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Trump Given Several Chances to Walk Back Praise of Putin - He Declines

This should come as no surprise. When someone idolizes murderous tyrants like Kim and Putin, no amount of civilian casualties, or any other images and testimonies of the human carnage of the Ukraine war, would convince this sociopath to change his mind.

Fox’s Sean Hannity set Trump up multiple times during the 30-minute exchange to criticize Putin, but the former president didn’t go along. He instead touted his relationships with Putin, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Xi Jinping of China.
Quite right. "Never apologize, never explain," as British Prime Minister Disraeli once said. He was correct: apologizing is stupid and just sets you up to be destroyed by your enemies. Mean what you say for a change! Stand by your words. These cowards who run around always apologizing and hoping to get out of trouble that way invariably ARE destroyed by the people pushing them to apologize.

Trump understands this and I love that.
Thank you for your kind words and you could be right.
What i do know is the 81 million people didn't think he was a great potus and those who changed to democrat will not be changing again.
In the end, it will be freedom and democracy which wins wars, that's Biden. It always does.
So continue with your childish put downs of Biden if you like but it won't change anything
What you know is nonsense----Biden's votes were fraudulent--a whole bunch of cheating going on. This said----mobs never make one thing right or not. Right is right---mindless mobs are mindless mobs.

Biden is senile and corrupt (his actions make sense if you keep in mind that CHINA owns him outright)---his generals are woke pieces of corrupt shit. Milley and Austin are awful. I doubt between the two of them that either could find his ass with map and flashlight. Freedom and Democracy doesn't win wars----You just wanted to toss in the phase because you think that it emotionally manipulates others and you are trying to associate shit for brains and shit in his pants biden with this phrase. Lots of luck on that if you think it works. Biden has sold out america for decades--he couldn't give a shit about Freedom or Democracy.
Putin didn't invade shit during Trumps term.

We are currently on pace for WWIII due to the Potato.

End Thread.
What you know is nonsense----Biden's votes were fraudulent--a whole bunch of cheating going on. This said----mobs never make one thing right or not. Right is right---mindless mobs are mindless mobs.
Now matter how much you lie, it won't make your lie come true.

You either have evidence, or you don't.

You don't.

You lose. Again.
There is no doubt that Putin has been devoted to Russia his entire life. His actions to reconstitute the Soviet Union are understandable in the context of calling that dissolution the great tragedy of the 20th century. After all, those who hold as heroes the men the fought to preserve the union.. it is the breakaway states that are the traitors.

That Putin loves the Russian people is not in dispute. Has he opened the borders of Russia to criminal invaders and demanded that Russians both support the invaders AND be willing victims to their crimes? Has he developed a racial two tiered criminal justice systems that permits crimes committed by blacks? Has Putin allowed the youngest Russiabs to become debauched and molested by teachers and counselors? Has he stopped the grooming of young children by depraved perverts?

Putin for all his viciousness, thuggishness, cruelty and violence is still a better human being and a better leader than democrats.
Spoken like a true sock puppet
This should come as no surprise. When someone idolizes murderous tyrants like Kim and Putin, no amount of civilian casualties, or any other images and testimonies of the human carnage of the Ukraine war, would convince this sociopath to change his mind.

Myah Ward
Thu, March 10, 2022, 9:59 PM

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday was given several chances during a Fox News interview to reject autocrats and walk back his praise for President Vladimir Putin of Russia but didn’t.

Fox’s Sean Hannity set Trump up multiple times during the 30-minute exchange to criticize Putin, but the former president didn’t go along. He instead touted his relationships with Putin, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Xi Jinping of China.
Trump came under fire last month for describing Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” keeping in line with his tendency to speak favorably of the Russian leader. Even House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Trump ally, broke with the former president this week, saying there was nothing “savvy or genius” about Putin. McCarthy went on to say that Putin was “evil,” condemning a war that has already left hundreds of civilians dead in Ukraine.

Hannity not once, but twice, brought up the blowback to Trump’s comments.

“I think you also recognize he’s evil, do you not?” the Fox host said.

Trump again didn’t go that far, but Hannity gave it another try.

So glad we have a president who calls Putin out for what he is, instead of these Right-wing apologists; Morning Joe | MSNBC Morning Joe Live with Joe Scarborough
Putin's Proxy Culture War:

Given the stakes, it’s alarming to Leshchenko to hear influential Americans repeating Russian talking points. “You maybe know this Georgia congresswoman, Marjorie Greene?” he asked, and then mentioned a recent floor speech in which Greene speculated that bioweapons labs in Ukraine could end up killing people.

Last week, further juicing the conspiracy theory, the Russian government linked the alleged biolabs to Hunter Biden and George Soros. On Thursday, Tucker Carlson picked up the Hunter Biden story line. (America has funded programs in Ukraine to secure labs studying pathogens and toxins, sometimes for vaccine development, and to watch for disease outbreaks.)

There is, said Leshchenko, a pattern to Russian disinformation campaigns. This one started, he said, with anonymous social media accounts. Then it was propagated by Russian propaganda outfits like Russia Today, followed by Russian officials like Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Vladimir Putin himself. Finally it went global. In information warfare, Leshchenko said, it helps to have “international recognition” of fictitious claims. Elements of the American right were happy to supply it.

Russia’s war on Ukraine has for the moment led many Republicans to rediscover their inner Cold Warriors. But pro-Putin sentiment — or, at least, anti-anti-Putin sentiment — remains strong on parts of the right. As NBC’s Ben Collins and Kevin Collier reported, “The biolab conspiracy theory has taken over as the prevailing narrative on pro-Trump and QAnon websites like The Great Awakening and Patriots.”

That conservatives want Trump to be president again illustrates that Republicans have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.
Look at your senile fool's sliding ever downward approval ratings, speaking of contempt
for sound responsible governance.
Joe's time as president has resembled a free fall amusement park ride and after the euphoria
of engineering the presidency to the heights the abrupt free fall drop has been problematic
to say the least for the administration that couldn't get things right at all...like Biden trying
to remember who the people in his own cabinet are.

"President Biden's approval rating dropped to 40 percent this week, according to a Reuters-Ipsos poll, an all-time low for the president in that survey. Joe and the left have been living in a fool's paradise
but soon enough the bills all come due.

The survey showed that Biden had a 54 percent disapproval rating amid high inflation and tensions caused by Moscow's deadly invasion of Ukraine, according to Reuters.

Biden's latest approval ratings mark a 3 point drop from the prior week, and they have been on a steady decline since mid-August when COVID-19 deaths started to increase and the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan."

Since you weren't bright enough to avoid comparisons between Trump, who I personally think
isn't a God but certainly a step up the evolutionary ladder from the corrupt idiocy of Joe Biden,
(not that a chimp wouldn't do just as well) I have to think you just aren't bright enough yourself to be commenting at all on the matter.

And I hope Crack-head Hunter Biden has embezzled lots of money away from all the pretend jobs
his pedophile father set up for him.
Joe will soon enough be out of a job himself.
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How do you expect anyone to give your opinion legitimacy when you say that? That is exclusive to the Trump cult, but a break from reality for the reality based community.
Reality? What do you know about that?
Did Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was in office?
Yes or no?
How do you expect anyone to give your opinion legitimacy when you say that? That is exclusive to the Trump cult, but a break from reality for the reality based community.
Other people, especially dumbasses like you, don't give my opinion legitimacy.
If a latter-day Gutzon Borglum defaces another mountain, you may well get your monument to Donny Trump, Frank Underwoord, Josiah Bartlet, and John P. Wintergreen.

Maybe it could overlook the Rio Grande and be paid for by Mexico!
Putin did not invade Ukraine when Barack Obama was in office, when Hu Jintao was in office, when Angela Merkel was in office, when Theresa May was in office, or when Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson was in office.

He did invade Ukraine when Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in office.
Crimea isn't part of Ukraine?
Crimea isn't part of Ukraine?
A 2019 survey with a response rate of 54% indicated a majority of Crimean residents support Russian governance.

A 2019 survey with a response rate of 54% indicated a majority of Crimean residents support Russian governance.

Crimea is part of Ukraine. It doesn't matter what the popular opinion about it is.
No surprise there.

You see it right here on USMB via his legion of wanna-be disciples.
You're mistaken. We like Trump, but many of us believe in Jesus Christ. I wonder why you lefties frequently make gross errors in judgment when it comes to Christian disciples you do not understand. Poor lefties. Http: Try to get spelling, after-the-rain cool breezes in the music room You gave us a lot of picures, wut the truth came out.

I'm sleepy and had a long day studying Spanich. Good night, everybody. :thup: Pray for the children trapped in Ukraine. Good evening. :bigbed: Bless the beasts and the children, O Lord our God. Amen.
Crimea isn't part of Ukraine?
Moscow hastily organized a referendum on March 16, 2014, to give the takeover of the peninsula a veneer of legitimacy. According to the official results, 97 percent of Crimeans voted to join Russia. Much of the international community, however, considered the referendum a sham, conducted at the barrel of a gun. In this view, Crimea did not freely join Russia; it was annexed.

The coot in post #117 says that now, with Russia in charge and holding all the guns, most of the former
citizens of Ukraine say they all love Russia now. Isn't that remarkable? What with their nation being attacked
and overrun by Putin and the Russians.
Most people will say shit tastes great... when they are told to and have no other choice.

And some people, like the lying old coot in #117, will suspend disbelief and parrot whatever they are instructed to and agree that, indeed, shit does taste good!

But that is just some gullible dumb fucks.
By the way this same dull witted clown said the Putin did NOT invade Ukraine and annex Crimea when
Barack Obama was president.

I was waiting for a retraction but I guess that will never happen so let me state he (the fool) has been
consistently wrong on most things and in particular whether Ukrainians like Russians stealing large
chunks of their nation and who the US president that put up zero resistance was when Putin marched
in and stole Crimea in February of 2014.
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