Trump goes limp on 'The Wall' and mass deportation

your efforts to transform the political system into nothing more than an obsession with penis, that's called faggotry, and america has had about enough of it.
His base will shrink like his dick.
No it won't. The thing about rubes is that they HATE to admit they have been conned. Their egos can't take it.

The more a mark has invested his belief system in a huckster, the less likely they are going to admit the huckster is a huckster.

I've seen it a million times with the clients of psychics and mediums.

Actually, being reluctant to admit being wrong is a basic human trait that cuts across all demographic lines.

For you to state otherwise is to show that you are ignorant of how people think.
I never said otherwise. You made that up in your head.

When you specify "rubes" a bigoted slur on your part, btw, you imply that their behavior is different from others.

If that was not your intent, you should state so now.
A rube is the term I use for any dipshit who bleevs the bullshit a huckster or propaganda outlet is peddling.

Get over yourself.

No one is immune to propaganda.

Believing your self above it is just self deception.
OP didn't want to highlight this part of the quote. These are the types of things the subversives gladly overlook:

"We have gang members, we have killers, we have a lot of bad people that have to get out of this country"
Trump led the rubes to bleev he was going to deport all 11 million illegals, not just the "bad people".

Just ask them. The rubes sure started enough topics and made enough posts about Trump fixing to deport all 11 million.

Are you going to start pretending you all have amnesia now?

Let me give you goldfish some samples to remind you:

Operation Wetback

Trump Reinitiating The 1790 Naturalization Act And 'Operation Wetback' Can Make America Great Again

Trump states the obvious. - All illegals have to go

From the op.

"The first thing we’re gonna do, if and when I win"

From Merriam-webster

First:: preceding all others in time, order, or importance: as
Trump has reneged on everything the rubes fell in love with him for. They loved him for his Muslim ban and for deporting all the Mexicans.

The rubes were conned.

But even though Trump has been shown to have lied about EVERYTHING HE EVER SAID, they will still defend him tooth and nail.

It's fucking weird, but not that unusual. I've seen it a million times with the clients of psychics and mediums.

Really? You've personally "seen"/ know MILLIONS of clients of psychics and mediums?


Lefties just say stuff. THey don't mean nothing by it.
Trump just admitted his entire immigration posture is a big scam

Asked directly by O’Reilly whether he is “really rethinking your mass deportation strategy,” Trump replied: “I just want to follow the law. What I’m doing is following the law….We’re going to obey the existing laws.” Trump added:

“The first thing we’re gonna do, if and when I win, is we’re gonna get rid of all the bad ones. We have gang members, we have killers, we have a lot of bad people that have to get out of this country…they’re gonna be out of this country so fast your head will spin. We have existing laws that allow you to do that. As far as everybody else, we’re going to go through the process. What people don’t know is that Obama got tremendous numbers of people out of the country. Bush, the same thing. Lots of people were brought out of the country with the existing laws. Well, I’m going to do the same thing.”

His base will shrink like his dick.
His base looks as ridiculous as Trump.
i told wonderful donald at the rally in austin not to change his position and he said of course i wont change my position!

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