trump gets booster

Trump -along with with his top aides Pence and Kushner- worked on the vax when he was in the WH.

But the problem isn't the vaccine at all, but whether it should be mandatory. The Democrats are Anti-Choice.
Otis Mayfield
Bet Trump doesn't get booed as much as Bidung does. Hell every time he appears he gets booed and hit with Fuck Joe Biden. LOL
More people would laugh at Trump if they didn't fear him. He is one of the few politicians who has a history with the mafia.
The Mafia?? Good Lord. If you believe that shit then you are dumber than dirt. LOL
That came out during his second criminal lawsuit by the city of New York or the state of New York back in 72. He didn't go to prison but three of the mafia Hitman he employed did. My sister living in Manhattan through a party because she was a victim of the first criminal case against him in 1970.
From what I just read anyone in the building industry in NY has to do business with the mob to get anything done. Trump sure ain't the only one.
From what I just read anyone in the building industry in NY has to do business with the mob to get anything done. Trump sure ain't the only one.
None of them went so far as to employ members of the mafia and intimidate their tenants in the apartment buildings they own.
a whole. lot more than "winter of death" our current president is trying to do.
Former President Donald Trump and his old friend Bill O’Reilly revealed to an audience before them that they were both triple-vaccinated, which was received by a smattering of boos.

Bill O’Reilly should be lauded for his asking a question that many in conservative media circles cower from for fear of offending or even losing, an audience that is virulently against the anti-virus inoculation. And kudos to the former president for not pussy-footing around in answering, and receiving the smattering of boos with some grace and laughter.

Will this encourage you to get vaccinated?

The unvaccinated, when they come down with COVID (A clear majority of new cases of COVID are the unvaxed), should be denied any and all medical care. Let die for their cause. Leave their bodies unburied so the rest of can piss on them.
Former President Donald Trump and his old friend Bill O’Reilly revealed to an audience before them that they were both triple-vaccinated, which was received by a smattering of boos.

Bill O’Reilly should be lauded for his asking a question that many in conservative media circles cower from for fear of offending or even losing, an audience that is virulently against the anti-virus inoculation. And kudos to the former president for not pussy-footing around in answering, and receiving the smattering of boos with some grace and laughter.

Will this encourage you to get vaccinated?
Why do you Dimmers spend all your time worrying about what other people are doing?
Former President Donald Trump and his old friend Bill O’Reilly revealed to an audience before them that they were both triple-vaccinated, which was received by a smattering of boos.

Bill O’Reilly should be lauded for his asking a question that many in conservative media circles cower from for fear of offending or even losing, an audience that is virulently against the anti-virus inoculation. And kudos to the former president for not pussy-footing around in answering, and receiving the smattering of boos with some grace and laughter.

Will this encourage you to get vaccinated?
I just think it's totally ironic. He finally does something right and some of his followers boo him. He did so many terrible things and nobody booed him.
Where the hell did I say that?
It's common sense if you think it's foolish to get a booster because boosters aren't necessary, then you think Donald Trump is a fool.
Or could it be that you don't think it's foolish to get a booster? You Trump supporters confused yourself.
It's common sense if you think it's foolish to get a booster because boosters aren't necessary, then you think Donald Trump is a fool.
Or could it be that you don't think it's foolish to get a booster? You Trump supporters confused yourself.
you are the one who is confused.
If Trump wants the booster that is his perrogative
My choice has nothing to do with Trump
Otis Mayfield
Bet Trump doesn't get booed as much as Bidung does. Hell every time he appears he gets booed and hit with Fuck Joe Biden. LOL
It's funny because every time the subject is about the bloated orange narcissist, the only reply is to shred Biden proving once again that the former occupant of the White House has no redeeming qualities.

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