Trump flip flops on waterboarding. Add another lie to the list

WASHINGTON, Nov 23 — US president-elect Donald Trump said today that advice from a Marine general renowned for his frank talk had convinced him to think again about authorising the torture of detainees.

The Republican tycoon had previously made bloodcurdling pledges to restore waterboarding and “far, far worse” in US detention centres, scorning President Barack Obama’s ban on the practice.

But last weekend Trump sat down with James Mattis, a retired general respected across Washington and the US military for his no-nonsense approach, to discuss naming him defence secretary.

Yesterday, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump said he’d been surprised to discover that such an uncompromising commander was opposed to allowing US personnel to torture suspects.

“He said: ‘I’ve never found it to be useful’,” he said, adding that Mattis advised building a rapport with detainees: “Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.”

“I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told the Times, in a marked U-turn from his campaign mantra: “Torture works, OK? Believe me, it works.”

- See more at: Tough general convinces Trump to backtrack on torture

You people wrote the book on flipflopping among Kerry, Obama, and Clinton. Trump is simply exposing and mocking you.
Looks like you Trumpbots finally got John McCain elected. lol
That's it, sonny, try to put a brave face on it. There's a good boy.

I fully intend to be happy while you will remain the butt hurt and whinning Loser..
Looks like we didn't lose so much after all. What have you gained? Can you tell us?
Two things:

1. We don't have to hear Hillary screeching for the next 4 years.
2. We got a president who apparently listens to advice and doesn't mind changing course when it's prudent to do so.

So Trump was wholly unaware of the counter argument to using torture?

Who knows? All we know is that democrats SHOULD be happy that Trump is apparently coming around on some of the issues they claim to be mad about, but they're not. They're still just as angry and hate filled as before. Makes you realize that when they complain about something a Republican does, it's not what he does that's the problem, it's that he's a Republican.
I wouldn't say democrats are happy but rather feeling vindicated by Trump's flip flops and lies. The opinion of everyone I know that voted against Trump was that he was going to fuck those that voted for him just as he has done his business associates, creditors, and investors. The fact is Trump is a flim flam artist and a good that uses people and tosses them when they are no longer of use to him.
Hell, if I had known that he was to the Left of Clinton, I might have voted for him!
We tried to tell you he wasn't conservative, but the talking points were out and it was just easier for the haters to think he was.

Oh, we knew he wasn't conservative. But we also knew that he was a self aggrandizing lying asshole, and there was no way to put a dress of that pig.
So you went with a less conservative option, and would do so again even after realizing it?

I sincerely believe that Trump's presidency is going down in history as having made Buchanan, Grant, and Harding presidencies look like genius personified, in comparison.
The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.
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I fully intend to be happy while you will remain the butt hurt and whinning Loser..
Looks like we didn't lose so much after all. What have you gained? Can you tell us?
Two things:

1. We don't have to hear Hillary screeching for the next 4 years.
2. We got a president who apparently listens to advice and doesn't mind changing course when it's prudent to do so.

So Trump was wholly unaware of the counter argument to using torture?

Who knows? All we know is that democrats SHOULD be happy that Trump is apparently coming around on some of the issues they claim to be mad about, but they're not. They're still just as angry and hate filled as before. Makes you realize that when they complain about something a Republican does, it's not what he does that's the problem, it's that he's a Republican.
I wouldn't say democrats are happy but rather feeling vindicated by Trump's flip flops and lies. The opinion of everyone I know that voted against Trump was that he was going to fuck those that voted for him just as he has done his business associates, creditors, and investors. The fact is Trump is a flim flam artist and a good that uses people and tosses them when they are no longer of use to him.
I don't see vindication, I see hatred and vitriol, no matter what Trump does. The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, while a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.
Looks like we didn't lose so much after all. What have you gained? Can you tell us?
Two things:

1. We don't have to hear Hillary screeching for the next 4 years.
2. We got a president who apparently listens to advice and doesn't mind changing course when it's prudent to do so.

So Trump was wholly unaware of the counter argument to using torture?

Who knows? All we know is that democrats SHOULD be happy that Trump is apparently coming around on some of the issues they claim to be mad about, but they're not. They're still just as angry and hate filled as before. Makes you realize that when they complain about something a Republican does, it's not what he does that's the problem, it's that he's a Republican.
I wouldn't say democrats are happy but rather feeling vindicated by Trump's flip flops and lies. The opinion of everyone I know that voted against Trump was that he was going to fuck those that voted for him just as he has done his business associates, creditors, and investors. The fact is Trump is a flim flam artist and a good that uses people and tosses them when they are no longer of use to him.
I don't see vindication, I see hatred and vitriol, no matter what Trump does. The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, while a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.
If you were unaware of what Hillary Clinton's agenda would have been, you would have to be living under a rock. Hillary Clinton would have had a more aggressive foreign policy than Obama, oppose Russia on several fronts, a strong supporter of NATO, a domestic agenda calling for immigration reform, changes to Obamacare to lower cost, more support for global warming initiates, a big infrastructure bill, more intervention in Syria but no support for Assad. Clinton was certainly a known quality. Name an issue and most voters could correctly guess her position, which made her a really boring candidate. She had no attention of making America great because she believed America was great. She didn't believe in deporting all illegal immigrate because the damage would be worst than any gains. She rejected isolationism because it makes no sense in today's world.
Two things:

1. We don't have to hear Hillary screeching for the next 4 years.
2. We got a president who apparently listens to advice and doesn't mind changing course when it's prudent to do so.

So Trump was wholly unaware of the counter argument to using torture?

Who knows? All we know is that democrats SHOULD be happy that Trump is apparently coming around on some of the issues they claim to be mad about, but they're not. They're still just as angry and hate filled as before. Makes you realize that when they complain about something a Republican does, it's not what he does that's the problem, it's that he's a Republican.
I wouldn't say democrats are happy but rather feeling vindicated by Trump's flip flops and lies. The opinion of everyone I know that voted against Trump was that he was going to fuck those that voted for him just as he has done his business associates, creditors, and investors. The fact is Trump is a flim flam artist and a good that uses people and tosses them when they are no longer of use to him.
I don't see vindication, I see hatred and vitriol, no matter what Trump does. The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, while a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.
If you were unaware of what Hillary Clinton's agenda would have been, you would have to be living under a rock. Hillary Clinton would have had a more aggressive foreign policy than Obama, oppose Russia on several fronts, a strong supporter of NATO, a domestic agenda calling for immigration reform, changes to Obamacare to lower cost, more support for global warming initiates, a big infrastructure bill, more intervention in Syria but no support for Assad. Clinton was certainly a known quality. Name an issue and most voters could correctly guess her position, which made her a really boring candidate. She had no attention of making America great because she believed America was great. She didn't believe in deporting all illegal immigrate because the damage would be worst than any gains. She rejected isolationism because it makes no sense in today's world.
America DID know Hillary's agenda, and rejected it. She was a known liar, so whatever she said had to be ignored in favor of her actions and votes.
So Trump was wholly unaware of the counter argument to using torture?

Who knows? All we know is that democrats SHOULD be happy that Trump is apparently coming around on some of the issues they claim to be mad about, but they're not. They're still just as angry and hate filled as before. Makes you realize that when they complain about something a Republican does, it's not what he does that's the problem, it's that he's a Republican.
I wouldn't say democrats are happy but rather feeling vindicated by Trump's flip flops and lies. The opinion of everyone I know that voted against Trump was that he was going to fuck those that voted for him just as he has done his business associates, creditors, and investors. The fact is Trump is a flim flam artist and a good that uses people and tosses them when they are no longer of use to him.
I don't see vindication, I see hatred and vitriol, no matter what Trump does. The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, while a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.
If you were unaware of what Hillary Clinton's agenda would have been, you would have to be living under a rock. Hillary Clinton would have had a more aggressive foreign policy than Obama, oppose Russia on several fronts, a strong supporter of NATO, a domestic agenda calling for immigration reform, changes to Obamacare to lower cost, more support for global warming initiates, a big infrastructure bill, more intervention in Syria but no support for Assad. Clinton was certainly a known quality. Name an issue and most voters could correctly guess her position, which made her a really boring candidate. She had no attention of making America great because she believed America was great. She didn't believe in deporting all illegal immigrate because the damage would be worst than any gains. She rejected isolationism because it makes no sense in today's world.
America DID know Hillary's agenda, and rejected it. She was a known liar, so whatever she said had to be ignored in favor of her actions and votes.
Actually, most voters did not reject it. They just happen to vote in the wrong states.
Who knows? All we know is that democrats SHOULD be happy that Trump is apparently coming around on some of the issues they claim to be mad about, but they're not. They're still just as angry and hate filled as before. Makes you realize that when they complain about something a Republican does, it's not what he does that's the problem, it's that he's a Republican.
I wouldn't say democrats are happy but rather feeling vindicated by Trump's flip flops and lies. The opinion of everyone I know that voted against Trump was that he was going to fuck those that voted for him just as he has done his business associates, creditors, and investors. The fact is Trump is a flim flam artist and a good that uses people and tosses them when they are no longer of use to him.
I don't see vindication, I see hatred and vitriol, no matter what Trump does. The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, while a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.
If you were unaware of what Hillary Clinton's agenda would have been, you would have to be living under a rock. Hillary Clinton would have had a more aggressive foreign policy than Obama, oppose Russia on several fronts, a strong supporter of NATO, a domestic agenda calling for immigration reform, changes to Obamacare to lower cost, more support for global warming initiates, a big infrastructure bill, more intervention in Syria but no support for Assad. Clinton was certainly a known quality. Name an issue and most voters could correctly guess her position, which made her a really boring candidate. She had no attention of making America great because she believed America was great. She didn't believe in deporting all illegal immigrate because the damage would be worst than any gains. She rejected isolationism because it makes no sense in today's world.
America DID know Hillary's agenda, and rejected it. She was a known liar, so whatever she said had to be ignored in favor of her actions and votes.
Actually, most voters did not reject it. They just happen to vote in the wrong states.
Irrelevant. The rules are as they stand. America rejected Hillary and left all of Congress in Republican hands. Hillary ran as Obama's third term, and lost.

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