Trump fired his acting attorney general

The left thinks Obama NEVER did anything wrong, but Trump is effing CRAZY.

How does one become so stupid?
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So, in other words, you don't have shit.
Too funny.

You are clearly many on the left.
Still nothing, huh?
Keep digging that hole.

Obama was so honest and did nothing wrong. He was GREAT!!!!

If you really believe that, you really need to seek mental help.
Still waiting. Why is it taking so long for you to complete your assignment, ASSHOLE?
I already posted the list if all his scandals, numskull.
None of those scandals is a scandal, in the small minds of leftists.

Could be they never heard of those scandals, because of all the fake news they consume.
For all the sniveling lefties, how long would Obama have tolerated an acting AG from the Bush administration going against his directives?
This wasn't "his AG".
She was a holdover political appointee from the Obama Administration put there to throw a monkey-wrench into the new administrations lawful actions.
Yeah, and everything was running so smoothly in this corrupt administration until Obama threw a monkey wrench in it. Do you have any idea how stupid, paranoid and delusional you sound?
Trump administration is corrupt, but the Obama administration wasn't.

Now that is some kind of special STUPID.
Give me some examples of the Obama administration being corrupt. And no, alternate facts from bullshit sources such as breitbart, infowars and the like aren't credible or acceptable. Now get to work on your assignment, ASSHOLE.

1. The great “stimulus” heist: Obama seems to think nobody will remember he grabbed almost a trillion dollars for “stimulus” spending, created virtually zero private-sector jobs with it, allowed a great deal of the money to vanish into thin air, and spent the rest of his presidency complaining that he needed hundreds of billions more to repair roads and bridges.

2. Operation Fast and Furious:

3. Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress:

4. ObamaCare

5. Spying on journalists

6. The IRS scandal

7. Benghazi

8. Hillary Clinton’s secret server

9. The Pigford scandal: Named after a landmark lawsuit from the Bill Clinton era, the abuse of a program meant to compensate minority farmers for racial discrimination exploded under Obama.

10. NSA spying scandal

11. Bowe Bergdahl

12. Iran nuclear deal and ransom payment

13. Polluting the Colorado river

14. The GSA scandal: The General Services Administration was caught wasting ridiculous amounts of taxpayer money on lavish parties and silly projects.

15. The VA death-list scandal

16. Solyndra

17. Secret Service gone wild: The Obama years saw one scandal after another hit the Secret Service, from agents going wild with hookers in Columbia, to a fence jumperpenetrating the White House, and tipsy Secret Service officials driving their car into a security barrier.

18. Shutdown theater: Obama hit the American people hard during the great government shutdown crisis of 2013, doing everything he could to make American citizens feel maximum pain – from using “Barry-cades” to keep war veterans away from their memorials, to releasing illegal alien criminals from detention centers
A breitbart cut and paste job.


Try again you fucking douchebag.
Why should he.
You're the dickwad that refuses to acknowledge the facts.
This wasn't "his AG".
She was a holdover political appointee from the Obama Administration put there to throw a monkey-wrench into the new administrations lawful actions.

Let's all cry together and start singing "This Land Is Our Land" with our terrorist friends who have been banned from entering the US, shall we?
whos gonna fill in? Alf?
Already done.
Who's going to defend his Order? That's the job of the AG's Justice Department. She told them not to defend it. Good thing Trump's rich and has his own attorneys. Same thing happened to our governor (who for some reason couldn't fire our AG) when she wouldn't defend him on one of his harebrained bullshit antics. He had to hire his own lawyers. He still lost.
Personally, I don't see what the President has done that is not within his legal rights, except the Christian exception. That will get struck off. It's just noise. I hate the Order, but I think it will stick.
Yeah....thank God.
Yes, because a narcissistic, orange clown, who was born with a silver spoon in his ass knows more than a career, senior attorney with the US Justice Department...
/---- Pres Trump canned a political hack. Nuff said.
Attorney General Firing: First Step vs. 'Coup of the Bureaucrats'

"President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday evening after she refused to defend his executive orders on immigration in court. She could have resigned in protest, but chose defiance and martyrdom.

The problem goes much further than one official. Trump’s opponents are burrowed throughout the federal bureaucracy, and at senior as well as junior levels.

Contrary to what some conservatives may suspect, they are not the majority of government employees. Most are loyal to the Constitution and to their duties. But there are enough die-hard Barack Obama appointees, and lifelong leftists, to frustrate the Trump administration — and they may be encouraging each other to do so."

In his last days in office Barry was filling every government position he could with lil' Obama-zombies, all ready and willing to mimic A-AG Yates.

This wasn't "his AG".
She was a holdover political appointee from the Obama Administration put there to throw a monkey-wrench into the new administrations lawful actions.
Yeah, and everything was running so smoothly in this corrupt administration until Obama threw a monkey wrench in it. Do you have any idea how stupid, paranoid and delusional you sound?
Trump administration is corrupt, but the Obama administration wasn't.

Now that is some kind of special STUPID.
Give me some examples of the Obama administration being corrupt. And no, alternate facts from bullshit sources such as breitbart, infowars and the like aren't credible or acceptable. Now get to work on your assignment, ASSHOLE.

You are the posterboy/girl for a useful idiot.

Stop getting all your information from left wing sources.
So, in other words, you don't have shit.

Nah....just not in the mood to post a novel length post at the moment.
Yes, because a narcissistic, orange clown, who was born with a silver spoon in his ass knows more than a career, senior attorney with the US Justice Department...

Actually he was born with a brain in his head.

Not everyone was blessed with such privilege.
Which one on the list didn't happen, douche bag?

All of 'em, liar. That is, your dishonest representation of those incidents never happened. You still have zero examples of 'corruption'.

You're obviously just butthurt because Obama ran the most-corruption-free admin of our lifetimes. You know how bad that makes TheParty look, and being that you're a corrupt party hack, that sends you insane with rage. Your weepy butthurt here is a joy to behold, being it signifies you know just how badly your big lie campaign has failed.

Now, chew on this for a while, oh defenders of the corrupt. On the corruption scale, the worst Democrat is purer than the best Republican. Sucks to be you, given how the whole planet knows your party is composed of corrupt criminals.

First column, criminal indictments. Second column, criminal convictions. (Clinton is above of Bush1 and Ford because he served twice as long, so he has a lower average).
Data taken from List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Obama.. 0 0
Carter.... 1 0
Clinton.. 2 1
Bush1... 1 1
Ford...... 1 1
Bush2... 16 16
Reagan.. 26 16
Nixon..... 76 55
Which one on the list didn't happen, douche bag?

All of 'em, liar. That is, your dishonest representation of those incidents never happened. You still have zero examples of 'corruption'.

You're obviously just butthurt because Obama ran the most-corruption-free admin of our lifetimes. You know how bad that makes TheParty look, and being that you're a corrupt party hack, that sends you insane with rage. Your weepy butthurt here is a joy to behold, being it signifies you know just how badly your big lie campaign has failed.

Now, chew on this for a while, oh defenders of the corrupt. On the corruption scale, the worst Democrat is purer than the best Republican. Sucks to be you, given how the whole planet knows your party is composed of corrupt criminals.

First column, criminal indictments. Second column, criminal convictions. (Clinton is above of Bush1 and Ford because he served twice as long, so he has a lower average).
Data taken from List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Obama.. 0 0
Carter.... 1 0
Clinton.. 2 1
Bush1... 1 1
Ford...... 1 1
Bush2... 16 16
Reagan.. 26 16
Nixon..... 76 55

Not hard to be corruption free with a DoJ that looks the other way 24/7.

Oh, and good for Trump. Turn on your boss, you get fired.

No doubt these beltway types are shitting themselves.
Not hard to be corruption free with a DoJ that looks the other way 24/7.

Conspiracy 'tard fail. Sucks that reality says you're such a corrupt cultist, eh?

The whole Republican congress spent 6 years trying to find anything to pin on Obama. No administration has ever been investigated more thoroughly. Nothing was found, because there was nothing.

Alas, it would take balls and brains for the Trump cultists to admit their cult is lying. They have neither, so they'll just keep mewling out their loopy conspiracy theories, not caring at all about how crazy and dishonest it makes them look.
Which one on the list didn't happen, douche bag?

All of 'em, liar. That is, your dishonest representation of those incidents never happened. You still have zero examples of 'corruption'.

You're obviously just butthurt because Obama ran the most-corruption-free admin of our lifetimes. You know how bad that makes TheParty look, and being that you're a corrupt party hack, that sends you insane with rage. Your weepy butthurt here is a joy to behold, being it signifies you know just how badly your big lie campaign has failed.

Now, chew on this for a while, oh defenders of the corrupt. On the corruption scale, the worst Democrat is purer than the best Republican. Sucks to be you, given how the whole planet knows your party is composed of corrupt criminals.

First column, criminal indictments. Second column, criminal convictions. (Clinton is above of Bush1 and Ford because he served twice as long, so he has a lower average).
Data taken from List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Obama.. 0 0
Carter.... 1 0
Clinton.. 2 1
Bush1... 1 1
Ford...... 1 1
Bush2... 16 16
Reagan.. 26 16
Nixon..... 76 55

They all happened, douche bag - your ability to pretend the obvious isn't obvious, not withstanding.

All your list shows is what happens when you abolish the special prosecutor statute.

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