reserve currency.

Foreign exchange market - Wikipedia
According to the Bank for International Settlements,[3] the preliminary global results from the 2016 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivatives Markets Activity show that trading in foreign exchange markets averaged $5.1 trillion per day in April 2016. This is down from $5.4 trillion in April 2013 but up from $4.0 trillion in April 2010. Foreign exchange swaps were the most actively traded instruments in April 2016, at $2.4 trillion per day, followed by spot trading at $1.7 trillion. According to the Bank for International Settlements,[4] as of April 2016, average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at $5.09 trillion, a decline of approximately 5% from the $5.355 trillion daily volume as of April 2013. Some firms specializing on the foreign exchange market had put the average daily turnover in excess of US$4 trillion.[5] The $5.09 trillion break-down is as follows:

Were 66% of that foreign market to dump the US dollar, the flood of US dollars would obviously cause run away inflation as the dollar holders would route and desperately try to put their accumulated wealth into ANY other form of wealth storage.
I always find it comical that the people who rail against corporations are usually the most trusting of large, intrusive government, you know, the ones that actually can control your life if they see fit.
I trust neither, the government nor its collective flock of crony corporatists.
Petroleum fuels our economy. Allowing sole control by a hostile power of a large part of the reserves (I he continued into the gulf states and Saudi) would have been a direct threat to our economy. Europe thought the same thing, mostly because their % of oil from the middle east was/is even greater than ours.
The Petroleum industry also props up the value of the US dollar since they demand payment in US dollars in most petroleum producing countries.

If the Petroleum markets dump the US dollar we will likely see uncontrollable inflation.

I wouldn't think uncontrollable, but it would suck. The key to that would be then to reduce the money supply accordingly.
There is more US dollar in foreign hands and in daily use than the entire US economy annually.

The US dollar is 66% of all the worlds reserve currency.

Foreign exchange market - Wikipedia
According to the Bank for International Settlements,[3] the preliminary global results from the 2016 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivatives Markets Activity show that trading in foreign exchange markets averaged $5.1 trillion per day in April 2016. This is down from $5.4 trillion in April 2013 but up from $4.0 trillion in April 2010. Foreign exchange swaps were the most actively traded instruments in April 2016, at $2.4 trillion per day, followed by spot trading at $1.7 trillion. According to the Bank for International Settlements,[4] as of April 2016, average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at $5.09 trillion, a decline of approximately 5% from the $5.355 trillion daily volume as of April 2013. Some firms specializing on the foreign exchange market had put the average daily turnover in excess of US$4 trillion.[5] The $5.09 trillion break-down is as follows:

Were 66% of that foreign market to dump the US dollar, the flood of US dollars would obviously cause run away inflation as the dollar holders would route and desperately try to put their accumulated wealth into ANY other form of wealth storage.

This is very troubling indeed and something that the likes of Trump have recognized.
Trump had no problem with gay marriage.

On the other side of the coin, he won't be forcing the Catholic Church or any other religious institution to conduct gay weddings.
The 5-4 court has been cautious of over-reach where there are less restrictive options. A better solution, in their view, is not to force every bakery to bake gay wedding cakes when same sex couples can just go to another bakery.
I don't make cakes for coloreds or muslims or Mexicans or atheists
Well, my racist friend, then you don't make cakes for anyone. What a buffoon you are.
I was being sarcastic.

Can you imagine a republican going into a Muslim bakery in dearborn, mi and that bakery saying they don't serve infedels? Do you think they'd be OK with that? I pick Dearborn because they have enough Muslim customers they don't need Christians to be successful. I would love for them to try it just to test conservatives position on this that a business should be allowed to descriminate
Actually, they should be...but under current laws, they are not.
I fully support Muslim bakeries saying the don't serve infidels. The market will take care of the rest.
Then you would have probably been OK with restaurants not serving coloreds and segregation

You forgot to read the part "market will take care of it".

As always, with leftist regressive extremists, they just have to force everyone to their ideals.
So you're OK with not serving blacks. The market didn't solve it in the South. White southern business owners didn't want black peoples money.
See, that's a lie. Segregation was not allowed, it was legally REQUIRED!
I fully support Muslim bakeries saying the don't serve infidels. The market will take care of the rest.
Then you would have probably been OK with restaurants not serving coloreds and segregation

You forgot to read the part "market will take care of it".

As always, with leftist regressive extremists, they just have to force everyone to their ideals.
So you're OK with not serving blacks. The market didn't solve it in the South. White southern business owners didn't want black peoples money.
See, that's a lie. Segregation was not allowed, it was legally REQUIRED!

I wonder who favored that, it couldn't have been the democrats...
I trust neither, the government nor its collective flock of crony corporatists.

I find it amusing how you wingnuts hate capitalism now...

You couldn't tell the difference between corporatism and capitalism if Einstein himself explained it to you. The fruits of indoctrination...

To JoeBitch corporatism and capitalism are synonymous because he is just that fucking stupid.
Well JimBlow-me... Corporatism is the malignant form of capitalism. In the old days we used to have, more or less, a moral society which would cringe at the idea of impoverishing millions just to sit on a mountain of gold. There was such a thing as charity, taught to church-going babes since they were old enough to understand language.

Now we have kids raised by the TV set, telling them to exploit women, exploit each other, venerate holy-days (holidays) as consuming competitions to see who can get the best stuff. So until we get the weed by the root, we're going to have nothing but this malignant form of capitalism.
Well JimBlow-me... Corporatism is the malignant form of capitalism. In the old days we used to have, more or less, a moral society which would cringe at the idea of impoverishing millions just to sit on a mountain of gold. There was such a thing as charity, taught to church-going babes since they were old enough to understand language.

Now we have kids raised by the TV set, telling them to exploit women, exploit each other, venerate holy-days (holidays) as consuming competitions to see who can get the best stuff. So until we get the weed by the root, we're going to have nothing but this malignant form of capitalism.
Yeah, and I am sure that ending Queer Marriage will solve all of that, Sillywet.
Well JimBlow-me... Corporatism is the malignant form of capitalism. In the old days we used to have, more or less, a moral society which would cringe at the idea of impoverishing millions just to sit on a mountain of gold. There was such a thing as charity, taught to church-going babes since they were old enough to understand language.

Now we have kids raised by the TV set, telling them to exploit women, exploit each other, venerate holy-days (holidays) as consuming competitions to see who can get the best stuff. So until we get the weed by the root, we're going to have nothing but this malignant form of capitalism.
Yeah, and I am sure that ending Queer Marriage will solve all of that, Sillywet.
It will be an excellent start to that JimBlow-me. Because normalizing the perverse is the root of the weed of both motherless/fatherless marriage and malignant capitalism...and a 1,000 other sins..
Well JimBlow-me... Corporatism is the malignant form of capitalism. In the old days we used to have, more or less, a moral society which would cringe at the idea of impoverishing millions just to sit on a mountain of gold. There was such a thing as charity, taught to church-going babes since they were old enough to understand language.

Now we have kids raised by the TV set, telling them to exploit women, exploit each other, venerate holy-days (holidays) as consuming competitions to see who can get the best stuff. So until we get the weed by the root, we're going to have nothing but this malignant form of capitalism.
Yeah, and I am sure that ending Queer Marriage will solve all of that, Sillywet.
It will be an excellent start to that JimBlow-me. Because normalizing the perverse is the root of the weed of both motherless/fatherless marriage and malignant capitalism...and a 1,000 other sins..
No, you are simply being obsessed with hatred for fagots.

Ending fag marriage will not solve anything, it will only give more power to the government to adjudicate what is long held custom and thus further dilate the scope of government power.

The best solution is to get the government out of the marriage licensing realm altogether and give couples a variety of marriage CONTRACTS and the churches should require said contracts that most reflect the nature of what they think marriage is, like for traditional Christian churches nullification clauses if the partnership cannot produce offspring, make ending the contract costly to the party wanting out of the contract and looking out for the interests of the children produced or brought into the contract.

We now live in a society that is largely secular in out look and the churches need to realize that and to steer laws toward defending their rights to practice their faith as they see fit, and not trying to prevent heathen from doing as they please.

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