Trump gets record breaking voter enthusiasm. Thanks, Nancy.

Lots of name calling in these threads of democrats being fascists, nazis, etc. by right wingers. On the other hand, witnesses not allowed to testify against trump , and the head senator mcconnel saying he gets his cues from trump on how to conduct the trial, is surely something we'd see in fascist, nazi, and authoritarian regimes.

And if we let them get away with this, the next thing you know, they'll be getting the FBI to file phony applications for surveillance warrants. Get the FBI director to tell the AG who he should not be pressing charges against. Secret meetings on planes and nobody recusing themselves. Get the IRS to hassle political foes.

We need to stop this right now in it's tracks.
I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Yeah, Dragon and Justin T on the front lines, each with a creampuff in their hands, lol. And we thought the French were bad-)
I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Who do we need defending from? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

We went to Afghanistan to defend you, and we stayed for 10 years, at great cost to our country. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.
Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Against whom? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

From whom? We went to Afghanistan to defend you. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.

The only reason you still have a country is due to the protection of the US of A you incompetent twit!

Now, where do you want us to send those creampuffs-)
Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Against whom? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

From whom? We went to Afghanistan to defend you. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.

The only reason you still have a country is due to the protection of the US of A you incompetent twit!

Now, where do you want us to send those creampuffs-)

Ah, the arrogance and stupidity of Americans when it comes to their power and their glory, knows no bounds.

You haven't done jack shit for us, except try to buy up all of our best companies, and undermine our way of life. Your tried to have our health care system declared an "unfair employer advantage" in NAFTA negotiations, and force American health care on us.

You poisoned our air leading to acid rain, nearly wiping out our maple sugar industry. Then there's the Great Lakes pollution.

Face it, you're only the 17th best country in the world to live in. We're #1, two years running.
1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Against whom? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

From whom? We went to Afghanistan to defend you. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.

The only reason you still have a country is due to the protection of the US of A you incompetent twit!

Now, where do you want us to send those creampuffs-)

Ah, the arrogance and stupidity of Americans when it comes to their power and their glory, knows no bounds.

You haven't done jack shit for us, except try to buy up all of our best companies, and undermine our way of life. Your tried to have our health care system declared an "unfair employer advantage" in NAFTA negotiations, and force American health care on us.

You poisoned our air leading to acid rain, nearly wiping out our maple sugar industry. Then there's the Great Lakes pollution.

Face it, you're only the 17th best country in the world to live in. We're #1, two years running.

And still, the only reason you even exist, is because we protect your worthless a**es, and the fact with all of our power, we leave you alone.

Even your hated Donald Trump doesn't want to invade you, even as you call him a dictator, lol. You would last 15 minutes with your creampuffs as defense, I might add.

Still, we love Canadians, we really do. Good people. If someone tried to mess with you, we would be there in an instant! And that is something you should remember.
Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Against whom? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

From whom? We went to Afghanistan to defend you. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.

The only reason you still have a country is due to the protection of the US of A you incompetent twit!

Now, where do you want us to send those creampuffs-)

Ah, the arrogance and stupidity of Americans when it comes to their power and their glory, knows no bounds.

You haven't done jack shit for us, except try to buy up all of our best companies, and undermine our way of life. Your tried to have our health care system declared an "unfair employer advantage" in NAFTA negotiations, and force American health care on us.

You poisoned our air leading to acid rain, nearly wiping out our maple sugar industry. Then there's the Great Lakes pollution.

Face it, you're only the 17th best country in the world to live in. We're #1, two years running.

And still, the only reason you even exist, is because we protect your worthless a**es, and the fact with all of our power, we leave you alone.

Even your hated Donald Trump doesn't want to invade you, even as you call him a dictator, lol. You would last 15 minutes with your creampuffs as defense, I might add.

Still, we love Canadians, we really do. Good people. If someone tried to mess with you, we would be there in an instant! And that is something you should remember.

And if you don't like that arrangement, petition your government with your arrogant mouth, to tell the USA you no longer want to be under our protective umbrella. Saves us money. Want Justins cellphone number-)

You waste countless hours on this board and you don’t even have any skin in the game?

Please don’t take offense at this, but you really need to find another hobby. You are a liberal, go feed the poor at a soup kitchen or read to blind kids or something. There has to be a better way to pass the time than griping on a messageboard about politics in a foreign nation.
Way to go, Dipsticks.

Your hateful campaign of Fascist Coups has kicked you in the face.

View attachment 306206

Keep convincing yourself that Trump is going to win. He was basically the only person running in NH, and even then he only got 85% of all of the votes. Not to mention that Trump received 115,000 votes in NH. Democrats received 258,941 votes. More than twice what Trump received.

As for the "coup", an impeachment is the opposite of a coup. An impeachment is a Constitutional process.

FOX knows how to twist and spin better than any cable network on the air.


It's Billionaire Media at it's finest. You have media controlled by the Mercers (Breitbart), the Sinclair Family (large network of local TV stations), and the Murdochs (FOX News, Wall Street Journal), all of which exist to promote the Republican agenda.

Trumpist go on and on about the MSM but the MSM isn't nearly as biased as the right lets on and unlike the mainstream right right wing media, the MSM has journalistic standards and practices to ensure that the news they publish is based on facts, not propaganda and spin.

During the Obama Administration, 70% of the MSM news show panelists and guests were Republicans critical of the Administration. Obama said as he left office that his Administration did a poor job of getting the message out and I would agree. That's why gullible fools believe that Obama was the worst President ever and left an economic mess which Trump cleaned up.

Truth matters, but when you have half of the US media refusing to tell the truth or to hold their journalists to any sort of standard of truth in their reporting, it's hard for the public to know who's lying and who isn't. Of course if Republicans told the truth about the effect of the policies they're promoting, no one would vote for them.


Can you explain the left's attempt to throw Tulsi Gabbard under the bus? And while you're at it, why they spewed Clintons lie about her being a Russian asset, without fact checking anything Hillary said. And why they ran with that story for weeks and weeks?
As much as the right wing media lies about everything, the left can hardly claim superiority on honesty and decency, when it comes to reporting anything political.
Trump Fox noise Rush Limbaugh and you are all Russian assets. Fighting the truth and believing garbage propaganda that is very little different from the garbage propaganda that comes out of Putin. Poor America.
in the meantime nato is spending more on defense and Ukraine has javelin missiles to fight russian tanks !

You waste countless hours on this board and you don’t even have any skin in the game?

Please don’t take offense at this, but you really need to find another hobby. You are a liberal, go feed the poor at a soup kitchen or read to blind kids or something. There has to be a better way to pass the time than griping on a messageboard about politics in a foreign nation.
actually its a proven fact that liberals volunteer less time and donate less money to charities than conservatives in the same income bracket !
Dimms are sooooooooo fucking stupid.

Impeachment made Biden corruption a headline for 5 months!

dumb fucks, as is anyone who votes Dimm

I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
fuck Canada ! we should tax your bitch asses for the protection weve given you for the past 100yrs ! bwaaahaaaa haaa the weak punk Canadians folded to the Philippines over garbage !
I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

There has been a lot of promises made in respect to moving to Canada. I have yet to see one person fulfill their promise.

We can only hope.
As if it is easy to move to any of these countries. They don't want Americans they think we're crazy at this point LOL. at any rate to move to Canada or anywhere else you need to either be a doctor or millionaire or married to a citizen. Let's try cleaning up America which is absolutely gone to hell the last 35 years top giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Now we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world by far and in our history oh, and we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity Tama great infrastructure and vacations by the scumbag GOP and its brainwashed dupes. And what the hell is t a m a. Half the time the stupid cell phone says that instead of Tama IE c o m m a. And unless you know already we have a flat tax system in this country now if you count all taxes, a GOP disgrace among all the others. Only pure propaganda makes this possible
clean up America ?? i agree ! you can start by grabbing a shovel and scooping up the shit in your left wing cities !
Dimms are sooooooooo fucking stupid.

Impeachment made Biden corruption a headline for 5 months!

dumb fucks, as is anyone who votes Dimm

I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
there is on big reason and one reason only your country has the resources to pay for all of that ! and it's the US military the most powerful military force on earth that would come to your aid if you were attacked ! yall dont pay a dime for that !! you should !
Last edited:
I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.
yeah they should spend 800 billion a yr on defense ! and then they can talk crap about how great they have it !
Lots of name calling in these threads of democrats being fascists, nazis, etc. by right wingers. On the other hand, witnesses not allowed to testify against trump , and the head senator mcconnel saying he gets his cues from trump on how to conduct the trial, is surely something we'd see in fascist, nazi, and authoritarian regimes.

And if we let them get away with this, the next thing you know, they'll be getting the FBI to file phony applications for surveillance warrants. Get the FBI director to tell the AG who he should not be pressing charges against. Secret meetings on planes and nobody recusing themselves. Get the IRS to hassle political foes.

We need to stop this right now in it's tracks.
if we let them get away with it they will target average Americans if the left gets in power again !
I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
there is on big reason and reason only your country has the resources to pay for all of that ! and it's the US military the most powerful military force on earth that would come to your aid if you were attacked ! yall dont pay a dime for that !! you should !

You should be paying US for the 10 years spent in
Dimms are sooooooooo fucking stupid.

Impeachment made Biden corruption a headline for 5 months!

dumb fucks, as is anyone who votes Dimm

I'm more than happy to have Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren all go away. No more 70+ year old Presidents. How can you move into the 21st Century economy on these old failed ideas? Sanders just had a heart attack for fuck's sake.

Trump is the worst businessman in American history. No one has lost more money and gone bankrupt more often than Trump businesses. American banks still won't lend him money. And this is the guy you have running the economy. Dumb and Dumber.

Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
fuck Canada ! we should tax your bitch asses for the protection weve given you for the past 100yrs ! bwaaahaaaa haaa the weak punk Canadians folded to the Philippines over garbage !

Afghanistan on your dumb war, and all of the lives lost. You have not defended Canada. No one has ever attacked Canada except the USA. We don't go around messing in other countries business, and trying to subvert local governments which is why YOU have so many enemies the world over. Name one country that would have attacked us if not for you.

As for our garbage, we shouldn't be inflicting it on Third World countries in the first place.

So stop pretending you're doing ANYTHING for us, except trying to screw us over.
Yeah, the dumb business man who made you Canucks come to the table and kiss our a** on the trade deal we wanted.

No wonder you despise the man------------->he made good ole Justin look weaker than the President of Mexico-)

Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Who do we need defending from? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

We went to Afghanistan to defend you, and we stayed for 10 years, at great cost to our country. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.
are you actually trying to say that we couldnt kick isis ass without your 800 or 900 troops that you sent as a political gesture of support ! you dont have an army ! your country is weak ! we protect you you dont protect us ! we are the reason you havent been attacked in over 200 yrs ! the American people should demand payment from canada [spelled with a lower case c] for that protection !
1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Against whom? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

From whom? We went to Afghanistan to defend you. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.

The only reason you still have a country is due to the protection of the US of A you incompetent twit!

Now, where do you want us to send those creampuffs-)

Ah, the arrogance and stupidity of Americans when it comes to their power and their glory, knows no bounds.

You haven't done jack shit for us, except try to buy up all of our best companies, and undermine our way of life. Your tried to have our health care system declared an "unfair employer advantage" in NAFTA negotiations, and force American health care on us.

You poisoned our air leading to acid rain, nearly wiping out our maple sugar industry. Then there's the Great Lakes pollution.

Face it, you're only the 17th best country in the world to live in. We're #1, two years running.
we should invade canada [spelled with a lower case c] beat you down and enslave your population and make you work in the maple sugar industry ! free maple syrup for our pancakes ! free syrup for a real country provided by the enslaved population of an amateur country like canada !
Boy, you have really drunk the Kool-Aid. Canadians are smiling over the revised trade deal. We've been asking for the amendment for years. Best of all, the dispute resolution tribunal, which Canada has used to protect our softwood lumber sales, has been confirmed and strengthened, and the long running dispute has been settled - in Canada's favour.

Trudeau was smiling when were done because he cleaned Dumb Donald's clock. Remember when Trump falsely claimed to have a trade deficit with Canada, when in fact you had a surplus? Well, now you really do have a deficit with Canada.

Look at the trade deficit in manufactured goods between Canada. It was $11 billion when Trump was inaugurated. Now it's $27 billion. And that gap will continue to widen because Dumb Donald is the worst negotiator ever!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

1. It hasn't even taken affect yet, so keep spinning, lol.

2. Look at your own graphs and look at years passed. Way higher!

3. Justin sure did convince you IC, lol. Now we are going to clean your clocks; and no, ya can't come and immigrate here.

On another not, I have 2 friends across from me that insist that they are going to Canada if Trump is re-elected. They told me this the night before last. My only response was to start singing the Canadian National Anthem which I know well from hockey games, and begged them to take Rosie Odonnell with them when they left-)

Take a look at December's numbers. After the deal was passed by the House and Senate. Biggest Canadian surplus ever.

I've turned down numerous offers to move to the USA. Travel to the US made me NEVER want to live there. It's a dirty country. Your cities are filthy. There are horrific slums. Nobody from the first world is emigrating the to US.

Where I live, it's clean and beautiful. As a retiree, I have guaranteed income, indexed to inflation, so if my pension fund were to go broke, I would still have enough to live on. After working for close to 50 years, my income is well above the guaranteed income amount. I also have fully funded health care, dental, and other tax benefits available to me.

But best of all, my country hasn't fallen under the sway of an ignorant, vindictive conman who is destroying the country for his own benefit.
I like your nation. But the United States needs to stop defending you. Defend yourselves.

Who do we need defending from? The last time anyone attacked Canada was 1812, and it was the USA who attacked us. When has the USA ever defended Canada?

We went to Afghanistan to defend you, and we stayed for 10 years, at great cost to our country. We fought ISIS to defend you, and you hung our troops out to dry when you pulled out of Syria, and attacked the Iranian Military commander.

We've come to YOUR rescue countless times, so with all due respect - go fuck yourself.
are you actually trying to say that we couldnt kick isis ass without your 800 or 900 troops that you sent as a political gesture of support ! you dont have an army ! your country is weak ! we protect you you dont protect us ! we are the reason you havent been attacked in over 200 yrs ! the American people should demand payment from canada [spelled with a lower case c] for that protection !

I'm still waiting for that list of countries you saved us from.

As for our "weak" army, you should ask the Dutch. They credit the Canadian forces with liberating Holland. Every year they send us thousands of tulips to say thank you.

We have no need to spend a fortune on military for the same reason every Canadian household doesn't have guns. Canadians are not a fearful people.

I'll wait on that list of Canada's enemies that you've saved us from. Until then, you're just another lying American gasbag who thinks his shit doesn't stink.

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