trump gets booster

Trump doesn't need defending. He did a great job when he was POTUS.

Bidung however has made one mess after another. He's a walking, talking disaster and everyone but you lefty loons knows it.
It's common sense if you think it's foolish to get a booster because boosters aren't necessary, then you think Donald Trump is a fool.
Or could it be that you don't think it's foolish to get a booster? You Trump supporters confused yourself.

Your side has always confused reluctance to get vaccines/boosters with reluctance to force others to get vaccines/boosters.
It's common sense if you think it's foolish to get a booster because boosters aren't necessary, then you think Donald Trump is a fool.
Or could it be that you don't think it's foolish to get a booster? You Trump supporters confused yourself.
No Dimmer....we rightly think its every individual's decision as to whether or not to get vaccinated or the booster. So what you think doesn't matter.
Former President Donald Trump and his old friend Bill O’Reilly revealed to an audience before them that they were both triple-vaccinated, which was received by a smattering of boos.

Bill O’Reilly should be lauded for his asking a question that many in conservative media circles cower from for fear of offending or even losing, an audience that is virulently against the anti-virus inoculation. And kudos to the former president for not pussy-footing around in answering, and receiving the smattering of boos with some grace and laughter.

Will this encourage you to get vaccinated?
Why would I care what Trump or O'Reilly do? They are celebs, not medical people I'd trust to discuss my health.

Be pretty dumb to follow them, IMHO.
Thanks. Your point needed reinforcing as its bullshit.

Here's a little article in which the bloated one acts like a 10-year-old when questioned about his claims of election fraud. He has absolutely no proof, yet he won't shut up about it. You should read it because it's a microcosm of his pathetic life.

The orange monster can't even count to 15 without removing a shoe yet he knows he got more votes than Biden? Sad.
The unvaccinated, when they come down with COVID (A clear majority of new cases of COVID are the unvaxed), should be denied any and all medical care. Let die for their cause. Leave their bodies unburied so the rest of can piss on them.
Your reasoning is faulty: Pfizer vaccine fails to protect the saliva, so vaxxed can spread the virus to the unvaxxed. You're not educated enough. Duh

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