Trump Fires One of the Few Competent People Left in His Administration

.Trump's cleaning house

Trump is cleaning house??? Who the fuck MESSED-UP the house in the first place. LOL

Have some more kool-aid and go take a nap clutching an orange doll..

You cant blame Trump....I blame Kushner

Both Jared and Ivanka had too much of a hand in the initial cabinet selections. Pressing Trump to appear moderate with all that bullshit of hands across the aisle. I'm really relieved McMaster is out.

It's been out there that he authorized surveillance. Not sure I buy into that, but I do believe he was a leaker.

"Given the frequent and ongoing "deep-state" leaks to the MSM designed to undermine Trump, reports of Obama holdovers keeping dozens of national security positions - some say thanks to H.R. McMaster, and advisory team whittled down to Stephen Miller, Jared and Ivanka, it's no secret that at least some, if not all of what is known as the "deep state" has been after Trump since he became a serious threat to Hillary Clinton during the election. "

Retired CIA Agent Working With Blackwater Founder Claims H.R. McMaster Approved NSA Spy Job On Trump Family

At one point in time the buck used to stop at the President's desk. Now it's his children....who he be in the White House...and one of them (maybe both) can't pass a security clearance. But, yeah, why blame Trump?

I blame Trump. For freaking listening to those New York libs to begin with. Many of us were ripping our hair out over these choices.
Trump: My White House is not in chaos. Everything is running smoothly.

Trump and Pence are the only two running things without chaos......Trump had good reason to fire those he did. You cant blame the President for lackluster work performance.
Another bites the dust. There's been a 39% rate of upheaval in this failed administration.

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow
If McMaster is not performing up to the President's expectations, he should be replaced.
Sane competent people are always going to have trouble with impulsive clueless bosses.
lol You would have called anyone Trump fired sane and competent. The fact is most people who have evaluated Tillerson's performance have rated him as one of the worst Secretary's of State in US history. Remember all the unfilled posts at State you guys were whining about a few days ago?
McMaster and Tillerson were the voices of reason in this administration.
I'm sorry but they desere it and have 0 sympathy for them. We say in Morocco: "you are just like those you hangout with".in trumps case...Moron.
This gets better and better everyday.

"So, what I'm gonna do to drain the swamp is hire a bunch of people who aren't part of the swamp. Then a year in I'm gonna fire all of them, and hire everybody in the swamp."

Unfortunately Trump listened to the Kushners and did put in people that were part of the swamp.

And he is replacing them with people that have been part of the swamp even longer. Odd way to drain it...
Trump: My White House is not in chaos. Everything is running smoothly.

Echoes of this guy??

Another bites the dust. There's been a 39% rate of upheaval in this failed administration.

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow
If McMaster is not performing up to the President's expectations, he should be replaced.

No one knows what Trump's "expectations" are, you stupid goober. Do you not recognize fucking crazy when you see it???
So you're telling me you are too stupid to understand what Trump is trying to do? No need, it is obvious.
John Bolton to the rescue.....Trump's cleaning house

John Bolton is a Neo-Conservative Warmonger, he was in with the PNAC Crowd with Richard Perle etc, IMHO John Bolton is the last creature you should want in charge of your National Security unless you are wishing for WWIII to happen like the Neo-Conservatives masturbate each night dreaming of WWIII kicking off.

So Tom are you a Neo-Conservative Warmonger Fan Boy or not? Do you dream of WWIII or not?

There wont be no WW3 with Trump in charge don't worry....Bush and Cheney are to blame 100%
Another bites the dust. There's been a 39% rate of upheaval in this failed administration.

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow

Another adult out from Romper Room....this guy is definitely going over the edge.....
We literally now have Trump Unchained.,
A guy who knows nothing about government thinks he can run it by himself.
Very scary.
Tillerson was a James Baker boy. Glad he's gone. Bottom line is he was backstabbing Trump in Europe over the Iran deal. Firing his disloyal ass was the only way to go.
Another bites the dust. There's been a 39% rate of upheaval in this failed administration.

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow

I hear Rain Man Carson is also on the chopping block.

Carson could get fired but he'd still report to work for a month not aware of what happened.
Another bites the dust. There's been a 39% rate of upheaval in this failed administration.

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow

Another adult out from Romper Room....this guy is definitely going over the edge.....
We literally now have Trump Unchained.,
A guy who knows nothing about government thinks he can run it by himself.
Very scary.

Very scary??/ He did a great job so far....
Tillerson was a James Baker boy. Glad he's gone. Bottom line is he was backstabbing Trump in Europe over the Iran deal. Firing his disloyal ass was the only way to go.

Careful there......Trump was just following Putin's orders when he hired Tillerson........LOL
McMaster and Tillerson were the voices of reason in this administration.
I'm sorry but they desere it and have 0 sympathy for them. We say in Morocco: "you are just like those you hangout with".in trumps case...Moron.

They might be replaced with people who have less sense, people unwilling to tell Trump he's being an idiot.
Another bites the dust. There's been a 39% rate of upheaval in this failed administration.

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow
If McMaster is not performing up to the President's expectations, he should be replaced.
Sane competent people are always going to have trouble with impulsive clueless bosses.
lol You would have called anyone Trump fired sane and competent. The fact is most people who have evaluated Tillerson's performance have rated him as one of the worst Secretary's of State in US history. Remember all the unfilled posts at State you guys were whining about a few days ago?

I know I never felt Tillerson was competent. Anything But. The only two competent people that I knew of on Trump's staff were McMaster and Kelly. And Kelly has made some bad mistakes.
John Bolton to the rescue.....Trump's cleaning house

Yeah. Drain the swamp with... John Bolton. Woooo!

John Bolton is a Swamp Creature, so Drain The Swamp....with a Swamp Creature. Hmmmm, seems like something that peoples should not be wanting and this is the time when peoples should be exercising an Independent Thought Process and also reading up on the Neo-Conservatives which include John Bolton and reading about how since the year 2000 they have been banging the war drums.

So John Bolton would mean you would be involved in a Full Spectrum Shit Storm in the Middle East with not only war with Iran but also war with Lebanon AND Egypt while still being involved in the 17 year old Twin Shit Storm of Afghanistan and Iraq that the Neo-Conservatives are responsible for added with the Shit Storm in Syria and ALL at the same time, which if people read was ALL part of the PNAC Agenda in 2000.
Tillerson was a James Baker boy. Glad he's gone. Bottom line is he was backstabbing Trump in Europe over the Iran deal. Firing his disloyal ass was the only way to go.

Tillerson wasn't a good SOS but he knew 1000 times more thanTrump. So instead of learning from him, he fired him.

" I alone can fix it."

God help us all.
John Bolton to the rescue.....Trump's cleaning house

John Bolton is a Neo-Conservative Warmonger, he was in with the PNAC Crowd with Richard Perle etc, IMHO John Bolton is the last creature you should want in charge of your National Security unless you are wishing for WWIII to happen like the Neo-Conservatives masturbate each night dreaming of WWIII kicking off.

So Tom are you a Neo-Conservative Warmonger Fan Boy or not? Do you dream of WWIII or not?

He hates the joos. You can dig that.

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