Trump Foreign Trip >> Huge Success

How embarrassing , he has to ride in a golf cart , while the real world leaders walked 700 yards

As typical, lost leftists are sticking a failure label on a Trump accomplishment. This is now predictable. It’s not hard to comprehend how this occurs. It’s simply that they have different definitions of what is good, and thus what would constitute “success”.

From their warped perspective, more Obama-like pandering and groveling (with or without the bowing) would have been preferred to keep the G7 countries liking us.

Trump just made a healthy (for America) change. No longer do we pay the G7 countries to like us, by paying for NATO, and giving them a free ride. Trump even said they should pay us back for all the money we’ve been paying, when they weren’t. Oh, I’ll bet that upset them a bit. Well, better late than never. Fools good to see America being made great again.

Keep up the good work, Mr. President.

Note: when leftists say something is bad, that generally means it’s good (FOR AMERICA)
Never more proud that he is our President.
As typical, lost leftists are sticking a failure label on a Trump accomplishment. This is now predictable. It’s not hard to comprehend how this occurs. It’s simply that they have different definitions of what is good, and thus what would constitute “success”.

From their warped perspective, more Obama-like pandering and groveling (with or without the bowing) would have been preferred to keep the G7 countries liking us.

Trump just made a healthy (for America) change. No longer do we pay the G7 countries to like us, by paying for NATO, and giving them a free ride. Trump even said they should pay us back for all the money we’ve been paying, when they weren’t. Oh, I’ll bet that upset them a bit. Well, better late than never. Fools good to see America being made great again.

Keep up the good work, Mr. President.

Note: when leftists say something is bad, that generally means it’s good (FOR AMERICA)
Never more proud that he is our President.
Oh, I have no doubt you took pride in his behavior.
As typical, lost leftists are sticking a failure label on a Trump accomplishment. This is now predictable. It’s not hard to comprehend how this occurs. It’s simply that they have different definitions of what is good, and thus what would constitute “success”.

From their warped perspective, more Obama-like pandering and groveling (with or without the bowing) would have been preferred to keep the G7 countries liking us.

Trump just made a healthy (for America) change. No longer do we pay the G7 countries to like us, by paying for NATO, and giving them a free ride. Trump even said they should pay us back for all the money we’ve been paying, when they weren’t. Oh, I’ll bet that upset them a bit. Well, better late than never. Fools good to see America being made great again.

Keep up the good work, Mr. President.

Note: when leftists say something is bad, that generally means it’s good (FOR AMERICA)
Never more proud that he is our President.
Oh, I have no doubt you took pride in his behavior.
His behavior was awesome. Real natural leader.
As typical, lost leftists are sticking a failure label on a Trump accomplishment. This is now predictable. It’s not hard to comprehend how this occurs. It’s simply that they have different definitions of what is good, and thus what would constitute “success”.

From their warped perspective, more Obama-like pandering and groveling (with or without the bowing) would have been preferred to keep the G7 countries liking us.

Trump just made a healthy (for America) change. No longer do we pay the G7 countries to like us, by paying for NATO, and giving them a free ride. Trump even said they should pay us back for all the money we’ve been paying, when they weren’t. Oh, I’ll bet that upset them a bit. Well, better late than never. Fools good to see America being made great again.

Keep up the good work, Mr. President.

Note: when leftists say something is bad, that generally means it’s good (FOR AMERICA)
Never more proud that he is our President.
How embarrassing , he has to ride in a golf cart , while the real world leaders walked 700 yards

Could it be he is not healthy enough to walk that far?

Everything they claimed about Hillary's health seems to have been a projection!

No wonder they're so secretive.

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