Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham's Cell Phone Number in Televised Speech

Refusing to apologize is one thing, but continuing to act like a child is something very different. If Obama pulled this shit you people would not shut the fuck about it and you know it. Instead, you think this assclown desperate for attention is some kind of Messiah.
The panic is setting in.with you too, I see. :lol:
On the contrary, i am excited. The higher he is in the polls among republicans the better. He is going to torpedo the first debate. Once the dust is settled we won't know what happened. His knuckle dragging ranting is going to bring down the entire GOP campaign and Hillary will get a boost in the polls.

Are you so naive to believe independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
Sure, buddy. That's why you're in panic mode. If you weren't, you would be praising him so you could have your dream candidate. We see through you and your nervous laughter. :lol:
It's a pretty simple question: are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
It's a rhetorical question.
We both know you are avoiding the question.
The panic is setting in.with you too, I see. :lol:
On the contrary, i am excited. The higher he is in the polls among republicans the better. He is going to torpedo the first debate. Once the dust is settled we won't know what happened. His knuckle dragging ranting is going to bring down the entire GOP campaign and Hillary will get a boost in the polls.

Are you so naive to believe independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
Sure, buddy. That's why you're in panic mode. If you weren't, you would be praising him so you could have your dream candidate. We see through you and your nervous laughter. :lol:
It's a pretty simple question: are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
It's a rhetorical question.
We both know you are avoiding the question.
I always avoid rhetorical questions. They're not really questions, they're statements.
Refusing to apologize is one thing, but continuing to act like a child is something very different. If Obama pulled this shit you people would not shut the fuck about it and you know it. Instead, you think this assclown desperate for attention is some kind of Messiah.
The panic is setting in.with you too, I see. :lol:
On the contrary, i am excited. The higher he is in the polls among republicans the better. He is going to torpedo the first debate. Once the dust is settled we won't know what happened. His knuckle dragging ranting is going to bring down the entire GOP campaign and Hillary will get a boost in the polls.

Are you so naive to believe independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
Sure, buddy. That's why you're in panic mode. If you weren't, you would be praising him so you could have your dream candidate. We see through you and your nervous laughter. :lol:
It's a pretty simple question: are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?

Yes, I think the will, especially if the Hillary is the alternative. Even Democrats want the border sealed.
Lol are you this delusional? Say what you want about Hillary's chances, but to suggest this drama queen has any chances of taking of the White House is completely whack o. He has absolutely nothing to talk about besides Mexicans, his wealth, and the McCain/Graham butt buddy circus. Why? Because he knows jack shit about politics and the function of govenment. He will completely unravel come debate time. You know, the real issues?
On the contrary, i am excited. The higher he is in the polls among republicans the better. He is going to torpedo the first debate. Once the dust is settled we won't know what happened. His knuckle dragging ranting is going to bring down the entire GOP campaign and Hillary will get a boost in the polls.

Are you so naive to believe independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
Sure, buddy. That's why you're in panic mode. If you weren't, you would be praising him so you could have your dream candidate. We see through you and your nervous laughter. :lol:
It's a pretty simple question: are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
It's a rhetorical question.
We both know you are avoiding the question.
I always avoid rhetorical questions. They're not really questions, they're statements.
But you already know I asked a direct question. You can't answer it can you?

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.
Sure, buddy. That's why you're in panic mode. If you weren't, you would be praising him so you could have your dream candidate. We see through you and your nervous laughter. :lol:
It's a pretty simple question: are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
It's a rhetorical question.
We both know you are avoiding the question.
I always avoid rhetorical questions. They're not really questions, they're statements.
But you already know I asked a direct question. You can't answer it can you?
Sorry, loser, but "are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?" is a rhetorical question.
Sure, buddy. That's why you're in panic mode. If you weren't, you would be praising him so you could have your dream candidate. We see through you and your nervous laughter. :lol:
It's a pretty simple question: are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
It's a rhetorical question.
We both know you are avoiding the question.
I always avoid rhetorical questions. They're not really questions, they're statements.
But you already know I asked a direct question. You can't answer it can you?

They won't even think about it. As of course they know the answer.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.
Says the sycophant who regurgitates every talking point programmed into them by the left wing media and Democratic Party.
It's a pretty simple question: are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?
It's a rhetorical question.
We both know you are avoiding the question.
I always avoid rhetorical questions. They're not really questions, they're statements.
But you already know I asked a direct question. You can't answer it can you?
Sorry, loser, but "are you so naive to think independents and democrats will vote for this clown?" is a rhetorical question.
That's what i thought.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.

How soon some forget our POW HERO'S!


Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.
Says the sycophant who regurgitates every talking point programmed into them by the left wing media and Democratic Party.

Of the two of us, I can answer such a simple question. Yet it stumps you cold. You won't touch it. You won't think about it. You close your eyes and pretend the world disappears.

Sigh...alas, just because you won't think about an issue doesn't mean the issue magically disappears. And Trump is polling worst against Hillary of any major republican candidate. Why? Because the independents and democrats are included in the polling rather than just republicans.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It really won't matter.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.
Says the sycophant who regurgitates every talking point programmed into them by the left wing media and Democratic Party.

Of the two of us, I can answer such a simple question. Yet it stumps you cold. You won't touch it. You won't think about it. You close your eyes and pretend the world disappears.

Sigh...alas, just because you won't think about an issue doesn't mean the issue magically disappears. And Trump is polling worst against Hillary of any major republican candidate. Why? Because the independents and democrats are included in the polling rather than just republicans.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It really won't matter.
For somebody who claims to want Trump to be the nominee so badly they can taste it, you sure are struggling to convince conservatives not to support him. Do you really think no one can see your desperation? :lol:

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Most of the time you do make stuff up. That doesn't mean accidentally put truth here sometimes.

Lindsay Graham is scum. Good for Trump.

If trump is stupid enough and has no sense of privacy or keeping a secret, what secrets would he tell putin or terrorists about America?

If trump is going to stab a fellow republican in the back that way, how will he stab America in the back?

You don't seem to have any capability of thinking past your own selfish wants.

He already told the world how he was going to defeat ISIS.
shhh, but its a secret!!
Hand out his bad hairstyle tips?

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.
Says the sycophant who regurgitates every talking point programmed into them by the left wing media and Democratic Party.

Of the two of us, I can answer such a simple question. Yet it stumps you cold. You won't touch it. You won't think about it. You close your eyes and pretend the world disappears.

Sigh...alas, just because you won't think about an issue doesn't mean the issue magically disappears. And Trump is polling worst against Hillary of any major republican candidate. Why? Because the independents and democrats are included in the polling rather than just republicans.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It really won't matter.
For somebody who claims to want Trump to be the nominee so badly they can taste it, you sure are struggling to convince conservatives not to support him. Do you really think no one can see your desperation? :lol:

I want to see him become the GOP nominee because neither independents nor liberals are going to vote for him in sufficient numbers. I think Trump is the best candidate for the GOP, reflecting their temperament, their values and their message.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.
Says the sycophant who regurgitates every talking point programmed into them by the left wing media and Democratic Party.

Of the two of us, I can answer such a simple question. Yet it stumps you cold. You won't touch it. You won't think about it. You close your eyes and pretend the world disappears.

Sigh...alas, just because you won't think about an issue doesn't mean the issue magically disappears. And Trump is polling worst against Hillary of any major republican candidate. Why? Because the independents and democrats are included in the polling rather than just republicans.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It really won't matter.
For somebody who claims to want Trump to be the nominee so badly they can taste it, you sure are struggling to convince conservatives not to support him. Do you really think no one can see your desperation? :lol:

I want to see him become the GOP nominee because neither independents nor liberals are going to vote for him in sufficient numbers. I think Trump is the best candidate for the GOP, reflecting their temperament, their values and their message.
Really? So why are you trying to tear him down instead of building him up the way you libs did with McCain?
This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.
Says the sycophant who regurgitates every talking point programmed into them by the left wing media and Democratic Party.

Of the two of us, I can answer such a simple question. Yet it stumps you cold. You won't touch it. You won't think about it. You close your eyes and pretend the world disappears.

Sigh...alas, just because you won't think about an issue doesn't mean the issue magically disappears. And Trump is polling worst against Hillary of any major republican candidate. Why? Because the independents and democrats are included in the polling rather than just republicans.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It really won't matter.
For somebody who claims to want Trump to be the nominee so badly they can taste it, you sure are struggling to convince conservatives not to support him. Do you really think no one can see your desperation? :lol:

I want to see him become the GOP nominee because neither independents nor liberals are going to vote for him in sufficient numbers. I think Trump is the best candidate for the GOP, reflecting their temperament, their values and their message.
Really? So why are you trying to tear him down instead of building him up the way you libs did with McCain?

How could I tear him down? Its not like you or your ilk take into account his electability or if democrats, independants or liberals will vote for him.....despite this group making up the majority of the electorate. For fuck's sake, you won't even discuss the topic, refusing to acknowledge it even exists.

How then can any fact I reveal have the slightest impact on people like you that don't use facts? That's the beauty of the situation. There's nothing your ilk won't ignore, no red flags you won't ignore, no obvious pitfalls that you won't close your eyes to.

So I can point, laugh and egg you on. And all you'll ever hear is the egging you on.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.

The most funny thing about them defending what trump said and them attacking mccain, is that a short 7 years ago they were HUGE mccain supporters in the 2008 election. They all defended him and voted for him.

Now they're attacking him.

Shows they don't bother to learn about those they vote for. As long as they have an R after their name, that's all they care about.

They are so stupid and have absolutely no substance at all.
Says the sycophant who regurgitates every talking point programmed into them by the left wing media and Democratic Party.

Of the two of us, I can answer such a simple question. Yet it stumps you cold. You won't touch it. You won't think about it. You close your eyes and pretend the world disappears.

Sigh...alas, just because you won't think about an issue doesn't mean the issue magically disappears. And Trump is polling worst against Hillary of any major republican candidate. Why? Because the independents and democrats are included in the polling rather than just republicans.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It really won't matter.
For somebody who claims to want Trump to be the nominee so badly they can taste it, you sure are struggling to convince conservatives not to support him. Do you really think no one can see your desperation? :lol:

I want to see him become the GOP nominee because neither independents nor liberals are going to vote for him in sufficient numbers. I think Trump is the best candidate for the GOP, reflecting their temperament, their values and their message.
Really? So why are you trying to tear him down instead of building him up the way you libs did with McCain?

How could I tear him down? Its not like you or your ilk take into account his electability or if democrats, independants or liberals will vote for him.....despite this group making up the majority of the electorate. For fuck's sake, you won't even discuss the topic, refusing to acknowledge it even exists.

How then can any fact I reveal have the slightest impact on people like you that don't use facts? That's the beauty of the situation. There's nothing your ilk won't ignore, no red flags you won't ignore, no obvious pitfalls that you won't close your eyes to.

So I can point, laugh and egg you on. And all you'll ever hear is the egging you on.
Oh, I guess I'm supposed to thank you for trying to help me see the error of my ways and rebuke Trump. Your concern for the success of the Republican Party is touching, indeed. :lol:

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.
Until he loses, Trump can do no wrong.

This is like an experiment in the abdication of reason and thought. Some of our posters hitch their wagon to a particular candidate.....and then let that candidate do their thinking for them. Its comic to watch them try to justify, even adopt whatever random idiocy comes pouring out of their favored candidate's mouth.

I mean, attacking the war record of prisoners of war? That's just stupid. Yet now they have to ape it. As they do anything else he says.

The most funny thing about them defending what trump said and them attacking mccain, is that a short 7 years ago they were HUGE mccain supporters in the 2008 election. They all defended him and voted for him.

Now they're attacking him.

Shows they don't bother to learn about those they vote for. As long as they have an R after their name, that's all they care about.

They are so stupid and have absolutely no substance at all.
Pretty funny coming from a lefty who praised McCain in the primary, then turned on him in the general. My question is why aren't you doing the same thing with Trump if he is the one you really want to run against Hillary?

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