Trump fires off late night tweet calls democrats open border policies " treasonous"

And what do you have against walls? Not pretty enough for ya? Don't match the color of your blue eyes? Don't think they are secure enough or are you just trying to save on bricks?
Personally, I object to paying for something wasteful just because Trump made a campaign promise to his base, especially since he also promised the Mexicans would pay for it.

Wasteful. Funny, the Democrats have been promoting a wall for 30 years. Walls are mainly ONE-TIME expenses that cut illegal traffic down to a minimum so our costs of dealing with the rest is too. Then all the billions we save each year in reduced crime, court and other processing expenses makes the whole thing eventually come back free.

You call that wasteful. It works in 100 out of 100 places tried everywhere else. Try pulling that steel pick out of your cranium and try doing the math AGAIN.
Which laws have the Dems passed or even voted for, that would curb illegal invasion?
House Democratic Conferees Unveil Proposal for Smart, Effective Border Security
Lot's of democratic talk as usual, 85% wouldn't be needed if you simply had a barrier at the border to STOP people from coming in except authorized ports of entry IN THE FIRST PLACE. This is all an ONGOING expense while a wall is mostly a ONE TIME expense. In the end, will be much more costly and a fraction as effective. Just a fancy way of taking up a lot more time, spending a lot of pork around, while still getting in tons of illegals into the country. No thank you. I like the president's idea much better and will do it HIS way.
We can't just build a wall, no matter how big, that people couldn't get over, under, around, or through. To make it secure we'll ALWAYS have to maintain, monitor and patrol the border so you're wrong that 85% of the expenses wouldn't be needed and the wall is a one-time expense.

BULL. Any good wall stops the vast majority and slows down all. More time to detect them, fewer to arrest, return and process. The savings are vast. It works in 100 out of 100 cases. Quit trying to snowjob us with your bullshit arguments to justify the continued flow of illegals into this country.
Wasteful. Funny, the Democrats have been promoting a wall for 30 years. Walls are mainly ONE-TIME expenses that cut illegal traffic down to a minimum so our costs of dealing with the rest is too. Then all the billions we save each year in reduced crime, court and other processing expenses makes the whole thing eventually come back free.

You call that wasteful. It works in 100 out of 100 places tried everywhere else. Try pulling that steel pick out of your cranium and try doing the math AGAIN.

This one didn't make it. How many did?

The concept of a “wall” may sound good in political rallies. It purports to identify a source for the country’s ills; it plays on fear-driven nativist sentiments; and it recommends action to solve the problem, however imprecisely the problem is understood. But if you’re looking for effective policy, stay away from building more walls. For centuries, walls have not worked, and ultimately, they always come down.
BULL. Any good wall stops the vast majority and slows down all. More time to detect them, fewer to arrest, return and process. The savings are vast. It works in 100 out of 100 cases. Quit trying to snowjob us with your bullshit arguments to justify the continued flow of illegals into this country.
Let's say we do build a wall and it is 100% effective, what will stop the immigrants from just hopping on boats and going around them? Do we have to continue the wall up the CA and TX coasts or increase the size of the Navy/Coast Guard? Plenty of boats cross the Mediterranean with illegal immigrants. I don't see the wall stopping illegal immigrants, I see it just diverting the problem elsewhere.

The wall $ would be much better spent in Central America to encourage them to remain there. Reminds me of the story of the Sun and Wind vying to get someone to remove their coat (The North Wind and the Sun is one of Aesop's Fables).
This one didn't make it.

Right. The wall worked. I don't even know how they got those long ramps clear over set up like that. Sure that wasn't all staged? But it sure took them a hell of a lot longer than just walking or driving across an open field! So the wall did its job. That combined with increased technology, surveillance, detection and staffing to catch the bad guys in the act and send their asses back to Mexico is the ONLY viable solution.

Make it worse to come here than to just stay home. Time to get tough. No one else is going to do it for us. Time to start treating illegal invaders as CRIMINALS and ENEMY COMBATANTS.

We need towers every mile or so with sharpshooters and night vision cameras. Put a Lapua 338 Magnum in their brain just as they try to come over the top.
I see the illiterate, goose-stepping and easily manipulated Little Trumpstaers are at it again.

Supporting open borders is not levying war against America nor giving aid and comfort to its enemies, Trump is guilty of levying a false accusation of unsurpassed gravity and is defying to the Presidential Oath to protect and defend the Constitution, which includes Article III, which defines treason as “only” those offenses.

Article III: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
Let's say we do build a wall and it is 100% effective, what will stop the immigrants from just hopping on boats and going around them?
The COAST GUARD with machine guns.

The wall $ would be much better spent in Central America to encourage them to remain there.


That has got to be about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Now comes out the Left's plan at "smart" and "effective" strategies.

Oh that silly Trump! He wants to spend 20 billion ONE TIME to put up a wall, when we could just take all that money and go there and BRIBE THEM to stay home with.

YEAR after

YEAR after

YEAR after


Yep. The Left sure has a better idea for dealing with illegals! God knows we would never want to use the same simple strategy proven effective for thousands of years that works in every prison, every gated community and every secure building!
We need towers every mile or so with sharpshooters and night vision cameras. Put a Lapua 338 Magnum in their brain just as they try to come over the top.
Do you get extra points for children under 5 since they are harder to hit?
The wall $ would be much better spent in Central America to encourage them to remain there.
Oh that silly Trump! He wants to spend 20 billion ONE TIME to put up a wall, when we could just take all that money and go there and BRIBE THEM to stay home with.
Or we might allow Central Americans to import their goods to the US tariff-free. Or we might offer companies tax incentives to locate factories or build resorts in Central America. America could actually be a force for good instead of a free-fire zone.
We need towers every mile or so with sharpshooters and night vision cameras. Put a Lapua 338 Magnum in their brain just as they try to come over the top.
Do you get extra points for children under 5 since they are harder to hit?
When your living standards are greatly reduced you will change your mind. The western hemisphere has three great oceans separating potential combatants. Much of the rest of the world is not so lucky. How many people can come here without affecting us and not assimilating? Talking compassion is so nice. Yet the ghettos are still here at the same way as it was 50 years ago. Only we spend ten times more now on helping people. I guarantee when it comes to it a person like you who needs an operation will ph uk over a child who comes here illegally.
We need towers every mile or so with sharpshooters and night vision cameras. Put a Lapua 338 Magnum in their brain just as they try to come over the top.
Do you get extra points for children under 5 since they are harder to hit?

Do little children climb 30 foot barbed wire walls and drop down the other side to escape a problem they don't even understand exists all by themselves? Or are they used as shields by cowards like you because they think that by bringing kids, no one will shoot and they stand a better chance of being taken into custody and well cared for?
The wall $ would be much better spent in Central America to encourage them to remain there.
Oh that silly Trump! He wants to spend 20 billion ONE TIME to put up a wall, when we could just take all that money and go there and BRIBE THEM to stay home with.
Or we might allow Central Americans to import their goods to the US tariff-free. Or we might offer companies tax incentives to locate factories or build resorts in Central America. America could actually be a force for good instead of a free-fire zone.

Hey Jackass, America HAS been a force for good, THE force for good in the world for 250 years. Take your version of history and go twist on it. I totally agree with you, import their stuff tariff free, IF it doesn't take money or work from our people here. What about their own countries being a force for good and creating jobs for their own people? Why aren't you railing to Mexico, Honduras or Guatemala to start creating opportunity for their people? That would ADD to the world economy instead of your ass-backward idea of always TAKING FROM US to make up for every problem other people create for themselves.

You see, LIFE IS ABOUT COMPETITION: Survival of the fittest. People, companies and nations survive and do well because they are successful models and systems, not because of your neanderthal idea that we must somehow create an uneven playing board stacked against us to artificially buoy other nations along. As it is, we are already funneling FIFTY BILLION dollars a YEAR to other countries that we could be using here to help our own people.

Like I said again: NOTHING STOPPING YOU from handing over your entire paycheck and bank account to the illegals trying to sneak in at the border. Just stand down there and put your money where your mouth is and hand out $100 bills to them as they come in.

Then even MORE will be sure to come.

We already offer incentives to companies to relocate down there. It's called CHEAP LABOR. As to resorts, I'm sure you'd want to take your vacation down there as bullets and crime fly over your head. There already ARE cities and towns with tourist facilities in those places. Knock yourself out and send us pictures.
We need towers every mile or so with sharpshooters and night vision cameras. Put a Lapua 338 Magnum in their brain just as they try to come over the top.
Do you get extra points for children under 5 since they are harder to hit?
When your living standards are greatly reduced you will change your mind. The western hemisphere has three great oceans separating potential combatants. Much of the rest of the world is not so lucky. How many people can come here without affecting us and not assimilating? Talking compassion is so nice. Yet the ghettos are still here at the same way as it was 50 years ago. Only we spend ten times more now on helping people. I guarantee when it comes to it a person like you who needs an operation will ph uk over a child who comes here illegally.
Immigration has made this country what it is.

These pros and cons of immigration show that diversity can be a good thing. If immigration occurs legally, then local communities often see many benefits develop over time. There are certainly some challenges which must be addressed with the practice of immigration, especially when it occurs illegally. Those challenges, however, are often outweighed by the benefits which immigration provides.
Do little children climb 30 foot barbed wire walls and drop down the other side to escape a problem they don't even understand exists all by themselves? Or are they used as shields by cowards like you because they think that by bringing kids, no one will shoot and they stand a better chance of being taken into custody and well cared for?
I love my kids and would do almost anything for them. If I thought their only chance at a decent life was to flee, I'd flee, no matter the cost. Who wouldn't?
The wall $ would be much better spent in Central America to encourage them to remain there.
Oh that silly Trump! He wants to spend 20 billion ONE TIME to put up a wall, when we could just take all that money and go there and BRIBE THEM to stay home with.
Or we might allow Central Americans to import their goods to the US tariff-free. Or we might offer companies tax incentives to locate factories or build resorts in Central America. America could actually be a force for good instead of a free-fire zone.

Hey Jackass, America HAS been a force for good, THE force for good in the world for 250 years. Take your version of history and go twist on it. I totally agree with you, import their stuff tariff free, IF it doesn't take money or work from our people here. What about their own countries being a force for good and creating jobs for their own people? Why aren't you railing to Mexico, Honduras or Guatemala to start creating opportunity for their people? That would ADD to the world economy instead of your ass-backward idea of always TAKING FROM US to make up for every problem other people create for themselves.

You see, LIFE IS ABOUT COMPETITION: Survival of the fittest. People, companies and nations survive and do well because they are successful models and systems, not because of your neanderthal idea that we must somehow create an uneven playing board stacked against us to artificially buoy other nations along. As it is, we are already funneling FIFTY BILLION dollars a YEAR to other countries that we could be using here to help our own people.

Like I said again: NOTHING STOPPING YOU from handing over your entire paycheck and bank account to the illegals trying to sneak in at the border. Just stand down there and put your money where your mouth is and hand out $100 bills to them as they come in.

Then even MORE will be sure to come.

We already offer incentives to companies to relocate down there. It's called CHEAP LABOR. As to resorts, I'm sure you'd want to take your vacation down there as bullets and crime fly over your head. There already ARE cities and towns with tourist facilities in those places. Knock yourself out and send us pictures.
What you should remember about immigration is that it is a very hard thing to do so most people won't bother. The ones that do are the most motivated individual, exactly the kind of people we need.

As for your antiquated LIFE IS ABOUT COMPETITION:

so·cial Dar·win·ism
the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. Now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform.​

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