Trump gathering with NRA is a gun free zone. You should boycott trump for banning guns.

1) You didn't care the Democrats were using their power for left wing companies to reward friends and punish enemies
Examples? I don't buy into the deep-state stuff, but I oppose this kind corporatism outright. If I'm not complaining about it, it doesn't mean I approve. I can't complain about everything the Democrats do wrong. I'd never get any sleep. ;)
2) In this discussion you're fine with the Secret Service using protection to control Trump
I don't understand. What do you mean "control Trump"? It's true that it seems reasonable to me that the Secret Service request that guns not be allowed, but how is that "funky"?
Over and over it's the same, you have Republican rules and Democrat rules, just like a Democrat
I really think that's just your bias telling you that. I'm not going to bother, but I could drag up thread after thread where I'm arguing against the Dems.

Bottom line, I won't get behind Trump and that makes me your enemy. Isn't that really what's going on?
Has it ever occurred to you that a room full of firearm carrying NRA members is a perfect set up for the lone gunman who is intent is to kill Trump at all costs because they could be deranged or filled with partisan hate or on drugs?

That is why the SS tries to eliminate all the easy opportunities for someone to assassinate Trump in such places.

The SS knows WHY they MUST ban guns in the area of their protected person.

Lynette Fromme at Wikipedia

On September 5, 1975, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a member of the Manson Family cult, attempted to assassinate United States president Gerald Ford in Sacramento, California. She wanted to make a statement to people who refused to halt environmental pollution and its effects on air, trees, water, and animals (ATWA). Although Fromme stood a little more than an arm's length from Ford that Friday morning and pointed an M1911 pistol at him in the public grounds of the California State Capitol building, she had not chambered a round, the gun did not fire, and no one was injured.


Sarah Moore at Wikipedia:

Sara Jane Moore was standing in the crowd 40 feet away from Ford when she fired two shots with her .38 Special revolver. The first shot missed Ford's head by 5 inches and passed through the wall above the doorway Ford had just walked out of.[4] A bystander named Oliver Sipple heard the sound of the first shot and dove at Moore, grabbing her shooting arm before she pulled the trigger a second time. The second shot struck John Ludwig, a 42-year-old taxi driver standing inside the hotel,[5] in the groin.[4] Ludwig survived.


That is why they BAN firearms from the area as there have been close calls over the years which is why they EXPANDED the area of protection.

You have been refuted so thoroughly that you should crawl away.
That moron is a troll of the highest order. For some reason he thinks he is scoring points against the NRA with his dipshittery.
Looks like the OP ran away from his own thread after getting his ass kicked.

Use extreme left wing sites and that is what happens.
Examples? I don't buy into the deep-state stuff, but I oppose this kind corporatism outright. If I'm not complaining about it, it doesn't mean I approve. I can't complain about everything the Democrats do wrong. I'd never get any sleep. ;)

Actually we discussed it a bunch of times. I pointed out that the companies were acting under a combination of fear of Democrats and hoping that Democrats would help them. That is NOT companies acting on their own free will.

Fun fact, the SCOTUS has found that companies acting on ... BEHALF ... of a political party or from fear of it are NOT acting a lone. You're a day late and a dollar short. Maybe you should have listened to one of our prior discussions on the subject. I mean think about it, "libertarian"
I don't understand. What do you mean "control Trump"? It's true that it seems reasonable to me that the Secret Service request that guns not be allowed, but how is that "funky"?


Secret Service: Do A and B but not C or we won't protect you
dblack: See, they are acting on their own!!!!!!!

I seriously don't know what's wrong with you

I really think that's just your bias telling you that. I'm not going to bother, but I could drag up thread after thread where I'm arguing against the Dems.

Thank you, gay boy. I'll think about what you think I think for all it's worth. OK, done, ...

Bottom line, I won't get behind Trump and that makes me your enemy. Isn't that really what's going on?

You're just getting all weird and making up shit no one but you said again

Secret Service: Do A and B but not C or we won't protect you
dblack: See, they are acting on their own!!!!!!!

I seriously don't know what's wrong with you
Ditto. You don't even seem to understand my posts.
Thank you, gay boy.
LOL - nice.
I'll think about what you think I think for all it's worth. OK, done, ...
You're just getting all weird and making up shit no one but you said again
LOL - nice.

Your obsession with talking about what you think I think and what you thing I feel is straight fag, gay boy. Stop doing it and I'll stop calling you the homo queer that you are

Trump gathering with NRA is a gun free zone. You should boycott trump for banning guns.​

Wow, another weenie limp-wristed sissy TDS thread!

Image from Dreams & memories of an adult sissy named Bryce
Your obsession with talking about what you think I think and what you thing I feel is straight fag, gay boy. Stop doing it and I'll stop calling you the homo queer that you are
I don't mind. You call me all kinds of goofy shit. ;)
Guns for civilians are banned.

The SS were the one who requested the NRA to keep firearms out of the Trump meeting the rest of the convention still allows firearms.

I pointed this out quoting from the posted article:

"You can have your gun at other events during the three-day convention; but if you attend the forum with Trump, NRA’s Executive Vice President, NRA-ILA’s Executive Director, and “our nation’s top Second Amendment supporters,” per NRA’s event announcement, then you will be prohibited from exercising your God-given, Second Amendment right to bear arms."


"The NRA also makes clear that there will be “no storage available for firearms.” For the record, the NRA also banned guns when Trump and Mike Pence were scheduled to speak at their 2018 convention, again citing the Secret Service’s wishes. Seems to me like a true, gun-toting American wouldn’t let the Secret Service bully their precious gun rights—guns don’t kill people, people kill people—but what do I know?"

bolding mine


Next time read the article first.

It's pretty funny how Democrats literally have the brains of four year olds. All you want is a reaction, like you know, a four year old. And you purport to be a grown man. I know I'm giving you the reaction again, but I'm not like you. I am a grown man
It's pretty funny how Democrats literally have the brains of four year olds. All you want is a reaction, like you know, a four year old. And you purport to be a grown man. I know I'm giving you the reaction again, but I'm not like you. I am a grown man
Projection is not just a river in Egypt.

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