Trump gathering with NRA is a gun free zone. You should boycott trump for banning guns.

It's kinda funny right wingers said for years we have hundreds of years of known oil supply just can't find it now. 😂😂
Projection is not just a river in Egypt.

dblack: No I'm not, kaz, you are. YOU are kaz, you ARE. YOU ARE YOU ARE ....

Great rebuttal to my saying you are an intellectual child, not a man, LOL
dblack: No I'm not, kaz, you are. YOU are kaz, you ARE. YOU ARE YOU ARE ....

Great rebuttal to my saying you are an intellectual child, not a man, LOL
My own personal troll. How sweet. Do you want me send a photo to put on your wall?
The SS were the one who requested the NRA to keep firearms out of the Trump meeting the rest of the convention still allows firearms.

I pointed this out quoting from the posted article:

"You can have your gun at other events during the three-day convention; but if you attend the forum with Trump, NRA’s Executive Vice President, NRA-ILA’s Executive Director, and “our nation’s top Second Amendment supporters,” per NRA’s event announcement, then you will be prohibited from exercising your God-given, Second Amendment right to bear arms."


"The NRA also makes clear that there will be “no storage available for firearms.” For the record, the NRA also banned guns when Trump and Mike Pence were scheduled to speak at their 2018 convention, again citing the Secret Service’s wishes. Seems to me like a true, gun-toting American wouldn’t let the Secret Service bully their precious gun rights—guns don’t kill people, people kill people—but what do I know?"

bolding mine


Next time read the article first.
Yep. Texas has a history of mass shootings. They aren't going to do anything about it. was pointed out in The Godfather, Part 2....if you are willing to die, you can kill a President......that is why the Secret Service ban guns......the lone, nutjob democrat looking to make bernie sanders and elizabeth warren the guy who tried to murder the entire republican baseball more than willing to die to murder a republican.

Yes, if you are willing to die or simply to kill, understanding the repercussions nothing is going to stop you. That has long been my point but the other side of the argument is more armed people. Seems we all now agree by either saying so or avoiding the point, people with guns aren't necessarily going to stop someone intent on killing.
Yes, if you are willing to die or simply to kill, understanding the repercussions nothing is going to stop you. That has long been my point but the other side of the argument is more armed people. Seems we all now agree by either saying so or avoiding the point, people with guns aren't necessarily going to stop someone intent on killing.

Yes…they will …..
you miss the point that someone with a gun will stop the attacker….and the rare monster that will die to kill innocent people can be stopped with lethal force before they kill more innocents.
Yes…they will …..
you miss the point that someone with a gun will stop the attacker….and the rare monster that will die to kill innocent people can be stopped with lethal force before they kill more innocents.

Sooner or later the attacker will stop BUT you miss my point. We should be concentrating on trying to stop things before it comes to that point.

Is six dead better than nine? Yes. Is none dead even better?

There is no NRA "Principle" that says we should be able to carry everywhere at all times without limits.

The argument has long been that people with guns will deter bad guys with guns. I think we have debunked that one enough so......................
The argument has long been that people with guns will deter bad guys with guns. I think we have debunked that one enough so......................
Who's argument?

You haven't debunked anything.

The NRA has never supported everyone being able to carry everywhere or under all circumstances.
It's been made often and you understand that.
Not by the NRA, it's a bumper sticker line anti gunners keep plopping out like a wet turd.

As a rule the argument is more "good guys with guns" is a good thing, and that's not even an NRA position.
Not by the NRA, it's a bumper sticker line anti gunners keep plopping out like a wet turd.
I'm not anti gun. I'm anti not addressing the actual issue.

As a rule the argument is more "good guys with guns" is a good thing, and that's not even an NRA position.

Is your definition of a good guy with a gun someone that stands around while a mentally ill individual shoots down kids?

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