Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

You can say it all you want, it doesn't make it right, or even close to the truth.

The people said, "NO".

Not to worry. When Trump fucks up everything, most of you guys who did vote for him will deny it in a few years. You'd have thought Gary Johnson won the popular vote for all the people who will claim to have supported him.
Before Trump can fuck anything up, he has the overwhelming task of unfucking everything The Blamer fucked up.

That's a lot of fucked up fucking fuckups to un-fuckup!
You can say it all you want, it doesn't make it right, or even close to the truth.

The people said, "NO".

Not to worry. When Trump fucks up everything, most of you guys who did vote for him will deny it in a few years. You'd have thought Gary Johnson won the popular vote for all the people who will claim to have supported him.
Before Trump can fuck anything up, he has the overwhelming task of unfucking everything The Blamer fucked up.

That's a lot of fucked up fucking fuckups to un-fuckup!

I think you fucked up your fuckup fucking up statement.

What a fuck up.
You can live in your own little stupid world all you want, what you can't do is force the rest of us to come along with you.

Again, you'll be the one who will have to defend every war, every recession, every fuckup, every bit of corruption this guy brings.

I'll be the one reminding you that THE PEOPLE SAID "NO!"

The Electoral College said yes, and the "people" said "No" by a little over one percent.

You idiots try to treat all groups as giant monoliths, and again, that is one of the reasons Trump won.

1.6 million votes and still counting is not little.

I don't recall Trump ever saying anything about ending same sex marriage. It's not an issue to 90% of conservatives.

LOL, how can you lie ("it's not an issue to 90% of conservatives") and still post a message on straight line (lots of practice, I suppose).

Not a lie at all. The lie is what you believe and are spoon fed. Trump hasn't said anything about stopping gay marriage and it doesn't matter to conservatives or other Trump supporters that he hasn't. There's a clue for you if you are capable of seeing it.

For a long time liberals have been lying that the Religious Right is the whole of the Right (while lying about who the RR are).

NOw that this time around the candidate that got picked OBVIOUSLY does not come from the RR faction.

And the lefties, who have this superpower of believing their own lies, can't understand it. Even when we explain this very simple concept very clearly.

Because they put more faith in their lies than they do in what they see in the world.

More logical fallacies does not a credible post make.
You can live in your own little stupid world all you want, what you can't do is force the rest of us to come along with you.

Again, you'll be the one who will have to defend every war, every recession, every fuckup, every bit of corruption this guy brings.

I'll be the one reminding you that THE PEOPLE SAID "NO!"

The Electoral College said yes, and the "people" said "No" by a little over one percent.

You idiots try to treat all groups as giant monoliths, and again, that is one of the reasons Trump won.

1.6 million votes and still counting is not little.

Out of 126 million votes cast? She got the popular vote by a bit over 1.4%.

So yes, little.
No problem.

I used to have a few people on ignore, but then it occurred to me that they were the same people who provided constant examples of my points. So I took them off and use them as illustrations.

They're very helpful.

In proving you are a pompous ass with a bad case of narcissism? Um, yeah, guy you prove that without any help from anyone.
No problem.

I used to have a few people on ignore, but then it occurred to me that they were the same people who provided constant examples of my points. So I took them off and use them as illustrations.

They're very helpful.

In proving you are a pompous ass with a bad case of narcissism? Um, yeah, guy you prove that without any help from anyone.
Sure, I'll go with that. I certainly do heart me. I'm Da Man!

Great stuff, Joe. I think you're USMB's Icon of the Regressive Left, a never-ending resource of goodies.

Keep 'em coming!

No, around 1.5% more of people who actually voted said no, so the majority said a combination of "Yes" and "Meh"

Still doesn't mean anything, he won, you suck, get over it.

again, it means a lot. The people said "No!"

You cannot have democracy without the consent of the people. Period.

Who said the Presidential Election was democracy?
Who said the Presidential Election was democracy?

When we asked all those people to pretty please come out and vote...

I mean, shit, if you want a meritocracy, I'm all for that. Just start giving people IQ Tests. I'm sure we'll weed out all the Republicans on the "Science" portion.

We are a Constitutional Republic. We elect Representatives by popular vote, Senators by popular vote by State, State office holders by popular vote, and our President by a population weighted average of States, (In which the people decide by popular vote which way the State goes, except in Nebraska and Maine).
What are you babbling about? Trump has not said anything g about stopping gay marriage. If you disagree, prove it.

again, dummy, you guys threw all your values to the side of the road this time.

Trump threw out all the religious and economic bullshit and just ran a campaign based on pure fucking racism.

and you guys own that now.

And when Cleetus White Trash figures out that those Steel Mill jobs aren't coming back, they will turn on Trumpenfuhrer in a heartbeat.

I said prove it asshole. You can't prove it because you are talking bullshit. I am so enjoying the butthurt from you lefties. You idiots didn't have much to start with but you have totally lost what little you had.

I don't recall Trump ever saying anything about ending same sex marriage. It's not an issue to 90% of conservatives.

LOL, how can you lie ("it's not an issue to 90% of conservatives") and still post a message on straight line (lots of practice, I suppose).

Not a lie at all. The lie is what you believe and are spoon fed. Trump hasn't said anything about stopping gay marriage and it doesn't matter to conservatives or other Trump supporters that he hasn't. There's a clue for you if you are capable of seeing it.

For a long time liberals have been lying that the Religious Right is the whole of the Right (while lying about who the RR are).

NOw that this time around the candidate that got picked OBVIOUSLY does not come from the RR faction.

And the lefties, who have this superpower of believing their own lies, can't understand it. Even when we explain this very simple concept very clearly.

Because they put more faith in their lies than they do in what they see in the world.

They have to put more faith in their lies because reality constantly slaps them in the face. It's rather desperately clung to those lies or admit to be the fools that we know they are.

I don't recall Trump ever saying anything about ending same sex marriage. It's not an issue to 90% of conservatives.

LOL, how can you lie ("it's not an issue to 90% of conservatives") and still post a message on straight line (lots of practice, I suppose).

Not a lie at all. The lie is what you believe and are spoon fed. Trump hasn't said anything about stopping gay marriage and it doesn't matter to conservatives or other Trump supporters that he hasn't. There's a clue for you if you are capable of seeing it.

For a long time liberals have been lying that the Religious Right is the whole of the Right (while lying about who the RR are).

NOw that this time around the candidate that got picked OBVIOUSLY does not come from the RR faction.

And the lefties, who have this superpower of believing their own lies, can't understand it. Even when we explain this very simple concept very clearly.

Because they put more faith in their lies than they do in what they see in the world.

More logical fallacies does not a credible post make.

Your refusal to address my post is noted.

Adding intellectual snobbery to a dodge does not make it less of a dodge.

My post stands.

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